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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/19/2008 16:25, 258 messages, last message: 04/03/2008 21:39, 195430 views, last view: 09/29/2024 14:36

I made an actual thread for this, since we are still yacking about it. To bring the others up to speed:

"Some of us weirdos have been kicking around the thought of making a community edition of Enemy Territory (the FIRST one). I suggested the Cube 2 engine might be a good base...

This would be a straight port of ETPro gameplay to a standalone open source game, using new 'HD' assets. Nothing too fancy, just better graphics and netcode are what we would be looking for."

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#24: ..

by ezombie on 01/21/2008 21:07

I'll fire up Nexuiz on our test rigs (one low, one medium, one high) and see how it runs.

* AMD Sempron 1800
* ATI Radeon 9200

* AMD Sempron 64 3000
* nVidia 6600

* Intel Core Duo E6600
* nVidia 8800GT

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#25: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/21/2008 21:42, refers to #20

Darkplaces is Q1? I always thought it was Q3. Q1 used 2D sprites, like the other early fps's, while Q2 used md2s like Cube used...

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#26: ..

by ezombie on 01/21/2008 22:27

It was based on Q1 - just like Q3 was based on Q2 which was based on Q1.

I ran the tests on the low spec machine (it's a ATI 9200LE, actually). Nexuiz runs faster on that. But to be fair, it looked like Quake at that quality level. Sauer ran at a steady 2-4fps, but it looked much better. Perhaps it can only be set so low?

Now to the mid spec machine. This is the one that really counts.

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#27: ..

by ezombie on 01/21/2008 23:15

Mid spec machine done. Ugh.

I had to lower Nexuiz to 'medium' quality and resolution (1027x768), then it ran at 30-50 FPS. Not very smooth at all, either.

At medium quality, it looked like Q2.

Well, no darkplaces then. This isn't worth doing unless it's a *upgrade* to ET quality/performance. And cutting out over half the current players due to hardware is not an option.

Any more suggestions?

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#28: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/21/2008 23:22, refers to #26

Huh, seeing the graphics & gameplay of Nexuiz made me think it was Q3...

How did Sauer run on the mid-range?

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#29: heh

by ATIRULE on 01/21/2008 23:33

I play the nexuiz svn with on high settings and real time lighting -rtworld
I get 45- 100 fps @ 1024x768 on a 2.8 P4 and 6200 agp 4x on most maps and smooth as hell
Dark Places is based off of Gl quake 1
all tho according to the dev's there is less the 1% of the original quake 1 code

It is a far better engine then quake 3 when you have the hardware for it and know how to set it up and have the right content to work with it

DP supports

Normal maps
off settmapping
FULL HRD and Real time lighting


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#30: Re: Performance

by ezombie on 01/21/2008 23:48, refers to #28

On the midrange machine (my personal rig) with Sauer, I can set almost everything to max, and play at 1280x1024 with a smooth 40-70 FPS.

Nexuiz must not like my machine, or the last release (I just downloaded it off the site) is much slower then SVN.

This is on Windows XP, BTW.

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#31: Re: Performance

by ezombie on 01/22/2008 00:11

My bad, I was running the SDL Nexuiz. I spent awhile fiddling with the various settings, managed to get 50-70FPS on 1024x768. Which compares to 90-120FPS in Cube 2 at that resolution.

Sauer has support for normal and displacement maps (and specular). I made/tested some myself on the map textures and the models.

Darkspace is nice, don't get me wrong. It's on the list. I have to do some more testing first and look through the code a bit.

I'm curious ATIRULE (nice name with you running a nVida card), what do you get in Sauer? And what do you get in ET with that setup? I would love some more datapoints.

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#32: ..

by MovingTarget on 01/22/2008 00:34

On my laptop, I get 90-150 FPS. Here's the specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 @ 2.20GHz
nVIDIA Quadro FX 360m

In a bit I'll go test WolfET and see what I get.

I'm really surprised at how well Sauer plays on my rig, especially as my card is geared toward CAD/CAM and video editing (what I do).

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#33: Re: Performance

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 01/22/2008 00:38, refers to #31

Just as a heads-up, ATIRULE has never been real truthful in providing data, as I can remember a running complaint he had that simply could not have been true given the data he was providing.

If you like, I'll see if I can crank out some numbers for you from my SLi rig tonight or tomorrow.

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#34: Re; Performance

by ezombie on 01/22/2008 02:08

Yeah, the low spec machine is running old catalyst (6.5 i think), plus hasn't run any games before this - it's the wife's computer, slowest comp I could get my hands on. How do I check if the software renderer is running?

Oh, and BTW, HOLY CRAP!! Has anyone run this on FreeBSD 7.0 yet? I just booted into it (my dev platform for work) and fired it up on the mid spec machine...

120-190FPS solid at 1280x1028, everything on. Blasted my way through some SP maps, felt like superman.

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#35: Re: Performance

by ATIRULE on 01/22/2008 10:48, refers to #33

i get 45-100+ fps on most maps with full shaders 1024x768

one thing i should have pointed out is that my 6200 is far from stock it been modded and over clocked by about 70%

I can run doom 3 at 800x600 and be pegged at 60 fps most of the time on high settings

system info
OS windows xp Pro sp3
cpu intel P4 2.88 OC 2.66 stock air cooled
768mb ddr 400 ram
NVGf 6200 caped at x4 ;(

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#36: re:

by geartrooper2 on 01/22/2008 12:55

I guess I'll throw my hat in the ring if you need a modeler/animator. The more concept art the better, if it works out.

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#37: ..

by makkE on 01/22/2008 21:43

Don ´t make the mistake of judging the darkplaces engine by running Nexuiz!!

Nexuiz, though certainly a nice project, has lots of internal flaws, 3000-polygon gibs anyone? Their .zym model format is a ressource hogger too... also, their bump and spec-maps are kinda cheap (ps filter slapped on older diffuse textures), so it looks worse than it could ;)

If you know what you do in terms of optimized meshes (and art assets in general) DP is a great engine...

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#38: ..

by James007 on 01/22/2008 22:23

Nexuiz runs great on my intel mac, I just have to turn 1 or 2 of the lighting options off for the game to play smoothly on high settings. It looks fantastic too.....

A Wolfen ET game would work on Dark Places.... but some tweaking would have to take place im sure.

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#39: Blam!

by dfhkshjkfsdconorbhjfkdshkj on 01/23/2008 02:58

Can anyone say Blam! Engine?

I will test out nexiuz...

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#40: ..

by ezombie on 01/23/2008 03:24

Blam Engine? as in Halo Custom Edition?

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#41: Maybe...

by jsfdlconorhjfd on 01/23/2008 05:10


(Good luck)

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#42: RE: Maybe

by ezombie on 01/23/2008 23:25

Since you don't feel like making a identity on the forum, I'll assume you are the bloke that suggested the Blam! engine.

I'm not sure how to evaluate that suggestion, since Blam! is not an open source engine. Heck, you need a Halo CD just to run Halo:Community Edition. This is going to be an open source project, so commercial engines are not a viable option.

We might have the master servers ad supported (ads displayed on the server browser screen/player account website, not in game), but that would be the extent of commercial involvement in this.

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#43: Re: Maybe

by Julius on 01/23/2008 23:44, refers to #42

[quote]We might have the master servers ad supported (ads displayed on the server browser screen/player account website, not in game), but that would be the extent of commercial involvement in this. [/quote]

That sounds like a cool idea, especially with the player account to prevent cheating (maybe by adding a karma system where other players can vote someone up or down and certain servers only allow you to join if you have a certain number of upvotes).

So what are your futher plans? Did you talk to Quin and Acord about colaborating on the Bloodfronteer engine?

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