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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272532 views, last view: 09/30/2024 01:32

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#277: Re: My servers update

by Passa on 05/29/2006 13:49, refers to #276

Um forget CS 1.6 server, just realised how much bandwidth one of them uses o_O

Now I'm shaped to 64k till Friday dammit ! ! so my Cube + Sauerbraten servers will be laggy 8am - 12pm Australian time, but normal 12pm to 8am, during my off-peak lol.

Stupid iiNet.. all this off-peak;on-peak stuff is so stupid..

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#278: Re: My servers update

by Pxtl on 05/30/2006 03:28, refers to #277

Yep. Normal FPS games suck the bandwidth like you wouldn't believe. I remember running a Thruster-Instagib server for UT'99 and capping it at 6 players because that's all my pipe could handle.

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#279: Re: My servers update

by Passa on 05/30/2006 08:03, refers to #278

Well once I get my net back to full speed, I think I will try setup a UT2004 1 on 1 server.. the public ones are crap in Australia.

Also on my servers, the lag on them while I am shaped isn't that bad actually, because my upload is still 1mbps :)

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#280: Re: My servers update

by Passa on 06/01/2006 22:59, refers to #279

Ok, its Friday in Australia, which equals me not being shaped anymore!! So my servers are full speed again :)

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#281: Re: My servers update

by Passa on 06/04/2006 14:01, refers to #280

Another update, the servers are down atm, whenever I open them up, it says 'looking up wouter.fov120.com' (for cube anyway), then it says 'could not connect' straight away. This happens for Sauerbraten as well.

Nothing has been changed of recent, the router has not even been restarted, all the port fowarding stuff is still there... any ideas why this is happening?

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#282: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 06/30/2006 09:40

OMG ! I've found how open the ports of my router ! But i've a question, i hope you can answer.

Do you know how i can do to open ALL ports for UDP ?

I've tryed "all" "0:36000" "0-36000", i don't work.

This is very important. Thanks !

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#283: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/30/2006 09:47, refers to #282

Most routers should have 2 boxes, one for the start of the port range, one for the end.

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#284: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 06/30/2006 10:16


That's the interface.
Two boxes ? ê_é

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#285: Deja vu

by MeatROme on 06/30/2006 11:02

I've heard (on this forum ...
... a couple of times ...
... why doesn't anybody use the search? ...) that following site is supposed to be useful if your router's manual has somehow become absent ....


It has been said the site would contain information on nearly every available router hardware on the surface of this planet.


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#286: Re: Deja vu

by Passa on 06/30/2006 12:11, refers to #285

Yeah I gave him that link before, I think he has fowarded ports correctly, now he wants to foward ALL ports. Thats stupid for one reason: hackers. You are more vulnerable to attacks like that.

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#287: server news

by Passa_server on 07/02/2006 04:24

My servers are up again, the Cube server is now limited to 6 players. To connect to either the Cube server or Sauerbraten server just put connect "paradoxproject.servegame.org" into the console :)

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#288: Re: server news

by Passa on 07/03/2006 02:06, refers to #287

Ok, my servers are down for the next week while I am on holiday. When I get back I will be setting up a 4 player CVS test server for those with CVS releases.

Could someone explain to me how to use the new admin features?

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#289: Re: server news

by MeatROme on 07/03/2006 02:18, refers to #288

Curious idea. CVS changes all the time - how do you expect to ever have clients that compiled the same source?

Will you post the timestamp of your download here and everybody who d/l's after you might have newer source and might thus break your server ...
... as I said : curious idea.

I think all new features will be explained in full when the next release makes them official ... that's what releases are for,
CVS is for developers, not for server hosters.

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#290: Re: server news

by sff2 on 07/06/2006 00:20, refers to #289

News server permanant : Franceserv Hosting

9 players NO LAG

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#291: ..

by Passa_server on 07/08/2006 12:48

Servers back up.
'connect paradoxproject.servegame.org' into console. See ya there :)

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#292: ooo

by Passa on 07/09/2006 11:30

New server up for about 2 days.
AussieSauer run on 56MBps down, 24mbps upload internet.

I can't run it for long, but get on it for large games, thanks to how fast it is, virtually professional hosting.

Cya there :)

PS my other server is still up fine

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#293: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 07/18/2006 17:01

Okay... via teh MSDOS, i've disabled the firewall of my router... still don't work.

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#294: Re: ..

by NerfLad on 07/21/2006 20:01, refers to #293

Hi evryone. I am getting 11 mbps, so I am ffa server capable for Cube 1. However when I run with the -d command line option, I get the error "did not respond to ping". My Firewall allows Cube to access the internet at any time, so what is the problem?

I have tried this on 2 machines and gotten the same error multiple times.

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#295: ..

by Passa on 07/24/2006 09:39

I did it, I finally got off my lazy ass and updated my server :)

The only reason I am posting is to inform people of the new client limit..

The server is now limited to 8 clients, and has an admin password :)

connect paradoxproject.servegame.org into console to connect :D

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#296: Re: Open ALL ports

by SlashedHacker on 08/04/2006 02:10, refers to #282

Your asking for it in the malicious software department, giving away open ports like that. I\'d keep it low.

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