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Future ideas, the design.

by marvin2k on 05/10/2009 17:15, 70 messages, last message: 07/21/2009 01:15, 47707 views, last view: 06/26/2024 10:12

I surprised with all of new changes in cube2, they are really really good, congratulations to all. Anyway, i have always the same impresion with a lot of free games. They need a DESIGNER.
For me, sauer need a design team to all, there are a lot of things unconected, ilogical, rare. It need a design director that ordenate maps, UI, etc.. and made (with help) all of they similar or with a few temetic (or world) to be unity.
I really dont understand sometimes this kind of free games, beucause, they choose made without union, not like a circle.
This is that game needs really needs, and there are a lot of good designers on quadropolis. this is that i think, it is only a idea, you can dismiss, but cosiderer it.


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#30: rifle smoke

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/18/2009 23:15

i think that instead of the boring, old rifle smoke, a LIGHTNING STRIKE!!! would be realy cool.

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#31: Re: rifle smoke

by MovingTarget on 05/18/2009 23:40, refers to #30

I did a stream of blue liquid-y plasma once. It would have looked good with the crossbow before it was replaced, but not so good with what is here now. Neither would a lightning strike.

Of course, it's not like Cube 2 strives for realism or anything, so..

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#32: Re: rifle smoke

by Hooded_Sniper on 05/18/2009 23:59, refers to #30

You can easily replace the bitmap in packages > particles (I think its there). But I agree that it probably wouldn't work that well with the new riffle.

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#33: Re: ..

by Quin on 05/19/2009 01:32, refers to #29

I think you're the one who misunderstands.

Nowhere did I say one person was better than another; open source projects usually consist of more coders than artists because artists usually are in short supply or move on quickly.

I also know how designing works, after all I do lead a project of my own and have to do a majority of the screening process myself. My point is that Open Source does not have the same pipeline as Commercial projects, nor does it have the same luxuries (dedicated artists, paid to be around for the entire lifetime of a project).

Yes, we can put some effort into a semi-cohesive design; this is negated by the fact that there is already an abundant amount of content for Sauerbraten that has no consistent theme whatsoever. This is what I am talking about when I mention legacy data.

Work for six odd years in an open source community, climbing your way up from an ignored nobody to a valuable somebody; then maybe your words will have a little more weight. I suspect by that point though though, your attitude and opinions on the matter would change; especially when you see the number of people who talk far outweigh those that produce something useful, most just don't have the patience to work for years on end before their dream comes true.

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#34: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/19/2009 06:06, refers to #33

basicly what quin is saying is if you don\'t have enough time and patance (can\'t spell, sorry)(which is hard to find at the day and age of fast paced stuff) they are tired of having to always live off of what they can get and thus they have to work in a \"part time job\", or basicly do what was known as \"bumming\" which is they pick up \"odd jobs\" and move on after doing it. or they can wait until some people think \"hey, perhaps i should give these people money. perhaps they can make me a background ect,ect, and i\'ll pay them for doing so.\"

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#35: Re: rifle smoke

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/20/2009 05:37, refers to #31

i think the old waepons were qwnage, ecpecially the rock launcher. how did u get plasma?

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#36: Re: whoops!!

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/20/2009 05:39, refers to #35

i meant pwnage. totaly wrong side of the keyboard lol

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#37: Re: rifle smoke

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/20/2009 06:08, refers to #35

waepons? and rock launchers? where was i when they made "rock launchers"? and if you want the old rocket launchers just redownload it to your computer (if you have to remodifie it) and use it.

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#38: Re: rifle smoke

by MovingTarget on 05/20/2009 17:35, refers to #35

I think you're on to something with "qwnage". :D

The plasma trail was a simple particle type change in the function that does weapon effects. You can get interesting results by, say, changing the trail from the smoke particle to the flame particle.

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#39: Re: rifle smoke

by tentus_ on 05/20/2009 17:55, refers to #37

I dunno, a rock launcher actually sounds like a lot of fun. Kinda like the grenade launcher, but instead of one exploding sphere you get a pickup-load of rock that will crush your foes beneath you and engender the lamentations of their women.

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#40: Art

by Kashmir on 05/20/2009 19:31

Having only played Sauerbraten for a few months now, I have always loved the free aspect of it, that is that everything that is created is made by those who play the game. I think adding a commercial aspect and having a "lead artist" would ruin the game. I am overjoyed to see the creativity from everyone that isn't pinned down or thrown away because it doesn't "fit the vision." What makes Sauer special is that it allows everyone to participate, which is why I absolutely hate the map "dust2," it should be removed from the official maps immediately, it is shameful to have a copied map in the new release. But I digress... I am an artist only, I know nothing of programming, and having a theme will kill Sauerbraten. Maybe for single player it's fine, but multiplayer maps should be created without some controlling freak denying your best ideas.

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#41: Re: Art

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/21/2009 01:09, refers to #40

quite honestly i am glad to see that someone could actually remake the map from ac and then putting it up on sauerbraten. although you mean well, this guy did good and it should not be removed. as an artest you should also remain calm about the problems that happen. if you don't like the map just don't play on it.

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#42: Re: rifle smoke

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/21/2009 01:12, refers to #39

lol, you my man have problems, but it is a pretty good idea.

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#43: Re: rifle smoke

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/21/2009 02:46, refers to #38

i officially nominate myself for typo of the year.
but this particle. which folder is it in. id it in the regular particle folder, or a seperate rifle folder. and if its in the main particle folder, if i replace smoke, will it affect smoke in chimney?

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#44: Re: rifle smoke

by MovingTarget on 05/21/2009 03:02, refers to #43

No, I meant a change in the source code, in the function that is responsible for the weapon effects.

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#45: Re: rifle smoke

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/21/2009 03:38, refers to #44

o damn, cause when i recompile, it freeses in 5 seconds

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#46: ..

by James2568 on 06/05/2009 20:44

All i think it really needs is for you to be able to program the AI for the monsters so you can also have things like team mates and monsters that have something and run away so the player cant get it without giving chase. Dont get me wrong theirs nothing bad about a pre-programmed AI but sometimes i want the AI to be able to do more then just run at you and shoot like a mad in need of serious help( reference to when there's something in there way and they try and run through it and shoot at it).

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#47: Re: Art

by (noerrorsfound) on 06/05/2009 23:52, refers to #41

dust2 is originally from Counter-Strike, not AssaultCube. YOU'RE NO GAMER!

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#48: ..

by geartrooper2 on 06/06/2009 12:31

Aard appointed a designer a while ago but it never panned out.

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#49: um

by )FC($k!llz_ on 06/06/2009 20:57

the designers are called the FANS

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