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I cant start Cube

by niklas on 06/08/2003 11:15, 61 messages, last message: 11/18/2005 01:34, 30554 views, last view: 06/17/2024 08:02

when I run Cube with the cube_unix script my screen become black for a second and then nothing happen.. can someone help me?

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#22: ..

by nemesiss on 08/31/2003 21:22

a comand wha? ok how is this done?

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#23: Re: ..

by pushplay on 08/31/2003 22:37, refers to #22

Aw crap.

Write down the full path to your Cube folder, eg: "C:\Cube". Go to Start -> Program Files -> Accessories -> Command Propmt (or MS-DOS Prompt or something like that). Type in "cd " and then your path (eg: cd c:\cube). Press enter, then type "cube.bet" and press enter.

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#24: windows nt ?

by Jaime on 09/03/2003 20:03

is it possible to play cube on nt systems ?

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#25: Re: windows nt ?

by D.plomat on 09/04/2003 13:25, refers to #24


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#26: ..

by Twigzter7 on 09/10/2003 13:41

That happened to me aswell. Check the wiring is Ok and you're on the right channel. some Tvs have an AV channel especially for the scart connections. And the gamecube scart plug will only fit in the scart 1. NOT 2

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#27: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 09/10/2003 14:44, refers to #26


Currently there's no GameCube Cube ;)

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#28: ...

by Tyball on 09/10/2003 22:22

I think is confused between the game Cube and the console GameCube !

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#29: Re: ...

by Aardappel on 09/11/2003 11:52, refers to #28

I have a gc devkit right here... I should make "the game GameCube Cube" :)

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#30: Sound problem on PPC

by JillJill on 09/15/2003 05:08

Perhaps somebody can help me out. I'm stuck on this one.

I'm running Yellowdog 3.0 on a 2001 iBook, usually with KDE.

I'm trying to run the nifty CUBE first person shooter (http://wouter.fov120.com/cube/index.php4) - mostly it runs OK - but the sound bombs with:
[dave@Whitedog cube]$ ./cube_unix
init: sdl
init: net
init: world
game mode is ffa/default
init: video: sdl
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
WARNING: cannot use overbright lighting, using old lighting model!
init: basetex
init: models
init: cfg
init: sound
sound init failed (SDL_mixer): Unable to initialize ARTS
init: localconnect
init: mainloop
read map packages/base/nudist.cgz (295 milliseconds)
Nudist Camp in Sweden by Goetzenzar
game mode is ffa/default
[dave@Whitedog cube]$
which is weird. I have the SDL libs and their development counterparts installed. ARTS runs just fine under KDE. (I presume the lighting model issue is related to my rather clunky ATI Rage Mobility chip and it's accompanying X driver, but it's not really a problem anyway, 3D runs fine).

I have all of the libraries installed that CUBE says it needs under /cube/bin_unix/readme.txt.

I also get no sound from TuxRacer, but it doesn't give me any reason why. I get sound from Chromium so long as I suspend ARTS with artsshell, but this don't work for TuxRacer or CUBE.

Just in case it matters, here's evidence of ARTS running OK:
[dave@Whitedog cube]$ artsshell status
server status: running, autosuspend disabled
real-time status: real-time
server buffer time: 23.22 ms
buffer size multiplier: 1
minimum stream buffer time: 23.22 ms
auto suspend time: 0 s
audio method: oss
sampling rate: 44100
channels: 2
sample size: 16 bits
duplex: half
device: /dev/dsp
fragments: 4
fragment size: 1024
[dave@Whitedog cube]$

I can run GNOME or WindowMaker, manually start or kill ARTS, whatever - no difference - same error.

All of these programs work fine on my AMD/x86 box running Mandrake 9.1, despite the software versions and configurations being very similar.

This Linux multimedia stuff is a bit new to me. Any ideas?

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#31: ..

by >Pathegreat on 09/27/2003 15:59

Aard I hope your next version of cube is easyer for people to get working. Because I have seen so many posts that say "cube dosent work because blah blah blah". Serously Aard you have alot of coding on your hands here.Yes I know there will always be the reason why it wont work but god make there be less reasons!

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#32: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 09/28/2003 12:03, refers to #31

Well it's the easiest game to get working, just unzip and launch, either on windows or Linux. Of course, -as for any 3D games- you need to have correct libraries -100% documented- and video drivers. I think that ppl that can't launch it "out of the box" is because they have something broken in their config, and they will also have problems with installing other OpenGL games.

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#33: t starts "preparing to load,etc then abruptly stops??

by duah on 10/02/2003 22:44

it starts "preparing to load,etc then abruptly stops??

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#34: ..

by >Pathegreat on 10/20/2003 00:49

not agian!

can you just lay off!

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#35: multiplayer

by cvt on 11/02/2003 23:56

Hey guys,

Just a quilck one.....

Whenever I try anything multiplayer, specifically browse server list or update server list, the game closes. I have put in a valid server entry in the list manually to see if it was that, but no luck. The game runs pefectly well otherwise.

Any ideas?!

I'm running freebsd 4.9 and I am connected to braodband cable connection.

Many thanks.


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#36: ..

by «Þª†HéG®ëª†» on 11/03/2003 00:06

The same thing happens to me at my dads house but it freezies, its just a driver issue(i think dont hold me to my word on that)

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#37: newchars.png

by Raf on 11/15/2003 18:21

I have an Ati rage 128 pro and Suse linux 8.2.
When i start cube i receive this error:
couldn\'t load texture data/newchars.png
could not find core textures (Couldn\'t open data/newchars.png)
How can I resolve this problem ?
Thanks !

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#38: Re: newchars.png

by pushplay on 11/15/2003 22:30, refers to #37

Try opening newchars and resizing it to 256x256.

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#39: ..

by Lethedethius on 11/17/2003 05:47

I flat out can't run Cube on RedHat9.0?, anyone help me? :)

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#40: Re: ..

by pushplay on 11/17/2003 08:23, refers to #39

Possibly. First we need the error message and what video card you have.

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#41: error loading shared lib

by jellosmurf on 02/25/2004 20:43


Im running slackware and when I try to run the linux_client i get a

"/linux_client: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

Do I not have a library installed or what?

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