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Single-player game using Cube engine ! !

by impp_d on 06/25/2004 20:37, 45 messages, last message: 06/26/2005 00:22, 14877 views, last view: 06/02/2024 10:34


There's the URL for a single-player game we made, using the great Cube engine.

Original Music
Full SP campaign.
New sounds, textures, etc.
Not the ordinary Cube monsters.
Worth a look.

-thanks and cheers to anyone who made models, textures, sounds that i've included.

-D Crew 2004

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#26: ..

by whiz_kid122 on 06/29/2004 21:30

What happened to the site? It can\'t seem to find it right now.

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#27: cool ambience :)

by D.plomat on 07/03/2004 19:09

musics + sounds are very cool.

Also i enjoy all those slimy "giant seafood" models (sorry i don't know the english for that ;)

The only negative thing is that it shouldn't be an executable install but a zip or tar.gz
for Linux users, and as already said nothing in the registry, and eventually keeping the keybinds for the arrows to help ppl not using WASD

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#28: Interesting

by spentron on 08/17/2004 02:57

I finally got to this over our little break ;0. I can see maybe there's a problem with excess expectations, it being called a seperate "game", a huge download etc. It does have its own style and it's interesting how the Half-Life type stuff is implemented. The biggest weakness is that other than that stuff it takes a good while for the gameplay to take off and have much challenge -- although with limited save (???) and long and sometimes confusing levels it's almost the only way. Every time I died I quit out and saved the restarting a level for later.

As to "triggered monsters" there aren't any, these levels use the black fog trick, which is effective in that you can't see very far and get surprises, but I'm sick of it already because its kind of cheap play-wise and looks like a N64 game.

I actually thought the swearing worked, because it was realistic to what I would say in that situation, except more reserved.

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#29: Hey Guy's

by Lavaball on 08/17/2004 06:56

Hey impp_d can you email me your game please becouse the site is not working can you please email it to me jeanpd@onvol.net hope you can email it to me ok :) i want to see your cool engine :)

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#30: New site for Fusion

by impp_d on 08/17/2004 15:54


New Site for Fusion.
This one is WAY more stable.

I appreciate comments, etc.
Remember, it's an amateur effort by
3 peeps, tho.


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#31: Still undownloadiable

by Lavaball on 08/17/2004 17:07

I tried both site's

1)Download dont work if i click the dialog it shows normally but after i click download on the filecommander dialog start download nothing error pagina

2)the other downloader is bad and fileplanet require's paying so i suggest you use a free downloader for more download guest's

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#32: hosting

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/17/2004 20:36

great! I can host your game, provided it is no larger than 50 MB. I could put it at www.innovatived.ca/(yourgame) if you would like.

I myself am trying to make my own game based on the cube engine. i wouldn't mind at all if you would help me. source-forge project for it coming sooner than you think...

you can e-mail me at: innovati@innovatived.ca

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#33: Hosting

by innovati on 08/20/2004 19:33


Um, I've got space for it...I'm dowloading it right now, but the "estimated time" before starting is 14 minutes. I will upload it to my site, then send you the link.

Please put the link on your site so other people don't have to wait this long to get it.

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#34: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/22/2004 05:55

I tried to downloaD it, but it never went...send me a link to the actual file, and i can host it at my site...

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#35: screens

by tentus on 08/27/2004 17:15

I have terrible bandwidth, so before i download something with mixed reviews, could you post more screenshots? Or even better, post a demo level i can play in cube.
regardless, it's great to see people making open source games.

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#36: ..

by why wont it let me log in??? on 08/28/2004 18:16

i was gonna mirror it, but still haven't been able to download it (I've been trying). I was planning to host it, 'cause I've got 15 GB monthly bandwidth...ad free, but i can't even get it myself...

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#37: ..

by Wolfgang on 09/14/2004 17:46

The download at filecommander.com really doesn\'t work. You should hurry up finding alternative hosts.

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#38: new host . . . . .. . . . . . .

by impp_d on 09/16/2004 11:44

I've submitted it to fileplanet twice, but that\'s proving difficult, too..as they\'re not responding to my submission and emails.


nearly 350 people have been able to DL it from filecommender

yes. I agree that filecommander isn\'t that great. The wait time is huge on weekends :(

I will try fileplanet again tonight, send another email, etc

It's all so depressing. I think the game /conversion/mod/whatever it is..is quite good, considering I did 99% of it myself.

anyway..i am trying, peeps.

stay tuned.

oh..a tip for anyone who has been able to DL it, plays, dies, gets frustrated because you spawn at start of level again....don't worry !

Pressing HOME will bring up a menu where you can choose any level to play...so you may want to just choose the next level..or a favourite one !

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded it, and my apologies if i've been a bit rude to people, too. It's been a bit stressful around here lately. :P

anyway..i'm off to fileplanet to harass them some more.

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#39: ..

by Wolfgang on 09/17/2004 20:45

About filecommander:
It is not the wait time. If you use good times you will get nearly no waiting time. The problem is: my download is ready - so the window tells. But then there comes a window telling that refuses creating a connection. So I am not able to download Fusion! That is why I told you to hurry up finding an alternative host.

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#40: ..

by Frank__i -CaKe- on 09/18/2004 04:52

Damn , i cant download it !
Oh well , tell us once you get a download link working , it is true that its not so easy but , its Work ...
lol , maby i take work a little to seriously ( BUT ITS MONNEY BABE )

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#41: ..

by Détruire on 09/18/2004 08:20

Why dont you just use a normal host like geocities or something....
try www.dhost.info or www.30mb.com

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#42: Too bad...

by D.plomat on 09/18/2004 17:23

i'd have put my copy of Fusion on some host somewhere or via p2p for others to D/L, but unfortunately the machine where i had it had a hardware disk crash :(

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#43: ..

by Wolfgang on 10/06/2004 17:58

Still no better server to download. Very strange ;-)

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#44: DOwnload it here guys!!

by Mud Buddha on 12/22/2004 03:17



Hope you all enjoy the game. Great music btw.

Mud Buddha

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#45: ..

by CC_Machine2 on 06/26/2005 00:22

i know this mod hasnt been used for a year or so but i have just found fusion on google and i think it is vey cool

-there are lots of maps
-new models + sounds implemented
-gamespeed changed from 100 to 80 in sp mode nice change in feel
-new musics (also non-musics played as musics to add atmosphere e.g. dripping)
-nice atmosphere + storyline
-the use for demos at start, start of campaign and at end of campaign is good

-loadgame always restarts the map when you load so you cant save 1/2 way through the level
-some of the levels are very puzzling
-default skill changed from 3 to 5
-the sp levels take a while to get intersting and start boring

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