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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Game music

by PaRanoYaK on 03/10/2004 11:23, 26 messages, last message: 09/16/2004 00:35, 12358 views, last view: 06/24/2024 21:15

Hellow all, I'm both a hard core gamer, a coder and a digital music maker :-).
I'm very interested in your game dev, 'think the engine is really wonderfull and game play, even if it requires many littles adgustements, is very promising.
Why do I post here ? Not only to say that the game is great (we are oftenly playing it during boring lessons in our school (DUT, french equivalent of a HND)), but also that I propose myself for creating new musics for the game.
Don't know if it can interest you, but well, if it does, i can provide a demo song "especially" for this game in a few weeks.
You still can download some of my song at www.paranoyak.tk, but the quality is crap, not my best tracks are yet released and I can provide tracks of far better quality.

Even if you don't whant of my songs (^_^), good luck for future, and keep up the good work, very promising as I said :-).

See you.

PS: sorry for my bad english, I do the best I can.

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#24: ..

by pushplay on 09/09/2004 03:51

Can't have too many music tracks to pick a nice selection from.

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#25: ..

by macher on 09/13/2004 20:43

Anyone heard antiloop? Perfect for cube! Love playing them while playing cube!

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#26: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/16/2004 00:35

I have a few songs with metal and kinda symphony stuff in them, try some of these from my site:

Delicate Balance album - Gothic Dreams
Delicate Balance album - Lost

Inner Realm album - Lost Saints

I usually use some kind fo strings of choir sounds with metal if I use anything like that.

What did you have in mind for a symphony type metal song?

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