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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272607 views, last view: 09/30/2024 07:24

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#294: Re: ..

by NerfLad on 07/21/2006 20:01, refers to #293

Hi evryone. I am getting 11 mbps, so I am ffa server capable for Cube 1. However when I run with the -d command line option, I get the error "did not respond to ping". My Firewall allows Cube to access the internet at any time, so what is the problem?

I have tried this on 2 machines and gotten the same error multiple times.

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#295: ..

by Passa on 07/24/2006 09:39

I did it, I finally got off my lazy ass and updated my server :)

The only reason I am posting is to inform people of the new client limit..

The server is now limited to 8 clients, and has an admin password :)

connect paradoxproject.servegame.org into console to connect :D

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#296: Re: Open ALL ports

by SlashedHacker on 08/04/2006 02:10, refers to #282

Your asking for it in the malicious software department, giving away open ports like that. I\'d keep it low.

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#297: Hi

by Matt on 08/07/2006 20:00

How do you actually create a Cube server? I have registered with DynDNS but need to know what to do now. Thanks


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#298: c0rdawg\'s Server

by c0rdawg on 09/04/2006 23:06

Hey guys, connect to sauerbraten.homeip.net or

It currently shows kill and death streaks and a few other extra features, and hopefully server stats will be coming soon...

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#299: How to creat a cubeserver

by polytoys on 09/11/2006 13:12

Hello guys, today is the first day that I play the cube game. But, I_'m asking u guys how can I creat a cubeserver in the master server listHOr I can just play with my friends with IP connection? How?????

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#300: Re: How to creat a cubeserver

by MeatROme on 09/11/2006 13:13, refers to #299


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#301: Re: ..

by Drakas on 09/24/2006 15:15, refers to #301

by praxibetel_14523 on 09/24/2006 13:07 through :

> Seing as the masterserver has been unplugged (talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face)
> i have started a server at "www.xylix.tk"
> So type:
> /connect www.xylix.tk
> right now!
this is not http

the actual address is
so /connect nic886.homelinux.org
.. or

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#302: ..

by Rezi on 09/27/2006 14:32

I cant log in any master server. It always say \"master server is not replying\". And its not due to firewall.
Does anyone have some idea how to solve it.
PS: I use water edition

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#303: ..

by Drakas on 09/27/2006 17:13

Add -msm.wemew.org/ in your commandline options.

The official masterserver is off so use alternatives, such as mine!

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#304: ..

by SanHolo on 09/28/2006 13:12

my Server Hoth is running from time to time at "hoth.homeunix.net". It's also registered at Drakas' masterserver.

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#305: ..

by SanHolo on 09/28/2006 19:50

How can I change the masterserver from within autoexec.cfg?
I have no easy way to start sauer with commandline options, the Mac-starter is MUCH more convenient. :)

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#307: ..

by mister on 10/03/2006 04:01

you can open up the server.cfg file..

addserver servername.or.server.ip

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#308: ..

by SanHolo on 10/03/2006 19:20

I wanted to do this with the client, not the server version.

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#309: Re: masterserver commandline param (any param at that)

by MeatROme on 10/04/2006 00:19, refers to #308

RTFM (read as "read README.html")
modify any parameters to your liking inside your starter file ... maybe even have a bunch of links on your desktop to different startup files ...

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#310: Re: masterserver commandline param (any param at that)

by SanHolo on 10/04/2006 21:26, refers to #309

Wow, thank you; thank you SO MUCH!

Oh; no, wait! I can set my name, the team, even my desired gamma and fov – that's all great and beatiful, but there is no command for setting the masterserver! Or are my RTFM-docs outdated? What a pity...


As already mentioned, I know there is the "-m"-argument for setting the masterserver, but since I'm on a Mac with a nice GUI-Starter, I simply cannot add this -m-argument while starting up. So, all I wanted to know is if there is a command like "name XY" or "team XY" or "gamma 120" I can write to autoexec.cfg to set another masterserver. "masterserver xy" does not work...

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#311: Re: masterserver commandline param (any param at that)

by MeatROme on 10/04/2006 22:37, refers to #310

calm down!

There is no in-game command to set a masterserver, it has to be set on the command-line. (-mURL2SERVER)

I haven't used MacOS much, old ones really weren't my style coz of the "black-box" (no peak inside allowed) attitude.

But if it's Mac OS X it is based on BSD and a desktop icon is/should be coupled to a shell script or pure executable.
Either you can attach parameters there directly or you modify the shell script to switch masterserver.

Maybe you would also like to know, that the official masterserver is back up and running.

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#312: Permanent Server | Poland | PsyCube

by sdk on 10/04/2006 23:55

One dedicated server up:


host: psynet.pl

Based on Linux x86arch.
P2 300Mhz processor
128Mb onboard.

Works well, 24/7.

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#313: ..

by absinth on 10/05/2006 00:46

> but since I\'m on a Mac with a nice GUI-Starter
i added the option for additional command-line parameters in the mac launcher to cvs today, should be in the next release

un then, you know you can always just bypass the launcher and call sauerbraten directly with terminal.app, passing any arguments you like

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#314: ..

by SanHolo on 10/05/2006 14:09

I know I should calm down. But then again, I'm asking if there is another way to specify a different masterserver, other than from commandline, but all I get is "RTFM" and "set -mURI on the commandline". See my point?

Thank you absinth, looking forward to that addition. The launcher is simply GREAT!

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