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Secondary Fire?

by D4RK$T4R on 05/08/2009 15:36, 62 messages, last message: 06/03/2009 07:17, 24636 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:09, closed on 06/03/2009 07:17

Most FPS games have a secondary fire function these days, and it'd probably spice SB up a bit if we had it too. Of course it's difficult trying to think of a secondary fire which still keeps the weapon balanced, but I've been trying to work a few idea through for a while.
If you have any ideas or like mine, post here.


Works in the same way as a normal pistol, but is silent and doesn't leave a particle trail - thus making it impossible to see where the fire is coming from.

Disadvantage: Only does 10 points of damage as opposed to the normal 25.



Fires twice in two seconds. Doing more damage in a shorter period of time.

Takes twice as long to reload.


<b>Machine Gun</b>

Fires a burst of 5 shots at once, with a break of one second in-between shots. Has a smaller spread area, giving greater accuracy and conserving ammunition.

Requires greater accuracy and timing.



When clicked, will snap to an enemy when the cross-hair is within 100px(?) of them, and will follow until aim is obstructed. Click again to disable auto-aim.

Does half of the damage of a manually aimed shot. Also makes disables head-shots.


<b>Grenade Launcher</b>

Instead of waiting for your grenade to detonate after firing, right-clicking will cause the grenade to explode when you decide - giving you greater control over causing damage to your target.

If you detonate the grenade before it's at a safe distance, you'll cause damage to yourself.


<b>Rocket Launcher</b>

When fired, the rocket will follow your cross-hair. This gives some extra control and accuracy.

You must be able to hold your cross-hair over your target until the rocket reaches it. A moving target will be difficult to track. You will also be vulnerable to attack while concentrating on your target.


There you go! I think that's all of the weapons. Hopefully they should be fairly easy to script, but I'm more of an ideas man than a practical one. I tried to be concious of how easy it should be to code.

I also thought that sticky grenades may be a cool idea. Perhaps with proximity detonation for setting traps. Though I can imagine people plastering a whole all with them.

Anyway, I'd like to hear what you all think, and if you have any better ideas, fire at will.


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#21: Re: Also,

by SheeEttin on 05/10/2009 03:52, refers to #19

You could learn how to do it.
Most projects around here start as working implementations, rather than concepts (see: Blood Frontier, MD5s in Cube 2, bots (I think), Sandbox, different crosshairs... I could go on).

In any case, secondary fire is somewhat counter to the simplistic Quake-style run-'n'-gun formula.

Crouching even more so.

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#22: Re: Explosives

by Goober on 05/10/2009 14:15, refers to #15

I agree. Doors, platforms and elevators too.

Honestly the most important feature currently missing from SB in my opinion is crouching. I know the reasoning that has been given as to why no one thinks crouching should be included - but even Quake has it - and it's very useful.

Games look alot more complete and polished if they have all features that are standard on games.

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#23: Re: Explosives

by tentus_ on 05/10/2009 16:58, refers to #22

"Games look alot more complete and polished if they have all features that are standard on games. "

I completely disagree. Would Shadow of the Colossus be more polished if it had experience points? Would Pokemon be more polished if it had guns? Would Metroid be more polished if it had lots of NPCs?

Just because someone else does it doesn't make it a prerequisite for a good game. A lot of modern games need to be trimmed down, not bloated up.

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#24: Re: Explosives

by Goober on 05/11/2009 00:20, refers to #23

Well ok - but my statement was meant to be genre-specific.

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#25: BOOM!!!!!!!

by )FC($k!llz_ on 05/11/2009 00:48

I REALLY want to see an atomic bomb in sauer

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#26: i'd love to see a crossbow

by the chad on 05/16/2009 02:14

I think sauerbraten needs
a new weapon like a crossbow firing
green bolts like in heretic...
i think the trolls in the game could use a crossbow...
I also think the groans of damage could be changed...
i have a giggle when i hear the jump
which sounds like a spring ..'boing'
or soemthing like that...
but overall game is very pleasing..
I've always awaited the updates and


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#27: Re: i'd love to see a crossbow

by the chad on 05/16/2009 02:29, refers to #26

I was thinking can there be a option or a loader program that can load selected weapons from each edition of the game...
but keep teh damage values of edition that is already out.

ie take a old rocket launcher model and have it in the new game with the damage values of the cvs.

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#28: ..

by unstablemind on 05/16/2009 04:17

it can already been done with a batfile and the -k switch

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#29: ..

by Speculant on 05/19/2009 01:37

disables head shots?

head shots dont do any extra damage that im aware of.

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#30: Re: ..

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/22/2009 22:32, refers to #29

your right, the only cube game that valued "head-shots" over "body-shots" was AC (assault cube) in sauer there is only "body-shots." in other words, in sauer shooting someone on the head won't kill them unless they are low life, shot by the rifle with no armour, or its an insta gib battle

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#31: Re: i\'d love to see a crossbow

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/22/2009 22:35, refers to #26

chad if you are new to sauer then you may not have known this. . . but we already had a crossbow, but the diffrence was it was the rifle, and not crossbow-bolts.

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#32: Re: BOOM!!!!!!!

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/22/2009 22:39, refers to #25

lol, you want an atom bomb in sauer? thats a bit weird if you ask me- you see, then there would have to be radiation there that would make you die in the game for about 10 years. lol

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#33: ..

by Hooded_Sniper on 05/23/2009 18:34

I thought BloodFrontier had head shots. Having them in sauer might be good, but the gameplay is fast, so it would mostly end up just being luck in most cases I would think.

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#34: ..

by WakeField on 05/25/2009 07:02

i don't like any of these ideas, not because they are bad, but bad for sauerbraten. The thing is, sauerbraten is the only FPS i really like due to its simplicity. I don't want this to turn into what all other FPSs are. Secondary fire would be confusing, like in nexuiz, and the result- me quitting sauerbraten. I don't know about you guys, but a lot of people in-game disagree with this topic as well. Maybe a secondary fire for nades like a smoke grenade would be fine, but then again i don't use that weapon very much. Please consider this. And while you're at it - crouching is a good idea, but it would be difficult to implement due to a whole nother set of animations which would need to be created.


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#35: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 05/25/2009 07:46, refers to #34

I think a more serious concern about crouching would be that it creates a whole new level of complexity for clipping. Either (a) you keep the player clipped to the same as if they were standing, or (b) you break compatibility with a lot of older maps and make future map making that much more difficult.

I do think Sauer needs a rock launcher added in now. That would be sweet. Codewise it's be very simple: you fire a massive rock projectile from a handheld catapult, and anything in its curved path gets splattered. :D

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#36: ..

by geartrooper2 on 05/25/2009 11:45


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#37: Re: ..

by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled on 05/26/2009 06:51, refers to #36



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#38: Message censored by administrator

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/27/2009 05:41, refers to #37

#39: Message censored by administrator

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/27/2009 05:46, refers to #34

#40: Message censored by administrator

by |ice|sub-zero|L on 05/27/2009 05:51, refers to #35

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