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POLL: item models

by Aardappel_ on 08/19/2006 00:18, 48 messages, last message: 08/25/2006 23:59, 11309 views, last view: 06/01/2024 10:29

makkE has made some new item models.


They kinda fit sauers gameplay style better, but the dcp models are nice too, as they have individual style.

Please reply to this thread only once, and answering only with a number 1, 2 or 3:

What models do you think look best for sauer?

1. makkE's new models
2. dcp's current models
3. metlslime's original models for Cube

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#26: ..

by makkE on 08/21/2006 00:50

I thought about it too.. my problem was that I wanted the original colour coding.

If the nades were cyan, I could make the grenade launchers leds cyan too.

Btw aard I got new changes to the health, gonna email them. Also added a spec and glow to the teleport.

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#27: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 08/21/2006 01:11, refers to #26

A couple suggestions about the health.

If you dont want to use the red cross's symbol, you can always use this: http://www.holtonks.net/cac/FInal%20health%20symbol.gif

It's not quite as recognizable, but it works.

And secondly, how about having the outer ring of the HB spin in the opposite direction than the inside?

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#28: ..

by makkE on 08/21/2006 01:16

I can´t really do that.. that´d be better done in code ( i could hack it in via animation, make a counter movement twice as fast.. but I think it would be smoother via code) ..
Anyways I´d love that too ( been thinking how cool that would be for ages)

I don´t really see a problem with the red cross on this still "underground" project.. cube had it all the time, and noone showed up saying "don´t" :)

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#29: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 08/21/2006 02:20, refers to #28

yup. We're keeping the red cross until the day I get a "cease and desist" letter from their lawyers...

I have seen this in so many games, I don't think this is realistic.

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#30: Re: ..

by Passa on 08/21/2006 06:48, refers to #27

"And secondly, how about having the outer ring of the HB spin in the opposite direction than the inside?"

omgosh, I was thinking that only 5 minutes ago playing Sauerbraten online!

"I can´t really do that.. that´d be better done in code"

Thats exactly what I thought as well, I still think its a great idea though, very cool 8)

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#31: ..

by SanHolo on 08/21/2006 12:22

I think the new Ammo-Items all look too similiar. With the old Sauer-Ammo, I saw from a distance which weapon I'm gonna get; it is much more difficult with those Ammo-Boxes. But right, they are well done at least.

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#32: Re: ..

by rpointon on 08/21/2006 14:40, refers to #31

Agree, they new items look really nice in terms of texture/glow, but can we have them a bit more distinctive in terms of shape?

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#33: Re: 32

by Greywhind on 08/22/2006 01:40, refers to #31

That was my reasoning. I like the #2 models because each one looks very different, making it easy to go for what you want without knowing the map by heart.

The new ones seem like they'll be hard to see what you're going to get.

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#34: cool...

by metlslime on 08/22/2006 02:38

I know my ammo and health models were primitive, but the main advantage they had was an iconic look which was consistent with the HUD and had distinctive colors per ammo type.

I'm glad to see that return, but with artwork less primitive than my originals :)

Also note: none of the weapon models were mine -- just items.

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#35: And...

by metlslime on 08/22/2006 02:41

regarding the complaints about recognizing them -- supposedly the unique colors would be enough. If they are too subtle, maybe the intensity or size of the glow needs to be tweaked?

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#36: Re: 32

by Pxtl on 08/22/2006 03:54, refers to #33

I think people haven't noticed that the new ones glow yet. The glow should make the colour stand out a lot more - many Sauer maps are extremely dark and so the _only_ way to make out what kind of pickup you're looking at is by it's silhouette against the light. If they glow with their icon, that shouldn't be necessary.

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#37: ..

by makkE on 08/22/2006 10:43


I think that´s enough :P

Metl: Raising glow intensity is tricky. It tends to bleach out colours after a certain threshold is reached.

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#38: Ideas for improvement

by metlslime on 08/22/2006 22:07

I checked these out last night. Some feedback:

0. before i get really critical, let me say I do like them and they are a major improvement in function and aesthetics.

1. in general, the ammo HUD icons don't devote enough pixels to actual information. Generally the useful image/color only occupies about 1/4 of the image for ammo icons. It would be nice to expand this to fill most of the square shape, hopefully keeping a narrow metal frame for consistency with the other icons. Health and armor seem to be good. Oh, and the fist probably needs a colored background to contrast the very dark fist icon. My original icons had sort of a faded purple color; this might be good.

2. The ammo boxes themselves are not as readable at a distance as they could be. The shells and riflerounds are the best, with the icon blurring into distinctive red or blue pixels at a distance. Rockets and bullets are okay, but there isn't enough of the brown and green colors at a distance. And finally, cartridges and grenades don't seem to stand out enough -- cartridges probably need a color, and grenades box needs its color shifted farther away from the riflerounds color. Also, the grenade icon would probably benefit from being white shape on colored background like the others. I wonder if the cartridges should have a different icon also. Perhaps the outline of a pistol itself?

3. Another idea which may not be necessary is to expand the size of the colored icon on the ammo box. This would further increase readability at a distance.

If you guys like, I can try to mess around with these ideas myself and come back when I have something to show you.

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#39: ..

by chead on 08/22/2006 22:23


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#40: ..

by theButcher on 08/24/2006 21:15


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#41: ..

by Sauceofallevils. on 08/24/2006 22:13

I like makke's items the best, but I like dcp's health and healthboost better. If you where to use all makke's ammo boxes and dcp's health boxes I'd say that would be the bets choice, but thats just my opinion. Good work makke!

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#42: ..

by Quin on 08/25/2006 02:39

#1 if they become more distincitive, otherwise great work, nice to see those normals in action!

I also tend to agree about the health boost, it just needs, something. How about some effects like sparkles or something guys? The glow from the items could have a bigger impact on the lighting of the level. Both of these, I guess, are up to the programmers, not the modeller I guess.

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#43: ..

by makkE on 08/25/2006 09:56

It´s only spec maps. :)

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#44: ..

by chead on 08/25/2006 20:28

And about the red cross...

If you do get a "cease and desist" letter, you can just make it a different color (e.g. Quake3's green/yellow crosses for health). :P

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#45: ..

by hampus_ on 08/25/2006 20:43

Why should the red cross change color just because Red Cross use it in their logo?

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