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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/19/2008 16:25, 258 messages, last message: 04/03/2008 21:39, 195442 views, last view: 09/29/2024 16:21

I made an actual thread for this, since we are still yacking about it. To bring the others up to speed:

"Some of us weirdos have been kicking around the thought of making a community edition of Enemy Territory (the FIRST one). I suggested the Cube 2 engine might be a good base...

This would be a straight port of ETPro gameplay to a standalone open source game, using new 'HD' assets. Nothing too fancy, just better graphics and netcode are what we would be looking for."

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#257: ..

by IllvilJa on 04/02/2008 22:29

That's less than two months of inactivity, so I would not worry about this project being dead. Not intended as sarcasm, I know how projects of this kind often seem to be developed in bursts of activity interleaved with more "calm" periods.

But yes, I also hope it keeps going.

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#258: ..

by RealNitro on 04/03/2008 21:39

Check their forum: http://www.usef-et.org/forum/viewforum.php?forum_id=11 The last update was today. ;-)

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