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WANTED: programmer(s) for Eisenstern

by Aardappel_ on 03/21/2008 19:43, 59 messages, last message: 08/08/2008 22:05, 20027 views, last view: 06/25/2024 22:20

The Eisenstern project needs someone who can help drive the project forward more frequently than I can. So far, eisenstern has moved forward in bursts, whenever I had a bit of time in between all the other things me & Lee are doing. The project deserves better.

What we're looking for:

There's two kinds of people that potentially can take up this position.

Candidate type #1: an experienced C++ programmer. This would be ideal, but we realize these people are few and far between, so hence why we also have type #2, below. I say experienced, because taking over the C++ side of Eisenstern requires you to work as part of the main codebase, for which we can't afford bugs that will disrupt the rest of the engine, or sloppy code in general. The programmer must be of a level that they can deeply understand and safely modify the Eisenstern C++, and potentially some engine code. (s)he must understand the software engineering style of the cube 2 codebase, which is about simplicity, minimalism, and non-redundant code.

The code is readily available, so you probably already know wether the above applies to you :)

What would you do? You would take charge of the entire Eisenstern development effort, only discussing global design direction with me, but taking responsability for the details yourself. You would have a lot of influence on game design, by definition. You'd work with content people and make sure their stuff gets added to the game, or you'd work with a type #2 programmer who does this.

For both positions holds that you are very self-motivated, self-learning, and self-directed... rather than needing every detail specified by me, you have a good sense of design (of code structure, ui, and gameplay) to work out optimal solutions yourself. Once you get going you'll become intimately familiar with eisenstern, so good solutions follow from understanding what is already there.

If we can't find a type #1 programmer, I will keep responsibility for the C++ side of things, and hopefully work with:

Candidate type #2: Script programmer

For this position, you still have to be a programmer (meaning you don't have to know C++ at all, but done some programming in Java, Perl, Python, ...whatever). If Cubescript is your first language, you may not qualify.

Your domain would be to maintain the RPG script files, and since unlike the FPS, almost everything is going to be in script, this is a lot. The script is the center of the game, meaning you'd:
- work with me and the C++ programmer (if different) on global gameplay direction
- work with the C++ programmer on what new script functions are needed
- work with level designers on scripting RPG objects that they can place
- work with content people on connecting their art with RPG objects
- generally work on enhancing the gameplay in script, adding new actions and quests.

Since you'd be the central hub for the game, you need to be extremely self directed in connecting all these elements, and working with people. You can't be waiting for me to tell you exactly what to do next, you have to actively seek out people and work with them to get stuff done. You try and get as much stuff done yourself, use placeholders if you must, and modify them later, as opposed to waiting for complete data before you code (much of the current stuff is placeholders too).

The script will get BIG, so even here some software engineering skills will help. If you look at the current code, you can see that I took great care to make sure I write lots of small functions to not duplicate definitions, you'd have to work hard to continue that tradition.

Besides programmers, depending on who we get working on this, it means that art & design people can become more actively involved as well. This is just the first step.

Unlike the FPS, which I have always ruled dictator style, the RPG is meant to be a community effort. The unwritten rule for the Cube 2 community is: the more work you do, the more of a say you get in the projects overal direction, and Eisenstern will work especially so.

You all know I have set a gameplay direction for Eisenstern, but none of this is set in stone. If team members come up with better ideas, then we'll go with them, within reason. I have simply tried sofar to:
- keep things simple. an RPG is a tremendous undertaking, we HAVE to keep things simple to have a chance of finishing. A playable simple RPG is endlessly more valuable for everyone involved than a 5% finished MMORPG.
- keep it flexible: unlike the FPS, I want to allow the scripters/level designers to use Eisenstern to give each map its own gameplay style, anything from "an FPS with an inventory" all the way to a deep complicated RPG.

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#21: Message censored by administrator

by ProxyRULE on 03/23/2008 01:39

#22: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 03/23/2008 04:50, refers to #20

Just ignore him.

And, to be on-topic a little, I guess I could help script some stuff... The only real scripting I've done is Cubescript and Bash scripting, but I did write one Perl script once. If I need to write something in a language, I can learn it as necessary. (You should've seen me earlier today writing a rather complicated bash script. Took me several hours and many man pages.)

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#23: sofar...

by Aardappel_ on 03/23/2008 19:02

w$$a$elect: very cool.. but for the C++ position, I definitely need to know who you are a bit better, and what you can do. Come chat to me on irc, or email me for icq.

freegamer: Thanks for the help.. though I doubt it is a good idea to get people from "outside". I would think people that already have a deep interest in the engine is a better start

Unreal: If you don't think you have time that is a no-go. We can use all sorts of help, but it is better to have one very dedicated person as the scripter, than many people that do a little, as then communication overhead will dominate progress.

SheeEttin: cool.. like I said, the reason I would want you to know other languages is because this will turn out to be more "programming" than any cubescript anyone has done sofar. So it needs programming skill to keep it from becoming a mess. Regardless, what I have seen from you sofar you seem a knowledgable guy, so come talk to me as well.

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#24: ..

by Unreal on 03/23/2008 21:09

Aardappel_ RPG unlike FPS game needs good story and quests. "You kill stuff." won't work here -- it will be really boring. I'm able to spend my (little) time to write quests' ideas for the project and so on. I think, I may be helpful.

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#25: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 03/23/2008 22:06, refers to #24

What might be better is if you write a story and make a rough map to go with it, and then release it for the public to improve, if mapping's not your thing. A lot of people can write quests, few people take the time to make them reality. The more steps you complete, the more likely it is that someone will lend a hand and make it playable.

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#26: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 03/23/2008 22:23, refers to #24

games don't need story, they need atmosphere. Any text in a game serves to create the feeling of being in a particular world, and you fill in the details. That's how I see an RPG, where quests and dialogue are meant to give characters and locations a certain atmosphere, not to try to force you to force you to follow some cliche hero quest plot line.

Either way, polish towards quests is something that comes towards the ends, we need people to actually implement things right now, not lofty ideas.

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#27: Re: sofar...

by KillHour_ on 03/24/2008 01:25, refers to #23

Hey Aard, I could probably handle at least part of the scripting. I\\\'ve been (ab)using cubescript since day one, and I have some experience in C++

My time might be better spent actually mapping though...

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#28: Re: sofar...

by Aardappel_ on 03/24/2008 01:38, refers to #27

I'm not looking for people to "help" with the scripting, I am looking for people to take charge. A central organizer.

Though knowledge of C++ would help, definitely.

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#29: Re: sofar...

by KillHour_ on 03/24/2008 03:03, refers to #28

I'm not the best for the job, but I have a lot of free time. If no one more qualified offers, I guess I'll do it.

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#30: Message censored by administrator

by BANNED@lYEARIGHT[=/ on 03/24/2008 06:04

#31: ..

by yoopers on 03/24/2008 16:04

@Aard: I used to be a proficient C++ coder, but it's been a while since I did anything serious in that language. Having said that, I'm looking to exercise those skills again lest they wither and die. I'm working on a SWIG interface for Sauer right now as something of a hobby project (since I'm not convinced anyone will use it ;). This sounds like a more productive use of time.

Scripting has been my focus for the last four years, so I can definitely make a contribution there. CubeScript is a bit new to me, but I am fluent in Perl/Ruby/PHP/JavaScript.

My main weakness is going to be a lack of familiarity with the engine - I've only recently begun to dip my toe in those waters. Let me know if I can help, and thanks for the great time-suck of a game. :]

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#32: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 03/24/2008 16:33, refers to #31

voopers: sounds like you could definitely help, yes. Though I suggest you first get intimate with the engine as you say, poor through the C++ code (esp the rpg), work with the engine, and see what you think first.

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#33: Well...

by NIteMaestro on 03/25/2008 17:20

I have some experience with Basic, TI-C, and Java, but overall, I'm not too knowledgeable with regards to programming. However, I do have a good understanding of 'how' to program, if that makes any sense.

I'm not sure what use I can be for the project, especially since I'm a full time student, but I'd be happy to help.

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#34: source?

by noonymaus on 03/27/2008 15:55

can someone please give me a link to the source (svn?) of eisenstern please?


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#35: svn

by rafk on 03/27/2008 17:40

There you go:

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#36: Re:

by IllegalCharacter on 05/27/2008 20:20

I used to program a lot in C++ when I was in university, but now my job calls for different languages so I have less time to use it. I'd be interested in helping out if you still need people.

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#37: I can get working right away

by NerdFencer on 07/30/2008 16:29

I have been futzing with the cube scripts, and can now navigate (somewhat) freely through making and editing the scripts. I have a LOT of spare time (at least until school starts). I also have experience programming in C and C++ (Robotics Programming mainly but the experience is good in general) Perl, and to a lesser extent, a plethora of other languages.

I just need to know a couple of things before I get going,
1.Where should I send modifications (i'm assuming that for security reasons you wont give me CVS developer access right now)
2.What is the location of all the RPG specific scripts

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#38: ..

by leim1901 on 07/31/2008 23:52

Sorry Mate, Can't help you with your C++.

I'm rather fluent in PHP/MySQL though, assuming that's what you use, If you'd like me to implement an IP-based blocking system I'd be more than happy to do so.

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#39: ..

by R0b0t1 on 08/02/2008 00:44

I don't necessarily think of myself as being a extremely uber C++ programmer (although I know it), but I would feel very confident with the scripts.

I've used/learned the syntax of Python, am confident in my Java and am prevailent in C, C++, and Pascal/Delphi. And by 'learned the syntax of', I mean I know enough that'd I'd just need to look up the suitable libraries to do something.

Although, after double checking your post, I would be good at the scripting side of things if I'd be given my own little part -- not so much that I like not working with people, it just becomes hard to manage if people change my stuff as much as they would if you get a considerable amount working on it.

I hope I haven't eliminated myself, I would really like you to consider me for either position. :-)

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#40: Re: ..

by R0b0t1 on 08/02/2008 00:49, refers to #39

Hmm, I also know a bit of Intel and AT&T assembler, but I don't think that'd be of any use. Everything runs fast enough. (I haven't looked close enough to see if there are asm routines in sauer, though)

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