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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/19/2008 16:25, 258 messages, last message: 04/03/2008 21:39, 195117 views, last view: 09/29/2024 00:34

I made an actual thread for this, since we are still yacking about it. To bring the others up to speed:

"Some of us weirdos have been kicking around the thought of making a community edition of Enemy Territory (the FIRST one). I suggested the Cube 2 engine might be a good base...

This would be a straight port of ETPro gameplay to a standalone open source game, using new 'HD' assets. Nothing too fancy, just better graphics and netcode are what we would be looking for."

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#250: Re: Fried gold

by ezombie on 02/19/2008 06:21, refers to #249

Well, PPC is big endian IIRC - so that will be covered by byte swapping in the loader.

Arm... who knows. Not sure the iPhone could run Sauer anyways (Oooo, now there is an idea)

As to the *watered down ET* comment, that got me chatting with some others. I hope that even if we completely duplicated current stock ET, adding nothing new, it would be a great improvement:

1) Maintained code. Mods have had to step in and finish it. Many (at times serious) engine quirks/bugs have remained, since that is not the open source part. Most people with Vista cannot even run the game.

2) Easier to make maps. Granted that many good maps have been made for ET over the years. But the supply is dwindling, and many newbies out there have great ideas for maps but lack the complex radiant skills to make them work.

3) Lag-resistant netcode. This is a BIG one. Playing ET with over a 100 ping means you will die, and die often - regardless of skill. Most pro players refuse to play on servers with over 100 ping for this reason.

4) Ease of customization. Our framework gives just about anyone the ability to make their own *mod*. Only those with gobs of time and well developed coding skills can even hope to unravel the spaghetti that is the ET SDK.

I'm actually fighting adding more stuff then is found in ET. Just the stock gameplay + updated models and weapons is what I'm focusing on.

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#251: Re: Fried gold

by ezombie on 02/19/2008 06:26, refers to #250

Forgot #5:

Performance on older hardware. I get 50-80FPS in ET. On the same machine and resolution I get 120-190FPS in Sauer. This is remarkable to me, any way you cut it.

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#252: ..

by James007 on 02/19/2008 17:56

ah, well im hoping for a better ET what ever happens. I hope the fact that we're looking out for people with older hardware, it doesnt mean it will cripple the fun for us with good machines.

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#253: ..

by smartalco on 02/19/2008 23:14

on the OS X thing, just having a universal binary will solve everything (intel and powerpc, as well as 32bit or 64bit, for leopard anyway, i suppose if you have 64 bit tiger your kinda screwed...)

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#254: Re: Mac

by ezombie on 02/19/2008 23:32, refers to #253

I'm not sure you are understanding the problem. We are talking about the VM bytecode, not the executable.

But luckily the Lua VM source code is very clean and easy to understand, so customizations are a piece of cake. A couple of #ifdefs and it should work fine.

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#255: progress update

by ezombie on 02/19/2008 23:37


We got OpenGL working from the VM now. Here is the beginnings of our radar:

function client:drawradar(x, y, radius, alpha)
gl.Color({1, 1, 1, alpha})
sauer.settexture("data/radar.png", false)
gl.TexCoord({0, 0}); gl.Vertex({x - radius, y - radius})
gl.TexCoord({1, 0}); gl.Vertex({x + radius, y - radius})
gl.TexCoord({1, 1}); gl.Vertex({x + radius, y + radius})
gl.TexCoord({0, 1}); gl.Vertex({x - radius, y + radius})

Still hammering away at porting the reference fpsgame classes over to Lua - one method at a time. This last inclusion should make things go a bit faster. Once enough is in the VM, our script guys can take over much of the logic coding and I can focus on internals again (like adding triggers).

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#256: Further Progress?

by Brianv on 04/02/2008 21:13

Is there any further progress on this? I\'ve checked out both this thread as well as the website and SF page, and things seem to be dead since late February.

Hope this is still rolling, sounds like a great idea!

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#257: ..

by IllvilJa on 04/02/2008 22:29

That's less than two months of inactivity, so I would not worry about this project being dead. Not intended as sarcasm, I know how projects of this kind often seem to be developed in bursts of activity interleaved with more "calm" periods.

But yes, I also hope it keeps going.

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#258: ..

by RealNitro on 04/03/2008 21:39

Check their forum: http://www.usef-et.org/forum/viewforum.php?forum_id=11 The last update was today. ;-)

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