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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/19/2008 16:25, 258 messages, last message: 04/03/2008 21:39, 195532 views, last view: 09/30/2024 08:26

I made an actual thread for this, since we are still yacking about it. To bring the others up to speed:

"Some of us weirdos have been kicking around the thought of making a community edition of Enemy Territory (the FIRST one). I suggested the Cube 2 engine might be a good base...

This would be a straight port of ETPro gameplay to a standalone open source game, using new 'HD' assets. Nothing too fancy, just better graphics and netcode are what we would be looking for."

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#202: Re: ..

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 02/11/2008 02:51, refers to #199

Looks good!

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#203: Re: ..

by rancor on 02/11/2008 05:16, refers to #201

That's what I figured, I just remembered ET showing it pretty much like I suggested. Which it doesn't, rendering my point moot unless you have additional clip capacity as an ability.

One thing you might consider is making the display of the amount in the current clip larger. My experience between UrT and ET has been that it's easier to keep track of ammo in UrT, mainly because the HUD display is comparatively larger.

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#204: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 02/11/2008 05:29, refers to #199

I very much like having a really simple hud: what you have there is very appealing. The one change/complication I would do personally would be to put a single letter beneath the bar that helps indicate what the bar represents. For example, a capital H underneath the health would be appropriate: if you felt like being shiny, you cloud make it so the H pulsates or glows when the health is critically low.

But in general that looks great.

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#205: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 02/11/2008 05:59, refers to #204

Really simple hud?

The simplest hud I've seen yet is just your gun, in CoD4. It's quite neat, though I'm used to having a little more information on the screen.

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#206: ..

by ezombie on 02/11/2008 06:23

There will be 2D icons (same style as the weapons card) under each bar. Having the health icon pulse (maybe in bright red) is a good idea.

I will do the text larger on the ammo, and add a black border around all the elements including the text.

LOL - I'm sure some of the pros might agree with you, demosthenes.

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#207: Re: ..

by Q009 on 02/11/2008 10:47, refers to #199

Cool! =)

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#208: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 02/11/2008 14:09, refers to #199

Any plans to put the map's map up in the radar? Something that always bothers me about ET is that the minimap doesn't rotate, so it's hard to tell where you actually are.

No hud/crosshair is actually less realistic than it sounds. One, you're trying to play a 3D game on a 2D screen, and you can't actually feel your health/bullet hits. You need some kind of assistance with both.

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#209: Re: ..

by enigma_0Z on 02/11/2008 19:21, refers to #114


LOL. I hate editing BSP maps (compared to sauer that is), but I don't think that that is going to happen anytime soon...


As far as movement hacks, there is a simple hack that requires only editing a map... because the maps are all clientside, you could walk through walls and no one would be any wiser... But mastermode does put that in check as long as someone intelligent is the master...

As far as the "dumbish" master kicking you, well I believe that the TC servers have a way of starting a vote to kick the master "#kickmaster" comes to mind...

To devs... Perhaps some functionality along the lines of "#kickmaster" should be integrated into sauer's code?

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#210: Re: ..

by enigma_0Z on 02/11/2008 19:23, refers to #209

oops. I was reading two threads at a time... please disregard line from "@scasd" to the end...


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#211: ..

by James007 on 02/11/2008 21:22

lookin good dude, keep it up.

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#212: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 02/11/2008 23:13, refers to #208

Shooting from the hip, the only thing you get is a hit indicator, when you're actually hitting. But if you raise your gun and use the sights, then you have an aiming aid. It actually feels right, and doesn't cause me frustration.

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#213: ..

by ezombie on 02/11/2008 23:36

Ahh... the classic hip crosshair vs ironsight debate.

I have my own views on that - and I agree with you, but I kinda keep them to myself as far as the ET community is concerned.

I did hear one comment once long ago on a forum when this came up. They said that people that want this style of play are on CoD, so please don't pollute our little pond with it.

He made a good point. ET has always been about the arcade+tactics formula. There are full arcade FPS games out there (which Sauer is one of), where fast reflexes and a killer instinct reign. Then there are 'combat simulations' (like CoD, BF2, AA), where strategy and tactics are the rule of the day.

ET has had such a passionate and dedicated following due to the fact that it is right down the middle. It has enough of the arcade action so that you need great reflexes and even some well developed DM skills to excel. But it also has enough strategic and tactical elements to make it that you can contribute and have fun without those abilities.

I always wanted ironsights in ET, until I played ET:QW (which has it). After that, I'm not so sure they fit in this particular game anymore...

We shall have to see during the first round of play testing. I can 'simulate' ironsights with a zoom-in-and-movement-speed-down toggle, and have the crosshair turned off otherwise.

Not sure about turning off the crosshairs though, as some people will just put them on the screen themselves - LOL. QW demonstrated that.

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#214: ..

by Julius on 02/12/2008 00:32

What about a road in the middle e.g. allow for a broad crosshair (which maybe extends with quick movement and exhaustion) and iron sights as a sort of sniper mode where the point hit accuracy of the weapon is increased (but with the known disadvantages).

P.S.: AFAIK Ironsights arn't actually zoomed in, just the POV is changed.

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#215: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 02/12/2008 01:19, refers to #213

That's a perfectly valid stance, as is Sauer's and the CoD stance. The issue is simply what is best for the intended gameplay. In CoD4, the best for gameplay is the ironsights-only (at least in a couple of game modes), and it works well. In Sauer, that would displease everyone, considering the speed at which the game moves.

I was simply pointing out the "barest" hud possible. :)

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#216: project links?

by freegamer on 02/12/2008 01:39

Is it possible to edit the original post of the thread to include links to the project / forums?

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#217: ..

by ezombie on 02/12/2008 02:23


That is EXACTLY what ET:QW does in fact. It does zoom in just a wee bit though - just like CoD. I personally kinda like it, if the whole game didn't move like molasses IMHO. Funny how the current player base says *it's such a fast-paced game* - ROFL. If any of them tried Sauer, they would probably go into convulsions...

The problem they had was every other BF and CoD player wanted to try it as soon as they let it slip that they had ironsights. Then they would publicly throw a fit because the game also had bunny hopping. And most ET players wouldn't even download the demo after hearing the word *ironsights*. It seems to be a rather polarizing issue, for some odd reason.

I would suggest in true ET spirit that to get the same tactical effect, we could amp up the crouch. I was thinking of implementing crouch like an ironsights mode (but don't EVER call it that). Where you get more accurate, there is less recoil, and the view zooms in a bit. Since your speed is cut in half during a crouch, this should be fair.

For me in CoD, I would ALWAYS crouch and ironsight at the same time. There seemed little point in doing one without the other.

And not being able to use quotes on here is driving me nuts, BTW

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#218: ..

by Julius on 02/12/2008 23:43

Yeah but as you said in ET:QW it feels wired for some reason, which is not cause by the actual system of implementation *I think*.

The iron sights are actually still in the W:ET mod True Combat Elite, but they are pretty COD like I have to admit.

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#219: ET:CE Links

by ezombie on 02/12/2008 23:56

FYI, just a repost of the project site:


This has all the basic info and links.

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#220: ..

by makkE on 02/13/2008 01:26

I like the TCE sights - I just wish the game was faster - an arcade-ish shooter with ironsights - I´d love that.

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#221: ..

by James007 on 02/13/2008 03:10

why would you even use iron sights in a faster-arcade like shooter. that doesnt make sense.
TC:E is pretty fast paced, you walk out of your spawn area and *BLAM* your dead(well if you suck that is).

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