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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272469 views, last view: 09/29/2024 19:41

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#259: FragNet Sauerbraten Server #1

by Bmwboy(FragNet) on 03/28/2006 03:46

Name: FragNet Server 24/7
Don't put the server in private mode...

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#260: EZ Server

by EZ on 04/06/2006 22:31, refers to #259

Location: Europe, Germany
Should be running 24/7.

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#261: Can\'t upload server list from masterserver!!!

by Pharcom on 04/20/2006 22:37

Since I have now the ADSL (speed 4Mb/s), the first thing i wanted to try was to play cube without any dial-up and slow connection. When I opened Cube, firstly i opened \\\"server browser\\\" and connected to a listed server. But when i wanted to update the server list, i selected update from \\\"masterserver\\\", but the whole application blocked! I can\\\'t update the serverlist since i use the router to connect to the internet. Do I have to do a port forward, as i did with other file sharing programs? If yes, can u tell me which port i must forward from the router? Maybe this isn\\\'t the problem i met...

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#262: Re: Can\'t upload server list from masterserver!!!

by Passa on 04/25/2006 07:05, refers to #260

read the docs the ports are all in there

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#263: My servers

by Passa on 04/25/2006 07:13

Cube Server
Name: {cX}Australia
Address: Dynamic IP
Max Clients: 32
Location: Sydney, Australia

Sauerbraten Server
Name: {sX}Australia
Address: Dynamic IP
Location: Sydney, Australia
Do not place the server in private mode.

Both servers are running on a Windows XP machine with a 3.4Ghz processor on iiNet ADSL2+ 24mbps down/12mbps up connection, although the connection can drop to ADSL (1.5mbps down/256k up) occasionally.

Soon they will be set up with a dyn-dns domain, but for now look out for them in the server browser. The IP should generally be something like 124.168.--.--

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#264: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 05/09/2006 12:47

I wish open a server but i dont know how open the ports of my router uh !
I've opened the ports in the firewall (kaspersky) and after ? server.bat say : "your server wasn't added [...]" :(

My router is called "speedtouch" (maybe an inutil info lol)

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#265: Re: ..

by Passa on 05/09/2006 13:31, refers to #264

they have a tutorial for every router under the sun

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#266: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 05/15/2006 18:21

under the sun ?

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#267: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 05/15/2006 18:27

Yeah, i'm really understanding NOTHING
Sauerbraten/Cube are not in the app. list
I dont understand how open the correct ports in my router... my router haven't got manual , it were offered by AOL

Please answer for someone who is 13 years old :S

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#268: Re: ..

by Passa on 05/15/2006 23:06, refers to #267

Read the documentation, the ports are listed there.

Then look on http://www.portforward.com/ for your router model+make. There will be detailed instructions on how to foward ports.

Even a better idea, call AOL. Thats what customer support call centers are for.

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#269: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 05/17/2006 13:27

ç_ç My router isn't in the list
I'll call AOL, if it's not possible just open the kaspersky firewall ports.

For UDP&TCP, i've open the listed ports (something like 26785, don't remember the exact port)

And it don't work...
Is it local port or distant port ?

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#270: Re: ..

by Passa on 05/17/2006 14:01, refers to #269

Try allowing the domain, I had the same problem with ZoneAlarm. Add sauerbraten.org to the trusted zone or whatever its called in Kasperly.

For cube add wouter.fov120.com

Good luck

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#271: ..

by Passa on 05/17/2006 14:06

if it STILL does not work then it means your router is a bitch, my old one was like that too, no matter what I did, I could not run a server on it. If you consider getting a new router, get the Billion BIPAC-7402G, its one awesome router. Supports ADSL and ADSL2+, 54mbps wireless (no Xtended Range support thou, im pretty sure), and it has a whole bunch of advanced features that I haven't gotten around to configuring yet :)

It normally lasts about 5 days before I need to reset it, much better than my old netgear wgt624, that needed to be reset every hour...

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#272: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 05/20/2006 18:47

No, add the domain dont work... XD

Okay, i'm not a server guy... :'(

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#273: My servers update

by Passa on 05/28/2006 12:47

Ok, my servers have been recently updated.

While the connection is a bit better, I am now also running a CS server, so there will not be any noticeable improvements... but now I have a permanent domain for it.


Just connect to that to join on either Sauerbraten OR Cube, as it will work for both.

Enjoy, and cya on my servers :)

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#274: Re: My servers update

by CC_machine4 on 05/28/2006 23:46, refers to #273

im just so amazed by that link, a blank page with a 404 error on it

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#275: Re: My servers update

by hampus_ on 05/28/2006 23:58, refers to #274

Try to connect to it in Cube or Sauerbraten...

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#276: Re: My servers update

by Passa on 05/29/2006 08:46, refers to #274

Its just my dyndns hostname, I haven't setup my apache server yet. But it works for Cube, Sauerbraten or Counter-Strike 1.6.

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#277: Re: My servers update

by Passa on 05/29/2006 13:49, refers to #276

Um forget CS 1.6 server, just realised how much bandwidth one of them uses o_O

Now I'm shaped to 64k till Friday dammit ! ! so my Cube + Sauerbraten servers will be laggy 8am - 12pm Australian time, but normal 12pm to 8am, during my off-peak lol.

Stupid iiNet.. all this off-peak;on-peak stuff is so stupid..

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#278: Re: My servers update

by Pxtl on 05/30/2006 03:28, refers to #277

Yep. Normal FPS games suck the bandwidth like you wouldn't believe. I remember running a Thruster-Instagib server for UT'99 and capping it at 6 players because that's all my pipe could handle.

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