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by thecynicality on 11/07/2006 23:36, 24 messages, last message: 01/21/2008 08:09, 5355 views, last view: 06/01/2024 09:10

i apologize for the noobish question but i am very new to linux, and i can\'t figure out how to install this thing, i think i downloaded all the files i needed.

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#21: Mac Install.

by theguydownthestreetwhosayshi on 01/18/2008 15:48

1) Copy sauerbraten folder. (Mac os extracts the disk image to your downloads folder).

2) run launcher.app. (May be seen as just launcher).

3) Change settings.

4) Done.

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#22: Re: *bangs head against desk*

by 3daurora on 01/18/2008 16:44, refers to #19

Thank you for the install guide. I got to the running of the game, but the error it gives me now is:
Using home directory: /root/.sauerbraten
init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: mode
Unable to create OpenGL screen: OpenGL not available
I have the proprietary nVidia drivers installed, so I take it that OpenGL is not installed, for whatever reason? If so, how do I get it?

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#23: Re: Mac Install.

by JadeMatrix on 01/18/2008 20:41, refers to #21

Yes, yes, but what if sauerbraten.app doesn't open? That's the kind of install support I mean.

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#24: Re: *bangs head against desk*

by AzraelUK on 01/21/2008 08:09, refers to #22

Try typing 'glgears'. It's a simple OpenGL program, that's often used for benchmarking and the like. If you don't have it, you migh want to try and install it, but if you do and it doesn't work, that will confirm your evident lack of OpenGL.

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