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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by Fiasst on 05/17/2004 19:26, 21 messages, last message: 05/20/2004 21:13, 3804 views, last view: 06/16/2024 21:12

ive looked at the screen shots and im not sure what game this is.
i googled game programmer because i map for Counter-strike and im searching for a programmer to talk to about a posible new mod. im not sure if i should be posting here, so if you dont allow recruitment for MOD's here then delete this but it makes searching for a team that much harder.

If your intreasted and know your way around Counter-strike editing and want to know more then please contact me at

FirstNforthfinger [A] yahoo.co.uk
FirstNforthfinger [A] hotmail.com

and ill tell you more about the mod.

reguards Fiasst..

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#21: ..

by theblackwaffle(jcdpc) on 05/20/2004 21:13


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