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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Totally New Sauerbraten Website!!

by Titanic12ship on 07/08/2008 16:06, 47 messages, last message: 07/24/2008 01:45, 13064 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:44

Hello, I have just begun work on my new Sauerbraten community website. It is nowhere near being finished, but I have released what I have made so far. Unlike my original website which was free to run and was a .googleppages.com site, this website is a .com and is not free to run. Of course, creating an account on the site will be free. Right now there are no adds, however that could change, but probably not. Here is the url:


Like I said before, this is nowhere near being finished, so go easy on it. Also, since I have to pay to keep it running, please spend at least a little time looking at it. Put feedback for it in this thread.

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#4: Re: Fixed Picture

by tentus_ on 07/08/2008 16:52, refers to #2

Better, but still visibly distorted. If you *have* to scale it, do so by a round number (like 50%), but otherwise I strongly recommend just resizing the canvas with a background of #302C28.

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#5: Re: Fixed Picture

by Titanic12ship on 07/08/2008 17:11, refers to #4

I can't resize the canvas on which the picture goes. It has to stay a a certain width and height.

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#6: Re: Fixed Picture

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 07/08/2008 17:34, refers to #5

Well put the logo in the middle of a picture of that size, not stretched.

As said before, minimal knowledge is needed, along with GIMP (hell, paint could do it)

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#7: ..

by scanf on 07/08/2008 18:06

Some advice. I you're really going to allow uploads and forums be careful of the security. Otherwise you'll get hacked very quickly.

If you need some help/tips let me know.

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#8: Message censored by administrator

by {Qs}Homicidal on 07/08/2008 21:57

#9: Spam

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 07/08/2008 22:16

I have a sneaking suspicion that it may have been homicidal who spammed you.

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#10: Message censored by administrator

by {Qs}Homicidal on 07/08/2008 22:58

#11: Re: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 07/08/2008 23:05, refers to #10

Although not the most mature way of going about it, homicidal -has- highlighted a rather large problem. To be honest, I don't see why you need a forum in the first place. Oh, and the frame-based layout is horrible, due to it cramping the content to a rather small area, which makes it too hard to read.

Just start with something simple and work your way up.

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#12: Help With Security

by Titanic12ship on 07/08/2008 23:08

Looks like I am going to need some help with security.

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#13: ..

by {Qs}Homicidal on 07/08/2008 23:43

best way to make a point about security is to have the worst thing happen :P

anyone seen that it takes a theif on discover chan on usa networks

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#14: ..

by tentus_ on 07/08/2008 23:48

Homicidal, despite your opinions of other members of the community, deserved or not, you are not allowed to go around griefing people. I was hoping that statements like that weren't really needed, but I guess they are... keep it up and you'll end up banned.


Titanic, I'm a bit offput by your little date thingy. I'd suggest something that outputs text, like this:

<script type="text/javascript">

var d = new Date();
document.write(d.getMonth()+" ");
document.write(d.getDate()+" ");


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#15: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 07/09/2008 00:12, refers to #14

Whoops, that was sloppy. I apologize, my roommate was making a very short-term offer of pizza. Anyhow, here's a cleaner, more functional bit of javascript:

<script type="text/javascript">
var d = new Date();
document.write(d.getMonth()+1+" "+d.getDate()+", "+d.getFullYear());

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#16: Message censored by administrator

by {Qs}Homicidal on 07/09/2008 01:07

#17: ..

by scanf on 07/09/2008 03:29

what happened ?

You should probably not have your email addy on the forums page. If you can use PHP use a sendmail form. I'd be happy to email you one.

Plus on any user input validate that the data does not contain scripting, ie.


SQL Inject. ie.

union all select 1,title,1,1 from forum;

Best bet is to go with a pre built forum. There are plenty on sourceforge.

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#18: Re: ..

by Titanic12ship on 07/09/2008 15:12, refers to #17

Thanks for all the help.

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#19: How about...

by steve_e on 07/09/2008 17:55

If you wish to develop another URL concerning Sauerbraten/Cube2 stuff why not just point to:

for discussion forums, and:

for a place to upload maps, mods scripts etc...

I personally see no point in competing/extending with the existing community outlets that Sauer offers other than providing another URL search term for Google to list.

Hmmm 6 times 7 = 42 : glad we did maths by rote in primamry school.

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#20: Re: How about...

by SephoD on 07/09/2008 17:58, refers to #19

I must agree... I dont mean do put you down, all work concerning Sauerbraten is good work, but this community is so small that it does not need another forum. It would be much better to clean this forum up a bit, maybe change the forum layout and add some features, even just put up new forum "program" and link it to the current database so that no threads are lost.

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#21: Re: How about...

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 07/09/2008 18:28, refers to #20

Aside from the lack of edit functions and formatting, I actually really like this forum.

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#22: ..

by smartalco on 07/14/2008 05:15

also, little advice:

change the header image to a .png, your .jpg is full of artifacts (.jpg's are good for pictures where very little is a solid color, if there is a solid color it fills it with distortion near any edge, .png's won't have this problem)

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#23: Re: ..

by Q009 on 07/14/2008 14:57, refers to #22

better are .gif

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