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Cube modded SFX

by SilentFox on 02/11/2006 10:44, 43 messages, last message: 06/07/2006 00:47, 10035 views, last view: 09/29/2024 01:43


Tell me what you think of the SFX I modded.
Be sure to visit my FPS dedictated forum!

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#26: Re: ..

by tentus on 02/13/2006 02:18, refers to #25

good site, partners in rhyme, i use their stuff for most of my flash projects. They're cool people. I don't think I've ever applied their stuff to cube, but i can easily see how and why.

anyone else here use Audacity?

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#27: ..

by makkE on 02/13/2006 02:29

I have audacity too, because it´s free. I don´t do much sound editing, but it´s a great tool and sufficient for my purposes. The fact it can do wav-mp3 stuff is good as well.

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#28: Re: ..

by tentus on 02/13/2006 02:38, refers to #27

and Ogg Vorbis. can't forget the ogg.

is there a good reason to use waves rather than Oggs for sound effects? would it be too much compression logic for such a short payoff, or something like that? even at it's lowest compression ratio, (as in least compressed) ogg is more efficient than wave.

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#29: ..

by SilentFox on 02/13/2006 03:12

Yeah but all the sfx in the sound folder for Cube is wav. The music in the game is either midi. or ogg.

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#30: ..

by CEngine on 02/13/2006 03:36

Dang, Everytime a mod or ANYTHING is distributed, people are quick to flame.

And bringing up legal issues has become so redundant. You do realize its not worth the time and effort to recreate something when all your doing it for is a game that maybe 5-10 people will actually play. But Makke, if you feel the need to replicate everything just to be safe, do as you please by drawing every picture from scratch you ever use, create every sound from scratch and so on, but please stop talking like you know whats legal and whats not.

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#31: ..

by SilentFox on 02/13/2006 04:15

Mod is almost done. Still seeing if I'm satisfied with it.

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#32: ..

by makkE on 02/13/2006 04:20

I know what´s legal and what´s not and yes, I do all my stuff from scratch, or at least I use free resources, but I like to give things my personal touch, because it´s much more fun than scrambling together other people´s hard work.

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#33: Re: ..

by SilentFox on 02/13/2006 04:29, refers to #32

That's what I am doing atm. I'm using adobe audition to edit some SFX. I changed some gun sounds such as the machine gun. Now it has a more mature sound. Same with the rhino's. I also have Armour pickup and Health pickup sound more retro since I found that the Quake sounds sounded plain. (Yes, I realized that.)

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#34: Re: ..

by Passa on 02/13/2006 13:08, refers to #30

CEngine, you mention people are quick to flame yet here you are telling makkE that he dosent know whats legal and what is not legal. And there is nothing wrong with making things from scratch! It gives you a great feeling of satisfaction when you have done something yourself.

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#35: ..

by SilentFox on 02/13/2006 13:18

Guys. Chill out. I am almost done. I may release later today or tomorrow. Enough with Copyright. It's the same with everywhere. lol

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#36: ..

by SilentFox on 02/13/2006 18:26


It's done.

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#37: ..

by makkE on 02/13/2006 19:46

Nice :)

Sounds that rock:
Ammo Pickup, Land, Shotgun (nice boom, the old sound never really matched it´s strengh),
Teleport, Jumppad (though it starts with a delay and has a nasty click at start and ending, but the sound itself fits well)
New chaingun sound is nice as well.

I like the health and armour sounds, though they are a little long and high pitched imho.
Also the weapon change sound is nice, but the two sounds could be comming faster after each other since it´s a fast event.
Monster wake up sound is fun :)

The pain sounds are okay, those are probably the hardest to do. I once gave it a try myself, with similar results. I still haven´t come across how they do them, making them sound low and mean, but still human.

I don´t really like the jump sound.

But that´s all just personal opinion, I´m sure people will like it. I´d like to see some of them becomming official. Good work!

By the way, extracting the package to cube/packages/ works fine for me.

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#38: Re: ..

by SilentFox on 02/14/2006 01:45, refers to #37

Thanks for that :)

Yeah. Pain SFX is hard to do. But I wasn't aiming for the tough, pain sounds you'd hear in Doom 3 and stuff. I was being completely original.

The jump sound is well... I know. It could be better. The FPS Creator jump is more worse. So I know mine sounds 10 times better.

The monster wake sounds were done by me. I wanted the monsters to sound more like monsters then hearing an oink noise. lol

Cube is an old game so far. Time of it to mature up. ^^ Glad I could help. :p

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#39: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 02/14/2006 04:37, refers to #26

anyone else here use Audacity?

*raises hand*

That and psycle

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#40: Re: ..

by Passa on 02/14/2006 07:55, refers to #39

nah just audacity
it rocks, especially for the price!

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#41: Re: ..

by sinsky on 02/14/2006 20:24, refers to #39

*left hand tries to raise, but right holds it down*

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#42: Modding SFX and Music

by Mokolai on 06/07/2006 00:32, refers to #41

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get a handle on the best (easiest?) way to change out sounds in Sauerbraten.

Just changing the new file names to the old ones is a quick and dirty fix - what is the more elegant way and how do you do it?


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#43: ..

by Koi Kitsune2006 on 06/07/2006 00:47

I just submitted new SFX for Sauer. You can download here. http://www.quadropolis.us/node/253

Kinda funny someone bringing this old thread up.

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