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Sun light map?

by Q009 on 07/13/2008 20:09, 23 messages, last message: 07/16/2008 23:53, 3621 views, last view: 06/26/2024 09:47


I just thinging sometime about it:
Maybe sun light can be built-in skybox (sunlightmap). It will compute lights with sun light selected on skyboxes at white colour. For example mars skybox:

<a href=http://www.q009files.w8w.pl/mars_up.jpg>Mars skybox (normal)</a>
<a href=http://www.q009files.w8w.pl/sunmap_mars_up.jpg>Mars skybox (sunmap [sun light is that white colour])</a>

Please read and thing some about it because it would be very helpful!

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#21: ..

by killhour__ on 07/16/2008 22:16

While placing a 'sun' isn't a problem, it acts like any other light entity - it has sharp edges. The 'sun' should have soft edges, a property inherent to skylight.

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#22: Re: ..

by killhour__ on 07/16/2008 22:17, refers to #21

double post:

Also, with clever scaling, this could be a great way to fake HDR.

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#23: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 07/16/2008 23:53, refers to #21

I'm going to have to disagree on that point. The sun I live under casts some very sharp shadows off of me and everything around me: it's only when it's cloudy that the light from the sun gets "soft".

Perhaps the cloud effect could be achieved by adding another value to the already existing spotlight entity? We'd avoid adding much fluff while still providing the feature you're asking for.

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