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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

new cube release... collect your stuff!

by Aardappel_ on 08/07/2005 22:23, 148 messages, last message: 09/18/2005 09:02, 128172 views, last view: 09/29/2024 00:00

So we haven't had a new cube release in a while, and I guess everyone understands why: sauerbraten is the engine of the future.

But Cube has its own maps, its own gameplay, and is worthy of its own spot for a while to come. So next weekend I will take a little break from sauer and my other projects, and work on a cube release. That doesn't mean that there will be a cube release next weekend, in the best case there will be, in the worst case a whole lot will get done and it will be the week after.

The bad news (if any) is the new cube will NOT receive any significant new features. Sauer is version 2.0 of Cube, and it simply does not make any sense spending large amounts of time in updating Cube. Work on Cube is to be focused on polish and bugs. The main reason for this release code wise it to fix the list of small bugs that have appeared since the last release.

So is this the last release of Cube? Maybe. I am not sure either way, there is always a possibility for more versions, but the way things are going with Sauerbraten, what I want for Cube is a very stable version that people can enjoy while we make Sauerbraten the greatest thing since, well, Cube.

So what do I want from the community? Well, 2 things will go into this release, new media, and bits of code.

For media, I simply want to collect the best released new maps and other items since the last release. I already have most of them, but if you want to be sure I don't miss any simply post links here in this thread... rememeber, just the most high quality stuff.

Then code. I know this is going to be hard for you because you all have your pet little feature that you want to see in Cube. If you read the above, you know these are not going to happen. Some things I just don't find important. Like probably the #1 requested feature is a configureable player model, but that is not going to happen for this release. These kinds of things will likely be in sauer. It is not that it is hard (rather, it trivial), it is just not a priority.

So I will list some things that I definitely intend to fix, or try to. You *MAY* use this thread to suggest certain additional fixes/features, and who knows I can be swayed if a lot of you make convincing arguments, but remember, unless it is a few line easy fix or just incredibly important to cube right now, its not likely going in.

I will report on this thread as things progress.

features already in:
* lots of smaller fixes that I didn't bother to write down. Maybe if you note them here I can say "yes that is already in"
* stereo sound effects
* put in workaround for buggy ATI drivers (glReadPixels() result, already on linux)
* tweaked kickback strength for various weapons

for sure planned to go in:
- seperate release archives for windows, linux, and macosx (less FAQs)
- fixes for amd64. if someone with such a machine can be on call in irc next weekend for testing, that be great
- fixes where illegal protocol could corrupt client state
- vdelta edit fix
- shooting rockets at HOM -> out of memory error
- jumppad velocity Z cancellation (better jumps)
- cap fps to 200 or whatever (variable) (some cube code starts behaving weird when it nears 1000).
- fixes for sound crashing on linux
- some minor tweaks to SP balance and AI
- listen server functionality will be removed
- demo play bugs like sticky scoreboard
- make serverinfo port obey -i
- maxclients

maybe will go in:
- some of the features requested by the german "pro" community (not sure which)
if they have CLEAR list of what they changed to fix what, that might help things
go in (you listening Makke?). Though I am guessing since I won't add all their stuff,
they may want to stick with pcube anyway.
- look at that immortality bug that sometimes pops up. I have a demo of it. It is however
hard to debug and I make no guarantees. Same with other "happens occasionally in
multiplayer" bugs people have.
- kick vote

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#28: Re: Map errors

by -Rick- on 08/10/2005 13:41, refers to #27

"kksp1 I've also had trouble completing"
No errors there...pretty straightforward IMO, my bots can even finish this map :)

I couldn't finish the other maps either though...but maybe I'm missing something.

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#29: Re:

by Sherwood on 08/10/2005 18:31, refers to #27

First off. I love Cube. I just found it a few days ago, and I havent played any other games since. And ive got some of the cream first person shooters. The "fun factor" of cube is way up there.
thanks for the good work and letting us all play for free!

Ive been playing around with changing the sounds and smoke trails for a couple days.
And one thing id like to see is a seperate smoke trail image for the rocket launcher and rifle. Im not a coder, but that should be pretty easy right...?

Now, one that involes much more code im sure, would be a spectator mode. A follow mode would be nice, but id settle for just being able to float around the map while others play. Sorry if this is already in there and im just not smart enough to have found it.

Thanks again.

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#30: Re: Re:

by Sherwood on 08/10/2005 18:51, refers to #30

Yea ive tried it only for a moment. Correct me if im wrong but there is no online play yet. At least i didnt see it in the menu. And thats all im interested in really. And, it seems that the movement phyics are a little different. I like them in cube better.

Ill open it up again and see if I just missed the online stuff. If its not there, then im sure it will come eventually. then ill probaly play it more.


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#31: Re: Re:

by Sherwood on 08/10/2005 20:04, refers to #31

Hey wasdaplus. thanks for the comments.
I just got started with the sounds a few days ago. Im going to come up with tons more im sure. Some of the ones i sent you took about 2 minutes to make. I want to get much more creative.

Just finised playing som insta and I noticed a few more things that would be nice.

-a sound for spawning (this coupled with stereo would be nice)
-ability to change the color of your name ala Quake. (Im sure you coders out there can do this already. I cant...hehe)

And for insta matches, maybe a server option to allow riflejumping. This is similar to rocket jumping, only with the rifle. In the server config there could be some simple options like...

-riflejump value (how high you go when you riflejump)
-static riflejump (uses riflejump value no matter what angle the gun is pointed at the ground)
-dynamic riflejump (uses a riflejump value based on what angle you shoot at the ground to jump)

A quick look at a serverconfig for a quake 3 insta match would give lots of ideas.

Again i know these are harder to code that to talk about, but you asked.


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#32: Re: Re:

by Sherwood on 08/10/2005 21:52, refers to #31

Two more...

-chat bubbles

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#33: ..

by tyguy98 on 08/10/2005 22:08

yeah the crouching would be cool, I also like the differnt colors for names.
Force Teams (Red or Blue)

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#34: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 08/10/2005 22:35, refers to #26

Map cycling fix is needed. Several bugs in the mapping system exist:

a) voting should not be per map. It should be per map and gametype. The "map" command needs 2 arguments. Right now, gametype is selected by the last player to suggest a gametype, which is total anarchy. When the players vote for Efficiency on 32, one player should not beable to turn it to InstaFist, making the game totally pointless.

b) map rotation should be determined by server, not client. This allows servers to define custom map rotations, and encourages client compatibility if they have custom menus.

c) getmap should work as expected - that is, it fetches the current map, not necessarily whatever someone has uploaded. Ideally, it should be run automatically on file miss.

d) somethign to do while dead in arena modes - whether a chasecam of another player or just allowing the player to fly around the map invisible/intangible or something. Anything but just lying on the floor watching a fraction of the combat from a funny angle.

Yes, I know these are feature-requests and you didn't want feature requests, but to most players those aren't requests for new functionality, but just fixes to complete the existing functionality to work in a sensible way.

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#35: ..

by makkE on 08/10/2005 23:00

Agreeing with pxtl here, those would be reasonable additions.

Sherwood: Cube isn´t going to turn into q3 ;)

But there might be a mod for sauer one day that will add "all our beloved features from the classics". (maybe wasdaplus´s planned mod will be a better place for these suggestions?)
Also, as far as the kind of riflejums (or non-selfhurt rocketjumps) are concerned, it wouldn´t make much sense in cube (due to the ceiling often being pretty low..)
again, more a thing for a sauer mod..

There´s already a bunch of trickjumps possible in cube, though not as defined as q3´s (because mainly unintentional).. If you´re german, check out cubed.de , there´s an article on that.
Or try http://cube.snieb.com/node/51

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#36: Re: ..

by Sherwood on 08/10/2005 23:50, refers to #35

hehe i know it wont turn into q3....lol

I thought about the ceiling height also, but I thought I ran into a couple maps that had higher ceilings. They were probaly in Sauer though. Oh well. Maybe the rifle jumps would spur on a few more maps with higher ceilings. Like I said ive only had cube for a few days.

Ok ill start posting elsewhere. Im sure most of the additions for cube are probaly planned out already anyway.

Anyway its a lot of fun!


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#37: Re: Map errors

by spentron on 08/11/2005 03:29, refers to #28

I also finished kksp1, it was just hard to find the last few monsters hidden somewhere in the dark ... but after 2-3 maps with real problems, one could assume a different problem.

None of the real problems are due to monsters malfunctioning. ksp2 has a missing trigger or something (I might be able to figure it out after enough time). egysoc1 I end up walled in -- ??. Rampage had a place where a monster in a device behind the scenes could go down a passage the wrong way and not find its way out (you can't get there yourself) which I fixed later (it's "kill all to finish").

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#38: media... (attn MitaMan & dcp)

by Aardappel_ on 08/11/2005 10:06

I just went through and included all new media I could find, specifically, I added new maps (kurt kesler, JCDPC, makke, mitaman, nieb, fanatic, dcp, spentron, jf), new mapmodels (dcp), new songs (fanatic, dcp), textures (various)

The new archive is already 32 megs however...

MitaMan, your textures add up to 3 megs. Any reduction possible there would be greatly appreaciated.

dcp, the media with your "the core" map is over 4 megs. Any reduction here welcome too.

I am adding some of your item models. Specifically:

all 4 ammo types. Of these, the riflerounds is nearly invisible. If you could make a bigger, brighter version that would rock. With ammo, its either all or nothing, as they look so different from the old ammo boxes.

Do you have new hud icon graphics for them too?

Teleport, trigger2 and quad added.

health. your boost is nearly invisible. For the moment I made health2 the new boost.

The armours: again not so visible, not as pretty as your other models I think. So for the moment still using the old armour models.

carrot / keycard: again, not visible enough. Too many SP maps refer to "carrots", so I may have to leave this as is.

Weapons: I put in your chaingun. No hand, but it looks better than the old one. Your new rifle looks a bit too wacky/scifi for my taste, so no. The new RL blocks half the screen, so also no.


I will comment on everyone's feature requests when I have some coding done.

This weekend is Quakecon, I forgot. not sure if I will have much time friday/saturday, who knows I will have a beta ready sunday.

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#39: Re: Map errors

by -Rick- on 08/11/2005 12:54, refers to #37

In kksp1 you won't have to kill all the monsters...just go to the carrot after you picked up the quad.

I tryed egypsp yesterday, but couldn't get past the room with all the hellpigs.

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#40: Re: media... (attn MitaMan & dcp)

by mitaman-at-the-cave on 08/11/2005 13:12, refers to #38


Reducing file sizes:

As far as the textures go I will open them in PhotoShop and decrease the "quality settings" and re-save each .jpg file, that should reduce the file size a bit. Just to be sure did you want to include both MPSP4 and MPSP5 maps? I will be done in a few days and then send you both .zip files via email. Is that ok with you?


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#41: Re: media... (attn MitaMan & dcp)

by Aardappel_ on 08/11/2005 13:27, refers to #40

yes I would like to include both... be careful with quality settings, don't do it to where you see artifacts.
I was more thinking of doing a "replace" on all least used textures with existing textures.

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#42: progress...

by Aardappel_ on 08/11/2005 13:28

these are all done just now:

- jumppad velocity Z cancellation (better jumps)
- fixes where illegal protocol could corrupt client state
- vdelta edit/remip fix
- out of memory error when shooting rockets at HOM fixed
- listen server functionality removed
- SP tweaks: slowest monsters move a liiitle faster, some fire a little faster, rhino has 20% bigger bounding box, all monsters search a little bit longer when stuck
- fixes for sound crashing on linux when no sound device available
- command "minmillis" regulates fps on very fast machines (see docs).
- maxclients setting for dedicated servers / serverbrowser displays FULL if maxclients reached

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#43: ..

by >driAn<. on 08/11/2005 13:44


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#44: Re: Map errors

by -Rick- on 08/11/2005 13:45, refers to #40

That would be it I guess..thanks ;)

Aard: Nice...:) But what was wrong with a listenserver...?

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#45: ..

by makkE on 08/11/2005 13:46

Mitaman, I noticed some textures are in the mpsp4 as well as in the mpsp5-folder.
Maybe you should combine both to a single folder and adjust the cfg´s accordingly.

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#46: Re: ..

by mitaman-at-the-cave on 08/11/2005 15:33, refers to #45


Well, one problem, some of the same textures are different sizes and have different brightness, contrast, saturation, etc...

It would take me forever to figure out what textures to remove.

To be honest whats the big deal if a map is 3 meg of textures or 2 meg of textures, it's still so small for a map compared to any other game download.

I'll go with the reduce texture quality thing and see if that works, if not, don't bother adding my maps if +/- a meg or so is a big deal.


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#47: Re: ..

by MitaMAN in the cave on 08/11/2005 21:31, refers to #46

Aard & makkE,

Well reducing the texture quality for mpsp4 & mpsp5 is no good, they look far too ugly to be of any use (for the little amount of file size saved).

So makkE, I will try your suggestion and combine all textures into a common folder (over-writing the duplicates) and modify the config files to point to the new texture location. Then I'll run thru the maps and see if it works out (I hope so).

So Aard, if makke's suggestion works and saves file space great. If not you have to decide if my maps will go in as is (the original state). I just don't have the time to go thru both maps (they are huge!) and replace my new textures with textures available within CUBE. Besides, without the new textures I feel (IMHO) the maps would lose the feel I spent months working on. I hope you understand, and I respect any decision you make.

I'll work on the texture combination/configs tonight.

Wish me luck (as mitaman pulls out what little hair he has left).


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