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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272787 views, last view: 09/30/2024 15:30

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#30: Re: maxplayers ?

by HeLLraiseR on 03/18/2003 10:29, refers to #29

I want to start a 50 player LAN server. how can I do this ?

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#31: Re: maxplayers ?

by Aardappel on 03/18/2003 12:40, refers to #30

"maxplayers" is currently hardcoded to 256 inside the server.

Don't worry, your server bandwidth will be long gone before you ever reach this limit.

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#32: ..

by HeLLraiseR on 03/19/2003 10:52

and how can I start a dedicated LAN server ?

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#33: Re: ..

by Aardappel on 03/20/2003 14:39, refers to #32

cube -d -mblah

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#34: bobbity's now has Team Speak

by bobbity on 04/04/2003 18:13


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#35: Bobbity's now has Team Speak

by bobbity on 04/04/2003 18:19, refers to #34

Doh! another blank message

The address that I run the Cube server on cs6625130-157.austin.rr.com now serves Team Speak a Free Voice over ip client server package available at www.teamspeak.org it is available for Linux and Windows
The clients are real easy installs even for Linux

I hope to hear from you next time you take a rocket up the Butt

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#36: Server

by toBee on 04/09/2003 00:59

Well, they are running well:

ns1.blazing.de (
scott.blazing.de (

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#37: new server :)

by sebas on 04/09/2003 03:39

I got a server running at


should be up 24/7 / fast connection

I don\'t know for how long, but as it actually takes little resources, why not :)

tips + suggestions greatly appreciated.

have fun.

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#38: different cube protocal...

by J. Gentry on 04/16/2003 16:31

tried to connect to a lot of these servers but got the "different cube protocal" message. are there some new/up-to-date files out there? i downloaded the onese from the cube website.

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#39: Re: different cube protocal...

by Aardappel on 04/16/2003 17:06, refers to #38

to play multiplayer you can only use the precompiled binaries.

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#40: Re: maxplayers ?

by Pathegreat on 04/18/2003 07:07, refers to #30

a 50 player lan server eh, that would be great but 1 thing 50 people are not going to jion your server i dont think and you will have to get big maps, or do u not want 50 people on your server i an intressted hellraiser please tell more

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#41: Re: maxplayers ?

by Piglet on 04/18/2003 20:18, refers to #40

umm, do you know what a LAN is Pathegreat?

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#42: ..

by Pathegreat on 04/20/2003 01:35

i am new at pcs but i think it is a permanent server or something i am not totally dumb piglet i just dont get 2 play games and lern much so please tell me

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#43: Re: ..

by Shockie on 04/20/2003 05:33, refers to #42

LAN = Local Area Network

its when a bunch of ppl all get together with their computer at one place and play games... im going to one in about 2 hours :D (ahh, the *life* thing might just be starting to happen)

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#44: New Server

by Shockie on 04/20/2003 06:20 - Uber Cuber

its on a 2.4ghz P4 w/1024mb ram, Red Hat 8.0 in a data centre in chicago :)

100mbit connection :) go forth and enjoy low pings

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#45: ..

by Pathegreat on 04/21/2003 15:27

thank your shokie i appreciat you help

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#46: Re: ..

by Piglet on 04/26/2003 15:52, refers to #42

I didn't mean to sound nasty Pathegreat. If it came out wrong then I apologize.

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#47: ..

by Pathegreat on 04/26/2003 17:04

nonon u dont have 2 its fine buddy

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#48: Re: ..

by Piglet on 04/26/2003 22:30, refers to #47

i'm glad :)

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#49: TaurusClan server

by Kiney on 04/30/2003 08:54

hi, I am the Admin of the server named "TaurusClan", I will try to keep the server online 24/7, but somitemes it might be offline.
It is ever available under kiney.homelinux.org
our clanpage is www.taurusclan.tk

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