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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube Icons

by Darthvim on 05/20/2002 12:12, 27 messages, last message: 06/25/2005 06:10, 3854 views, last view: 06/26/2024 10:35

hi, i have made 2 cube icons , because it looked bad the one of the .bat file

here they're:

<img src="http://darthvim.covers.de/downloads/cube.ico">

<img src="http://darthvim.covers.de/downloads/cube2.ico">

i hope you like them :)

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#22: Done that

by Pxtl on 06/24/2005 06:24

I already made a pair of Cube icons for my installer. Never occured to me that others would want them. 2 icons - an Ogro head and textured cubes for main file and a pair of Ogro heads facing each other for dedicated server. I also made a tiny cube icon for the favicon file for Quadropolis.

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#23: ..

by sinsky on 06/24/2005 12:17

I think it would be cool if Sauerbraten icons consist of some vegetables, etc. The person to design the icons should be adept at drawing food and also an experienced consumer.

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#24: ..

by vcatkiller on 06/24/2005 12:35

Heh, until you mentioned that, I had no idea that Sauerbraten was a food item. Then I ran it through a German translater and got "Sour Roast" - just how that will translate into an icon is beyond me. Should be interesting, however. :)

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#25: Re: ..

by tentus on 06/24/2005 16:02, refers to #23

hmm. a meaty cube perhaps... i want to show Sauer's cubic nature as well as it's name though :) i mean, i think the only mapmodel or texture we have of any kind of meat is something i've made for CL

Any ideas, Aard? Anyone else?

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#26: The Cube Tree

by shadow516 on 06/25/2005 01:33

Maybe the sauer icon could be a tree growing out of a cube?

It fits the main idea of the engine.


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#27: Re: The Cube Tree

by tentus on 06/25/2005 02:22, refers to #26

mmm. that's an interesting idea, i may run with something like that. i'm still looking for something simple that would really sum up the actuality of Sauerbraten.

note: icons have to be 64x64, 32x32, or 128x128, though it's easy enough to convert over :)

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#28: Re: The Cube Tree

by shadow516 on 06/25/2005 06:10, refers to #27

I know about the icon sizes - this was just a (sucky) example

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