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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by tentus on 01/02/2005 08:19, 45 messages, last message: 03/17/2005 03:28, 28437 views, last view: 09/29/2024 00:32

So I've made a new mod of Cube over the last few months (though I'm not sure if it's really termed a mod- none of my recoding efforts have been successful, so it's running on the original engine.)

The driving concept is that the classic Nintendo series, the Legend of Zelda, rocked in it's day, but it could rock even more if translated over into a first person shooter. Beyond that, it's just me teaching myself how Cube works.

LoZ:Cube has very few maps in it to date, but does have a good number of new models, a small small number of new textures (mostly i'm relying on ikbase, dg, and techsoc1) and some handy MIDI files. Not much to look at yet, but hey, it's a beta. Anyone who wants to use my stuff is free to, so even if you don't play my game you may want to download it for the models. (it's only a 10.5 Meg RAR)

LoZ:Cube is at . If you don't have WinRAR, run by rarlabs.com and download their stuff.

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#23: ..

by makkE on 02/02/2005 14:25

speaking of modified ogros: The original ogro-package downloadable on polycount comes with 14 skins, many of them fantasy style, as well as basic skins to modify ;)

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#24: Re: LOTR next?!

by Pxtl on 02/02/2005 14:55, refers to #22

nope, not pub. dom.

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#25: Re: LOTR next?!

by loz-linuxizer on 02/02/2005 17:06, refers to #24

Hmm upon actually reading on this subject it looks like LOTR is still protected by copyright, but given the volumes of fan art, fiction, etc. I very strongly doubt anyone would say anything unless you attempted to perfectly duplicate the works of Miramax and/or EA games.

See http://www.intellectual-property.gov.uk/std/faq/copyright/how_long.htm

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._R._R._Tolkien I see J. R. R. Tolkien died in 1973, so technically UK copyright stands until 2043.

Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lord_of_the_Rings and read how a US publishing house completely ripped off Tolkien's works in the 1960's.

I was wrong about LOTR being in public domain, but I really doubt anyone's going to worry about this one. It'd be like putting a werewolf and vampire and saying we ripped off Underworld and Blade.

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#26: Re: LOTR next?!

by tentus on 02/02/2005 22:15, refers to #25

Ja, at this point people just accept orcs, hobbits and ents- but Tolkien was the first to ever pen any of those names. The "Orc" was his largely unheralded creation... up until him there were only goblins. Approximately a third of modern day fantasy creatures trace their roots back to Tolkien.

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#27: legal paranoia

by pushplay on 02/03/2005 02:55

That's a good reason to strike it out on your own, but the opportunity to crate your own ideas and craft your own universe is even better. Show me something I haven't seen before. :)

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#28: ..

by sinsky on 02/03/2005 11:44

I doubt Tolkien was much concerned about legal things while writing. As far as I know he was interested in myths and folklore, that's what his orcs, elves and ents are based on. The director of the movie Pretty Woman for example admits (and you will see one of the characters in the movie say that) it is based on stories like Cinderella. And Shrek is even worse, they didn't pay all those people who worked hard on all the tales they messed with - can you imagine. So much for the legal stuff :)

Of course legal restrictions apply with the full force of the law (wow, I made a new expression:) for media like graphics, music, etc. If you can't make that yourself, you have to pay for it. That's how it works.

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#29: Re: ..

by Jcdpc Mozilla_is_teh_cookie_monster on 02/03/2005 12:26, refers to #28

err...the people who made the tales that shrek messed with are...um...sorta dead...

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#30: Re: ..

by sinsky on 02/03/2005 14:00, refers to #29

I know, I was kidding :) Bad sense of humour I guess. Now the ancestor spirits will awaken and eat us.

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#31: Re: ..

by sinsky on 02/03/2005 14:08, refers to #30

"ancestral", not "ancestor" - this is a crime against the language. By saying the latter I have damaged this forum and will be persecuted by the full extent of the law.

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#32: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 02/03/2005 15:31

"I was wondering why we haven't thrown all this stuff together. Between the stuff in flameshot, Quad, and Rick's bots, there's a tonne of Cube mod stuff. A nice "Cube Unstable" would be neato."

Ah... your not the only one :)

I was thinking about something like CubeX:
- Bot support
- More gamemodes like CTF(Quad ?)
- Something like a 'main menu', where you start at when your run cube. This could have stuff like create/join server and settings
- Linux and windows installer
- Chooseble player models
- Maybe weapon models aswell
- Small tweaks like a better scoreboard(death/kill ratio, amount of deaths, scrollbar)

"but Rick did not include vc project files. If I had those files I'd jump at it, but b/c I only figured out how to force vc into compiling cube this morning, I'm somewhat leery of trying to undergo all that frustration again."

I didn't because they're a bit hacky(to lazy to find a more clean way since I code most of the time on Linux anyway)
If you still want them I can mail them to you.

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#33: ..

by RealNitro on 02/03/2005 16:05

- Bot support
- More gamemodes like CTF(Quad ?)
- Something like a 'main menu', where you start at when your run cube. This could have stuff like create/join server and settings
- Linux and windows installer
- Chooseble player models
- Maybe weapon models aswell
- Small tweaks like a better scoreboard(death/kill ratio, amount of deaths, scrollbar)
One more:
- Death by falling

An 'unstable' Cube would be great.

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#34: dbf...

by Pxtl on 02/03/2005 16:25

Death by falling would break a lot of Cube maps. I don't think anyone's interested in that feature. The only "death by falling" anyone wants is the bottom of the skybox causing instant death, so that sky maps and pits become possible. Regular "fall damage" is generally unpopular.

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#35: ..

by RealNitro on 02/03/2005 16:49

Well, either is good for me. ;-)

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#36: ..

by makkE on 02/03/2005 19:56

heh, about loz cube I agree with pushplay. It gives you more creative freedom if you do a "loz-inspired" mod rather that a conversion of the original.

About that put it all together thing: I would welcome that.Some osp-type thing..

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#37: Re: ..

by tentus on 02/03/2005 20:44, refers to #33

Hey, if I had all day to work on this I'd try to comply with some of those. I'd kill to have bots and CTF in Cube Legends, and a command for reseting sprites, but as is I'm still stumbling about cluelessly in the source, hoping that I'll have more time on my hands after the school year and track season end.

I might take you up on that Rick- I'll see if I can do without first though, so it may be a few weeks before I email you. :)

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#38: Re: ..

by loz-linuxizer on 02/04/2005 08:09

If you search this forum you'll see that I've written a quick Linux installer for LoZ (this thread) and Cube (in general thread).
Too bad I can't afford one of these: http://www.installshield.com/products/installshield/. Maybe my school has one of these I can use to build a nice GUI installer. If you have access to InstallSheild DevStudio please make sure it's legit...the last thing an open-source project needs is to get caught using warez.
Or does someone want to try Wix out (http://sourceforge.net/projects/wix/)? A clever BATCH script is last resort.

Addressing the main menu idea: Death Illustrated included something of this nature. Does anyone know how to modify DIs menu or build their own?

I think new gameplay modes and bot support are on their way for future CL (Cube:Legends) releases. Ask Tentus.

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#39: For win32

by Pxtl on 02/04/2005 19:17

I highly recommend Inno Setup. See my Cube installer over at Quadropolis to see how it looks. I can email you the Cube installer-construction script file if you like, just go get Inno Setup to try it.

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#40: Re: For win32

by loz-linuxizer on 02/04/2005 21:58, refers to #39

Wow thanks for telling me about Inno setup. Just downloaded nad installed it on my laptop. Tentus-this is an awesome software you or I will have to use for CL.

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#41: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 02/06/2005 22:45

Yeah Inno setup is great. Love the wizards :)
Too bad there isn't something like this for linux for free.

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#42: Re: ..

by staffy2005 on 02/07/2005 09:53, refers to #32

It would rock if someone could get quad compiled so that it could connect to my masterserver.

look here: http://cubeengine.com/forum.php4?action=display_thread&thread_id=370
I rebuilt the quad server with protocol set to 22 and the masterserver displays all right. with -22 the protcol is messed, the other items ok. PROTO set to 129 fails due to cubes network traffic compression algorhythm. this is clearly a shortcoming of the masterserver.

staffy, if you want to host a quad masterserver, I'd advise to change the protocol setting; you would have to recompile anyways to set the masterservers location in the binaries.


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