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Sauerbraten Enhanced v4.0 released!

by Q009 on 07/10/2009 13:14, 52 messages, last message: 10/04/2010 14:15, 19932 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:10

New announcer.
Better particle effects.
New gun sounds.
New UI - BETA.

Go check it out and enjoy your Enhanced Sauerbraten!


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#4: v4.2

by Q009 on 07/10/2009 20:44

muuuuuch improved rocked and explosion effects

i could say they look awesome o0

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#5: I could port it

by (noerrorsfound) on 07/10/2009 22:34

The Windows installer should grab the user's installation directory from the registry. If Inno Setup can't do that then get NSIS. Many people have installation directories other than the default, either by choice, because their HDD's drive letter isn't C, or they're on 64-bit Windows and 32-bit programs get installed in the "Program Files (x86)" directory.

I've got Linux (both 32-bit and 64-bit) so I could do those ports.

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#6: ..

by Aspartame on 07/11/2009 01:52

its extremely sad how this is not available for mac. I actually checked the sauer download count, and the majority of downloads were from mac users.

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#7: Re: ..

by (noerrorsfound) on 07/11/2009 03:48, refers to #6

Maybe not everyone can afford to buy a Mac just for the sake of porting a mod.

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#8: source code?

by baby~rabbit on 07/11/2009 04:05, refers to #2

All I see is a .exe - if the source was available then I'm maybe some linux/mac users could work it out...

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#9: Re: source code?

by baby~rabbit on 07/11/2009 04:27, refers to #8

grammar fail... sorry

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#10: Message censored by administrator

by fispaul on 07/11/2009 11:06

#11: Video

by fispaul on 07/11/2009 11:06

Could you post a video or some screenshots? The ones on quadropolis don't show what's different =D

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#12: Re: source code?

by Q009 on 07/11/2009 11:06, refers to #8

im currently going to include source code as attachament on quadropolis so u can compile it yourself...

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#13: Re: Video

by Q009 on 07/11/2009 11:08, refers to #11

i will do this maybe today maybe tommorow, dunno when but im going to ;)

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#14: Re: Video

by Q009 on 07/11/2009 12:49, refers to #11

Heres your video ;)


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#15: Re: Video

by fispaul on 07/11/2009 12:58, refers to #14

Damn, that was fast! Thanks, that shows me basically everything about how it is different.

A lot of the things wern't really different to make it "enhanced", more just different, depending on some people's tastes. The sounds were more realistic, and though they may take time getting used to, I do already like them just as much as the old ones, maybe better.

The menus and GUI isn't really all that different, just colours and fonts. I'd say it's about as good as the old one, but nothing too different.

The particle effects were WAY improved, they really look awesome.

of course, I can't say how it is without having used it, but if it's available for Mac or I get a windows-based computer anytime soon, I'd check it out :)

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#16: Message censored by administrator

by Aspartame on 07/11/2009 18:31, refers to #7

#17: Message censored by administrator

by Megagun_ on 07/11/2009 19:12, refers to #6

#18: Re: ..

by Megagun_ on 07/11/2009 21:50, refers to #6

Say, where exactly did you get your data?

Last time I checked (when sourceforge actually reported download statistics!) there was a distribution a bit like this:

For every mac download:
20 windows downloads
0.7 Linux downloads (keep in mind that that doesn't include people dualbooting Windows for games and afterwards compiling for Linux themselves, or getting Sauer through their repositories)

I've seen someone claim the same "more Mac players" thing before, and would love to see where you're getting your data from.

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#19: armour colours

by Razgriz on 07/14/2009 01:14

it seems sometimes green armour shows up as blue... could you fix this bug? :)

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#20: Re: armour colours

by Q009 on 07/14/2009 10:19, refers to #19

no its not...
video is bad quality so it sometimes dont show colours properly

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#21: Link update

by Q009 on 07/14/2009 10:20

New link:


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#22: v4.9

by Q009 on 07/30/2009 21:23

Tweaked rifle muzzle flash.
Shorten sparks fade time.
Added smoke for bullet impact.
Added sound for bullet impact.
Tweaked rocket particle effects.
Included source so MAC and Linux users can use the mod.
Added particle effects for itmes when respawning: ammo, shields and other power-ups.


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#23: ..

by Aspartame on 07/31/2009 02:52

How do i apply it? nothing seams to work.

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