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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272483 views, last view: 09/29/2024 21:28

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#220: Re: Sauerbraten server

by Raging Storm on 09/05/2005 22:09, refers to #219

In France.

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#221: ..

by -Rick- on 09/05/2005 22:16

Heh thats pretty close to Holland...uhm connection speeds?

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#222: Re: ..

by Raging Storm on 09/05/2005 22:19, refers to #221

DSL 20 meg

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#223: Re: ..

by kernowyon on 09/06/2005 15:30, refers to #222

Just tried connecting - no joy. Attempting to connect...
then it times out.
I am in the UK.

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#224: re:...

by benoit on 09/12/2005 12:55

You can also write "addserver" in the server.cfg file so that you will see it in the server browser. that works.

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#225: lll

by lll on 10/26/2005 16:04


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#226: linux...

by rob on 10/26/2005 16:06

hi i run linux, whenever i run ./cube-srv i get an error message saying my server did not respond to ping so could not be added...
Any ideas...?

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#227: Re: linux...

by MeatROme on 11/25/2005 15:08, refers to #226

Firewall? ;-)

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#228: New Server

by Superdreadnought on 11/28/2005 19:17

I've set up a new server and I plan to keep it running 24/7 (What it did up to now apart from little technical problems; It's passwordprotected when i play with friends, but this doesn't happen very often).

Adress: cube.servegame.org
Playerlimit: 8
Location: Europe, Germany

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#229: server online but listing problem.

by pay-boy on 11/28/2005 22:40

hi all,
ich have my cube server online @ kankra.homelinux.org. but after some hours it isnt on the main serverslist anymore. i restart the server every 24 hours, but that doesnt seem to help, any ideas?

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#230: server online but listing problem.

by a pay-boy on 11/28/2005 22:40

hi all,
ich have my cube server online @ kankra.homelinux.org. but after some hours it isnt on the main serverslist anymore. i restart the server every 24 hours, but that doesnt seem to help, any ideas?

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#231: New Sauerbraten Server

by Superdreadnought on 11/30/2005 10:15

Because I don't know even 1 Saurbraten server I've changed the game running on my server from Cube to Sauerbraten.

Adress: sauerbraten.servegame.org
Playerlimit: 8
Location: Europe, Germany

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#232: Re: New Sauerbraten Server - SHUTDOWN

by Superdreadnought on 12/12/2005 18:32, refers to #231

Because the last user shown in log was there last week and there have never been 2+ users I'll shut down my Sauerbraten server. Perhaps I'm going to reopen it when Sauerbraten finally has a server list.

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#233: Re: ..

by CC_machine2 on 01/02/2006 11:47, refers to #223

>Just tried connecting - no joy. >Attempting to connect...
>then it times out.
>I am in the UK.

I'm in the uk too and i get this problem when connecting to sauer servers...

who else in the uk has this problem?

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#234: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 01/02/2006 13:05, refers to #233

sauer multiplayer in the current release is wonky. I hope to have a new release soon which should include much more solid multiplayer.. I'd wait for that if you want to try it.

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#235: sauer multi

by CC_machine4 on 01/05/2006 00:07

i think you're right aard, i can connect to the edm server just fine (what version was that based on again?)

oh, and when are we gonna have a http:// masterserver?

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#236: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 01/05/2006 23:56

I hope you fix this, im a big multiplayer fan of Cube, so i think ill be a big multiplayer fan of Sauerbraten. Oh, and whatever happened to the master server?

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#237: Server

by Ender01 on 01/16/2006 23:24

try it out, Im new to this so let me know.

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#238: server error

by ender02 on 01/16/2006 23:43

Sorry, its

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#239: ..

by CC_machine4 on 01/21/2006 17:46

it works :)

but the master's still down

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