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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

The 3dfx/OpenGL thing

by Bascule on 01/12/2002 22:39, 29 messages, last message: 05/29/2002 03:43, 5003 views, last view: 06/26/2024 02:15

I'm running an AMD K-6 500 MHz with 64MB and a 3dfx Voodoo3-3000 and I can't even get the game to start-up!!
Can someone please explain to me what I need?
Is it the 'Windows' driver at fault, or the 3dfxgl.dll/minigl.dll/blah.dll?
Someone please help..... :-)

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#21: Runs fine on

by Dr_Gonzo on 02/18/2002 04:56

Voodoo3 2000 PCI and AGP with current (1.04 iirc) drivers under Windows 2000 w/ SP2.

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#22: v3 3000 runs fine under w2k

by oracle2025 on 02/19/2002 10:23

I'm running a voodoo3 3000 with omega 1.0x drivers under w2k, 512mb ram, duron 600.
about 30-60 fps

havn't had time to play much, but i like the game


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#23: Will it run with this configuration?:

by Geiserich on 05/02/2002 21:15

Voodoo 1

Otherwise I have to install it on my P4...

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#24: try the P4 :)

by Aardappel on 05/03/2002 19:44

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#25: Problem with Matrox graphic card

by Laxx on 05/09/2002 12:43

i have problem. I have PIII 500mhz,Diamond Matrox 200 AGP ,Win 2000 prof. and my FPS is only 7 FPS. Please help.

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#26: your problem...

by Aardappel on 05/09/2002 17:02

is the G200. If latest drivers don't help (many G200 opengl drivers are more than broken), then only a new card will help.

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#27: Re: Problem with Matrox graphic card

by Al_Capone on 05/10/2002 01:36, refers to #25

Did you clean your hard drive, scan and defrag your systom ?

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#28: just tried it out.. :)

by oq on 05/28/2002 17:34

d/led it and tested, looks impresseive so far. only one prolem. my comp :P
I tried it on a p2 400 with a v2 8meg w/64meg RAM (most used up by bg services though).. and, well, at least it runs. although running around with 5 fps doesn't allow for some awesome gameplay ;)
just noted a couple of odd things.. first off the fps wasn't nearly affected by a resolution change.. quite insignificant though, but secondly, what's the bobbing about? whenever one stop moving the guy sways back and forth for quite a while - is this due to my fps or is it supposed to?

anyway, awesome work done here, nice one, love your fisheyequake and panquake hacks as well (hell, played fisheye frogbot DM all night yesterday ;) ), just one thing - how about a software rendering option for cube? I have a quake1 comp sitting around, existing for no other purpose than that, and the game runs excellent on it at 1024 res (p2 266, 8 meg millenium II card 64 meg ram) - wouldn't be awesome to be able to play cube on it as well, since the two do seem quite similar.. anyway, thx, keep it up.

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#29: sw

by Aardappel on 05/29/2002 03:43

no chance on sw rendering, the amount of work involved to create something that can replace opengl is huge, and frankly, absolutely everyone (except yourself) has a card that can do opengl decently nowadays. There is really no point for anyone to start a new software rendering engine anymore (no new fps game comes with one).

yes cube's physics are buggy at such low fps, sorry.

If you'd buy a cheapo gf2mx for your p400, you should be able to run cube nicely.

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