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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by ChesterHQ on 04/13/2004 03:14, 23 messages, last message: 06/16/2005 03:10, 8690 views, last view: 06/26/2024 09:10

well, i have milkshape 3d
when i import a model it loads in milkshape.. but i can't export one..

and how can i make my own models? (i can model.. but how to i "compile em" for cube)


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#4: Re: ..

by systmh on 04/15/2004 04:57, refers to #3

milkshape does have a quake 2 md2 exporter built in, but by definition all md2 models must have some sort of bone structure. if you're just making a static object like a box of ammo, a health pack, mapmodel, etc then you can just use the 'joint' tool under the 'model' tab in milkshape and put a single joint in the center of the model. then you have to assign the model to this joint. to do this you click the joint tab and click 'SelUnAssigned'. this should select all the vertices in the model. then press 'Assign' and export it into the proper folder as tris.md2; don't forget to back up the original

good luck with your models, I'm glad to see that 3rd party models are creating some interest

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#5: ..

by ChesterHQ on 04/15/2004 19:26

thanks.. ill try that :D

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#6: ... ... !!! ???

by takua108 on 04/30/2004 02:53

where is a free editor i can use?
not trial, but totally free?
and will anim8or work?

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#7: A few questions

by BatosaiX on 06/04/2004 23:34

I have a question....

i have noooo clue how to add monsters...i need something to kill with the grenade launcher besides myself...can somebody please explain it?

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#8: ..

by awalker on 06/05/2004 01:36

The hell with milkshake, just use Blender with the md2 script. Look here www.blender3d.com


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#9: Re: ..

by db on 06/05/2004 02:14, refers to #8

Have you actually done this? Blender is quite good at modeling and animating, however the md2 export script is not compatible with cube at all in my experience. From what I could research, the blender md2 import/export script is just a hack. And it's a hack which doesn't work with cube.

If you've had a different experience, I'd like to hear about it.


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#10: Re: ..

by awalker on 06/05/2004 02:53, refers to #9

yes, you right, it doesn't seem to work, thought it would since it imported everything ok, I ask some questions and see what's going on.

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#11: ..

by arghvark on 06/05/2004 15:09

On the md2 script for blender, it imports stuff fine but it is not quite in working order for exporting.

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#12: Modeling

by X01 on 06/08/2004 10:15

From: X01
Date: 6.8.04

I know a 3d modeling program that is
100% free, and can export to .md2 format.
It's called Quake2 Modeler.
You can download it here. ->


Here is a good webpage with lots
of useful links and tutorials. ->


I hope that helps. :)

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#13: Modeling

by X01 on 06/08/2004 10:25

From: X01
Date: 6.8.04

Oops, I posted an old link to the
software and tutorials page.
Here is the new links.

1. Quake2 Modeler

2. Tutorials & links

Sorry about that. :)

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#14: Re: Modeling

by gecko on 06/02/2005 03:07, refers to #13

Well, the modeler you speak of seems to have been updated to a version .911b although all the links I have found for this version no longer work. Does anybody by any chance have a copy?

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#15: ..

by makkE on 06/02/2005 03:28

Before md2 export in milkshape works, you´ll ned to add at least one joint to your model and assign all vertexes to it.

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#16: Re: Modeling

by tentus on 06/02/2005 03:36, refers to #14

I have the version previous, which works just fine for me. i've never been able to find the version Xo1 is refering to, though not for lack of trying.

just email me and i'll email a zip of it to you, it's a good little program.

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#17: Re: A few questions

by drdoom on 06/10/2005 16:22, refers to #7

how do you load other monsters into cube. can you change the player model?

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#18: Modeling

by Klixin on 06/11/2005 07:26

the way i do it is i create the models using milkshape and place a random joint in the model space, assign the joint to the model and export it to md2, then i open it up in q2mdlr9b and do all my animation scripting there cos it seems more 'cube friendly' :P and dont worry about setting skins in q2mdlr9b, cube does it its own way.
They have to be exported to md2! and replace your models with the default models to save having to dig into the code.

Id just replace your player models / monster models with the default cube ones.. unless you know how to code c++

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#19: Re: Modeling

by jean pierre on 06/11/2005 07:39, refers to #18

drdoom:Yep that's the way to do it tough just replace the models.

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#20: ..

by mage on 06/12/2005 03:55

replacing models isn't to useful if your doing your own custom models.

i've noticed that


mapmodel 0 0 0 0 "yourmodeldir/"

doesn't work
when added in the cfg.

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#21: why not?

by Klixin on 06/13/2005 05:20

I dont have any probs with replacing the default models with my own ones, i mean.. if it buggers up il just copy the default model back over from a fresh installed copy of cube.


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#22: Re: Modeling

by tentus on 06/15/2005 12:46, refers to #18

ooh, you have 9b? i want it real bad, could you perhaps email it to me at entrunner7@aol.com ? you would be my new cube hero if you did.

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#23: Re: Modeling

by CrazyTB on 06/16/2005 03:10, refers to #22

What's different in version 9b?

BTW, would be better to put the file at http://www.rapidshare.de/ and then put the link here.

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