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Walk speed | gravity var

by Q009 on 06/05/2008 16:59, 31 messages, last message: 06/23/2008 09:19, 8445 views, last view: 06/17/2024 01:54, closed on 06/23/2008 09:48

I'm making a mod but i dont known how to make "GRAVITY" and "maxspeed" var.
I have tried: VAR(GRAVITY, 0, 200, 1000);
VAR(maxspeed, 8, 100, 320);

Please for help.

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#4: ..

by Q009 on 06/06/2008 17:17

pls just tell me how to do it...

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#5: Re: ..

by WahnFred on 06/06/2008 17:39, refers to #4

You're not making mod's, you're making cheats. For this reason you got a permanent ban now on the TC-Servers or better to say, you get redirected to the TC-Kindergarten Server.

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#6: Re: ..

by Q009 on 06/06/2008 18:48, refers to #5

hmmm.... not in forum! ;P

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#7: maps

by mafel on 06/06/2008 20:15

can u make maps on this game

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#8: Re: maps

by demosthenes on 06/06/2008 20:18, refers to #7

Did you do anything besides going straight to the forums and asking? Read!


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#9: ..

by lionsword on 06/06/2008 21:21

Mafel, start the game and press E

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#10: Re: ..

by Finale on 06/07/2008 03:57, refers to #5

TC-Kindergarten Server?
sounds like the server for me :P

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#11: Jump OK | Walkspeed NOT OK

by Q009 on 06/07/2008 12:10

Lol i meant jump range not gravity! =
I don't known how to use "VAR" function so i have used "COMMAND". For jumps first i have deleted that "const" in "const float JUMPVEL = 125.0f", then i have added these lines:
void jumpboosten()
JUMPVEL = 512.0f;

void jumpboostdi()
JUMPVEL = 125.0f;

COMMAND(jumpboosten, "");
COMMAND(jumpboostdi, "");

but that metode don't works in ents.h where im going to change walk speed:

in "struct physent", "physent() : "
i have changed "maxspeed(100)," to "maxspeed(walkboost),"

Then i have added these lines out of "struct physent":
float walkboost;

void walkboosten()
walkboost = 320

void walkboostdi()
walkboost = 100

COMMAND(walkboosten, "");
COMMAND(walkboostdi, "");

When i compiled it it says something like redefinition of "int COMMAND" and is not a call to function but a reference... WTF?!?

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#12: hmm

by fhjdskconorfhsdjk on 06/08/2008 04:23

I was trying to do this a while ago, I got it to work, but I forgot how to. I had like variables for every to allow easy changes.

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#13: Re: ..

by blablablablablablablablabla on 06/09/2008 18:33, refers to #5

Don\'t help him, he is cheating allways around in Sauerbraten, flying, map modifieng, etc. ...

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#14: Re: ..

by Q009 on 06/10/2008 15:12, refers to #13

Not flying!

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#15: ..

by Hero on 06/10/2008 15:55

just jumping to heaven :)

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#16: Re: ..

by hfgconorjhg on 06/10/2008 16:06, refers to #13

Excuse him for being curios...I hate expecting the worst from people right away :(

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#17: Re: ..

by Q009 on 06/10/2008 17:12, refers to #15

Not exacly... 10 m higher jumps =P

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#18: ..

by {Qs}Homicidal on 06/10/2008 19:25

no he makes hacks let him figure it out him self

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#19: ..

by Q009 on 06/10/2008 21:44

9blah-blah-blah.......... =X

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#20: Re: ..

by constchar* on 06/15/2008 12:49, refers to #19

I recently did this when I was adding footsteps
and the ability to "walk" instead of running.

The solution is simple really, fpsent
inherits dynent which in turn inherits
fpsent; which has a float variable called
So goto "game.h", once there look for "fpsent", around like 334, and in the fpsent::respawn function (Looks like "void respawn" in the code), around line 368,
add "maxspeed = 100f;" (100 is the default) and there you go!

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#21: Re: ..

by constchar* on 06/15/2008 12:51, refers to #20

Sorry, I forgot to mention that you should add that after:


So your resulting code should look like:

void respawn()
lastaction = 0;
lastattackgun = gunselect;
attacking = false;
lasttaunt = 0;
lastpickup = -1;
lastpickupmillis = 0;
superdamage = 0;
maxspeed = 100f; // < This is the newly added line

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#22: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 06/15/2008 14:07, refers to #20

lol I did the exact same things a while ago! I also added stamina (the more you jump, the lower you jump, and it slowly recharges).

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#23: Re: ..

by Q009 on 06/15/2008 15:49, refers to #21

Don't work

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