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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by tentus on 01/02/2005 08:19, 45 messages, last message: 03/17/2005 03:28, 27323 views, last view: 06/17/2024 05:16

So I've made a new mod of Cube over the last few months (though I'm not sure if it's really termed a mod- none of my recoding efforts have been successful, so it's running on the original engine.)

The driving concept is that the classic Nintendo series, the Legend of Zelda, rocked in it's day, but it could rock even more if translated over into a first person shooter. Beyond that, it's just me teaching myself how Cube works.

LoZ:Cube has very few maps in it to date, but does have a good number of new models, a small small number of new textures (mostly i'm relying on ikbase, dg, and techsoc1) and some handy MIDI files. Not much to look at yet, but hey, it's a beta. Anyone who wants to use my stuff is free to, so even if you don't play my game you may want to download it for the models. (it's only a 10.5 Meg RAR)

LoZ:Cube is at . If you don't have WinRAR, run by rarlabs.com and download their stuff.

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#4: Re: ..

by Jcdpc Mozilla_is_teh_cookie_monster on 01/02/2005 18:36, refers to #3

a few large dark bkue lights works well.

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#5: Room over room

by innovati on 01/02/2005 19:07

Hey, if you go over to DCP's site (http://cube.dietmarpier.de I think) there is an item undre the tiems section that is textureless empty space, by filling a room with it, you can then make another room on top of it. It is a little tricky, but it should work just fine.

As for the idea of a hack-and-slash...I doubt you'll get much help here - I tried to get some help making an action/RPG based off of cube some time ago, and got turned down and insulted. I turned to quake-based engines and I'm very glad of it.

I am thinking of making a cube mod (actually what I came here to post about) that would take cube and see how close we cam make it to doom3 - but until the programmers add support for more advanced models we're very limited...

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#6: Re: Room over room

by tentus on 01/02/2005 23:56, refers to #5

i'm not sure what you are trying to impart in your first paragraph- if you're refering to dcp's block models, yes, i'm well aware of them- i've taken the idea and worked it quite a bit. look in packages/models/blocks/ to see what i mean.

making a hack/slasher is not really the idea of what i'm doing, though i'm certainly heading that general direction.

ordinarily, i'd be the first to help you with the sci-fi mod, but LoZ:Cube, obviously, has got my spare time completely consumed. feel free to use anything that make though.

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#7: willing to help

by Jcdpc Mozilla_is_teh_cookie_monster on 01/03/2005 21:27, refers to #6

hey, are you still working on this? I have some mapping and modeling and texture-making skills, and i want to see this mod happen. Im working on something else right now that i cant really tell you about, so i wont guarentee anything, but I will help you whenever there are slow spots in my other projects.

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#8: ..

by tentus on 01/04/2005 00:37

ja i'm still working on it- and i'm completely open to any help anyone can offer.

This is actually a great way for newbies to start mapping. Grab a screenshot map of one of the old 2D dungeons, assume that a single tile in LOZ = ~4 cubes, and go! Make a close copy and then let the creative judgement take over.

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#9: how often is good form?

by tentus on 01/06/2005 01:24

i was wondering if there's some sort of etiquette that people generally follow, as to the minimum amount of time between mod releases. I'm almost at the point where what i as the developer have is incomparable to the first release.

i don't want to make too many releases and force my players to keep downloading what i've done, but then again i don't want to leave them wanting for what i have. any advice, aard, pushplay?

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#10: Re: how often is good form?

by pushplay on 01/06/2005 05:33, refers to #9

I think the ideal length of time between releases is function of: features, dl size, and time from the last release. The longer ago it was the fewer features it takes to justify an update. But if you have a few significant updates and you're just replacing the exe, it's small and worthwhile. Show-stopper bugs should always be fixed and released asap.

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#11: ..

by tentus on 01/08/2005 23:35

what if you suddenly realized that the lighting in multiplayer sucks so bad your better off with the mipmapper on? 8(
i need to play my own game more often.

So I suppose I'll have to post a package containing the fixed maps and a few other bug fixes (sorry linux users, it took me forever to catch the MD2 vs md2 bug). I'll announce it in a few days when i gets uploaded, it should be really small but gratifying.

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#12: Update Patch Release

by tentus_school on 01/19/2005 18:52

OK, so I've visually updated every element of the game, fixed and added to the levels (most importantly a tutorial SP for newcomers). Most importantly I've replaced the items and ogro sprite, which completely changes the feel of multiplayer. I've also fixed the menus, documentation, and learned a few things about writing batch files (one step closer to c++).

Remember that anything I make is open to the public to use. Other contributors may have different policies, but I don't care; someone else making a MOD is welcome to download LoZ:Cube just for my models etc.

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#13: New Linux installation script!

by loz-linuxizer on 01/29/2005 02:59

Hello all,
I'm the guy mirroring LoZ-Cube on my server and when I can remember to I keep the game server running on the same machine (I swear I won't forget anymore now that I put it in .fluxbox/startup haha).
Just dropping in to say that I have written a very simple bash script as a Linux installer at ftp://gentoobox.rh.ncsu.edu/LOZ-Cube/0.2/lozcube-linux-installer . It automagically downloads, unzips, and installs LoZ-Cube, and also asks you for what name and team you want.
I have also (without Tentus' approval) made an unofficial 0.2 release. It already has the recent patch and several files have been renamed to fix bugs concerning filename case (some .jpg's were named .JPG which causes a problem in Unix).
This patch also fixes several problems with case in the original distribution.
Speaking of distribution, I've uploaded well over 100 LOZ-Cube.zip's so far! Hope you guys have enjoyed it as much as I have!

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#14: Oh...

by Pxtl on 01/29/2005 03:43

If you're looking for another mirror, or a place to put LoZ maps, our site Quadropolis is a good place for this mod. It will let people review it and you can post screenshots there.


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#15: Re: Oh...

by tentus on 01/29/2005 19:04, refers to #14

Hm. I may do that for the next release, but for now I like it being where we can control it 100%. I'll definately look into Quadropolis though, and may whip up some LoZ content redone for original Cube.

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#16: Speaking of Quadropolis...

by loz-linuxizer on 01/31/2005 21:26

...what do you think of adding bots to the next release?

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#17: Re: Speaking of Quadropolis...

by tentus on 02/01/2005 02:57, refers to #16

Entirely possible, but Rick did not include vc project files. If I had those files I'd jump at it, but b/c I only figured out how to force vc into compiling cube this morning, I'm somewhat leery of trying to undergo all that frustration again.

Oh, and a side note: LoZ:Cube has 70+ mapmodels, so most maps will have to begin using their own mapmodel lists, seein as Cube bugs up at 64+ models. Nothing serious but annoying. So mappers will have to do a bit more work if they want to implement my plethora of models.

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#18: Yeah...

by Pxtl on 02/01/2005 06:44

I was wondering why we haven't thrown all this stuff together. Between the stuff in flameshot, Quad, and Rick's bots, there's a tonne of Cube mod stuff. A nice "Cube Unstable" would be neato.

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#19: Name change

by tentus on 02/01/2005 18:11

Ok... Due to my increasing legal paranoia I have decided to change the name of LoZ:Cube to Cube Legends and begin remove *directly* Zelda content from the game.

This means I am suddenly bereft of music, and I need to come up with a variety of new names for levels etc, and change a lot of textures. This isn't really a problem though, seeing as nearly everything can be modded into generic magic-themed style very easily... except for the music. Would anyone happen to know where I can get some free MIDIs (or other formats, but MIDI would be best) that would ~ fit the mood of the game? Any help at this point would be greatly appreciated, seeing as my workload just doubled for the next few weeks.

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#20: ..

by makkE on 02/01/2005 23:37

google for "royalty free midi" or so, there must be millions of tracks out there somewhere.

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#21: Re: ..

by tentus on 02/02/2005 01:07, refers to #20

MakkE, you are my hero. That little bit of advice led me to find a guy who offers ideal music for this. Ha ha, halfway over the hurdle already.

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#22: LOTR next?!

by loz-linuxizer on 02/02/2005 03:40

You know, something you could do that'd be cool _and_ legal would be to make stuff with a Lord of the Rings theme. LOTR books, events, names, etc. are 100% public domain. I would f---ing love to have a Cube level fighting Orcs (modified Ogros?) over Helm's Deep!

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#23: ..

by makkE on 02/02/2005 14:25

speaking of modified ogros: The original ogro-package downloadable on polycount comes with 14 skins, many of them fantasy style, as well as basic skins to modify ;)

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