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Sun light map?

by Q009 on 07/13/2008 20:09, 23 messages, last message: 07/16/2008 23:53, 3618 views, last view: 06/17/2024 09:03


I just thinging sometime about it:
Maybe sun light can be built-in skybox (sunlightmap). It will compute lights with sun light selected on skyboxes at white colour. For example mars skybox:

<a href=http://www.q009files.w8w.pl/mars_up.jpg>Mars skybox (normal)</a>
<a href=http://www.q009files.w8w.pl/sunmap_mars_up.jpg>Mars skybox (sunmap [sun light is that white colour])</a>

Please read and thing some about it because it would be very helpful!

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#4: hmm

by dhsfkjkdsjfconorfhdjkskhds on 07/14/2008 00:35

This looks cool, it would be light a light entity (0, 255, 255, 255) but it matches up with the skybox

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#5: Re: hmm

by Q009 on 07/14/2008 14:46, refers to #4

Not light 0, 255, 255, 255 but 0, 255, 200, 100

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#6: Re: hmm

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 07/14/2008 18:39, refers to #5

Isn't that what /skylight x does?

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#7: Re: hmm

by Q009 on 07/14/2008 19:24, refers to #6

no. it does ambient light outside rooms etc... it dont makes sun light from sun

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#8: Re: hmm

by SheeEttin on 07/14/2008 22:35, refers to #7

What's wrong with just placing a light entity?

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#9: Re: hmm

by Q009 on 07/15/2008 14:24, refers to #8

Because light in skybox don't has engough precision. And light entity out of skubox don't works!!! :\

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#10: Re: hmm

by killhour__ on 07/16/2008 00:37, refers to #9

What he's asking for is pretty simple.

Instead of the current skylight asking for an RGB value that it applies blindly to everything that can see the sky, it just needs to look up the values in the skybox.

Here's a really rough drawing:


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#11: Re: hmm

by a~baby~rabbit on 07/16/2008 01:00, refers to #10

You certainly can't sample an exact point on the skybox - however, you could potentially sample a rather large blurred piece of it..

I assume we're ignoring the case where the skybox rotates ;-)

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#12: Re: hmm

by SheeEttin on 07/16/2008 04:52, refers to #10

And light entities don't work why?

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#13: Re: hmm

by a~baby~rabbit on 07/16/2008 05:11, refers to #12

it occurs to me that the color of the sky may not mean much in terms of the color of the light reaching the earth... I mean... if the sky is blue then why don't look like smurfs? lol

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#14: Re: hmm

by fhsdkconorhfdkjs on 07/16/2008 09:34, refers to #13

BLOAT: I think that the ambient light should reflect the average color of the map

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#15: Re: hmm

by Quin on 07/16/2008 11:45, refers to #13

Well, water is blue because it reflects the sky. What's happening in the sky is that the atmosphere catches the light, refracts it, then scatters the blue light because of its density/makeup. The sky could very well be lilac if it were a little more dense.

In any event, what actually reaches us is everything *but* a small bit of blue light which is getting caught.

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#16: Re: hmm

by Q009 on 07/16/2008 15:01, refers to #12

I mean light entities out of skybox don't works. It's reason why im suggesting that feature.

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#17: Re: hmm

by tentus_ on 07/16/2008 16:37, refers to #16

Correct me if I'm wrong, but /newmap goes up to 20. That's pretty dang huge. If you're making an outdoor map, unless it's a reproduction of Middle Earth, 20 should be more than enough for your map and a set of distant light entities in each direction. If you didn't plan for your map to be out-of-doors, then /mapenlarge should help you out until you have sufficient leeway.

What your asking for is an outdoor feature twisted for indoor purposes. I think that's a bit silly, and your should rethink how you're doing your mapping.

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#18: Re: hmm

by SheeEttin on 07/16/2008 17:09, refers to #16

Nonsense. I just made a new map and placed a light entity waaaaay out there. So far away the geometry disappeared. The map was still lit.

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#19: ..

by Osbios on 07/16/2008 17:50

Sure you can put light ents far outside of the real map. But then you have trouble to select it.
Or you enlarge the map and only use the center part for your mapping. But it is still hard to find all light ents and change values of them.

For good sky lightning you need many light sources.
The first time I used skylight I was impressed by the quality.

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#20: Re: ..

by Q009 on 07/16/2008 20:05, refers to #19

Hmmm. Do you known maybe the /entfind command? :)

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#21: ..

by killhour__ on 07/16/2008 22:16

While placing a 'sun' isn't a problem, it acts like any other light entity - it has sharp edges. The 'sun' should have soft edges, a property inherent to skylight.

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#22: Re: ..

by killhour__ on 07/16/2008 22:17, refers to #21

double post:

Also, with clever scaling, this could be a great way to fake HDR.

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#23: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 07/16/2008 23:53, refers to #21

I'm going to have to disagree on that point. The sun I live under casts some very sharp shadows off of me and everything around me: it's only when it's cloudy that the light from the sun gets "soft".

Perhaps the cloud effect could be achieved by adding another value to the already existing spotlight entity? We'd avoid adding much fluff while still providing the feature you're asking for.

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