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Vector X

by staffy02 on 05/03/2004 06:18, 31 messages, last message: 03/15/2005 03:50, 23489 views, last view: 06/18/2024 04:28

it is finished.


try it out.

i know the cow sucks and before i get any abuse from angry mappers and such read the readme.

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#21: ..

by yoeri on 02/13/2005 18:57


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#22: ..

by yoeri on 02/13/2005 19:04


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#23: ..

by yoeri on 02/13/2005 19:04


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#24: Hey Staffy

by Pxtl on 02/14/2005 18:42

You're a content creator on Quadropolis now. You can upload Vector whenever you're ready.

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#25: ..

by staffy2005 on 02/16/2005 08:23


I have been adding a bit more content to it, like a new ~1mb water texture.

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#26: Re: ..

by tentus on 02/18/2005 06:19, refers to #25

heh heh, that was one of the first things i did- mostly because the having a whole folder just for water was bugging me though. i did the same thing with the skyboxes: i think i've got two from nieb, but i deleted and replaced everything else so that they could all go in one folder.

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#27: ..

by staffy2005 on 02/24/2005 11:41


My mod is uploaded. Try to ignore the dodgy screenshot.

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#28: Did she/he comlpiled it :D

by jean pierre on 02/24/2005 14:44

And did you compiled the 2004 version if yes then how what program did you use now(i own Mingw and Msys so if anyone can make a newbie example of these)

please tell me how did you compiled it

what program did you use if Mingw + Mysis then how did you used those im ready to read

what version did you compiled is it 2004 or old

was it compiled by windows or other OS?

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#29: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 02/24/2005 21:45

Cool staffy :-)

Tried it and switched my server to it :)

Few things I noticed:
- Masterserver: Gamemode and playercount are wrong
- No fist?
- Standalone server doesn't point to your masterserver(for people who want to host a server use this commandline option: -mstaffy.ifreepages.com/cgi-bin/cube/masterserver.pl/)
- Minor: The new rifle looks a bit weird(bullet doesn't pop out of the gun) :P

O well maybe I port my bot code, CTF will be nice with them :)

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#30: Re: Did she/he comlpiled it :D

by staffy2005 on 02/25/2005 07:21, refers to #28

I didn't get it to compile.

Yeah, I need to fix a few things with the masterserver/server.
There is no fist because quad is based on a older version of cube.

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#31: Re: Did she/he comlpiled it :D

by tentus on 03/15/2005 03:50, refers to #30

staffy, your email does not work. could you mail me so i can send something to you?

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