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Sauerbraten - Music

by _Fanatic on 09/05/2005 03:55, 62 messages, last message: 12/15/2005 06:02, 13319 views, last view: 06/17/2024 09:41

I'm working on a soundtrack for Sauerbraten, and I have a question about the music capabilities.

Can you add the ability to string different songs together?

For example, let's say we have 20 tracks at our disposal. Instead of having one track that loops forever, how about make it so you can specify that when a song is finished, it instantly loads up another track.

That way we could make one game feel like it has a 10 minute track, when it's really a bunch of different tracks mixed together dynamically.


I'm planning on doing 20 tracks for Sauerbraten, all exactly 2 minutes each, and all the same tempo (so they can be mixed up and won't sound terribly different).

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#3: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/05/2005 05:53

So, it sucks and is barely relevant. Man, you two are just oddles of help!

Maybe I should have added this note:

This is more for the programmers of Sauerbraten, especially Aard.


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#4: ..

by midwinter. on 09/05/2005 06:10

I meant commenting on the type of music is barely relevant, so essentially I am of no help whatsoever yes, but was trying to say your stuff is great in response to #1.

Wont bother next time, sorry.

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#5: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 09/05/2005 06:57, refers to #3

You compose it, I'll make it happen. Just checked, and it is rather trivial to detect wether music is done playing, so we can sequence them. I make no guarantees for how "smooth" the transition will be, we'll have to try that out, but probably won't be too bad.

Once we have this set, we can even think of dynamic music that fits the action, i.e. fade into a faster track when there's more action.

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#6: we need to power down the vitriol

by pushplay on 09/05/2005 06:59

I think perhaps an "on track end" alias would be a solid addition. Then it could be left to the map settings to decide to play the next track or do whatever. I don't know the fmod (sdl?) api though so I don't know if we would have to poll or what. I'm not sure I would want to complicate the main loop over this.

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#7: ..

by Sonic-x 01 on 09/05/2005 07:16

... ok am SORRY. I just wanted to say that this kind of music is not typical for an ego-shooter. Its really good music but i mean its really stress to have a match with Heavy Metal music...

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#8: Re: ..

by pushplay on 09/05/2005 07:45, refers to #5

Hmmm, crossfading, I didn't think of that. How tricky do we want to get? If we employ some sort of rough approximation to beat matching we can fade out the bass from the first track, fade in the second track also without bass, wait a couple seconds, fade out the first track, and then fade the bass back in on the second track. That way we could probably avoid train wrecks.

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#9: Re: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/05/2005 07:52, refers to #5

Sweet. :)

I'm already up to track #5.

I'm writing these a bit differently, so they can be mixed up with each other in 2 minute increments. I like what I have so far, lots of melodies and good chunky rhythm sections. They should blend together nicely.

I'll let you know when I get a good set done, but my goal is 20 tracks/40 minutes.

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#10: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/05/2005 08:27

I use/play real guitars, XM/MOD stinks for guitars.

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#11: ..

by staffy052 on 09/05/2005 08:29

I would be happy with hard rock tracks with some ut04 type (or prodigy type) tracks mixed in. ;)

Btw I like this idea:
"Once we have this set, we can even think of dynamic music that fits the action, i.e. fade into a faster track when there's more action."

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#12: Re: ..we can even think of dynamic music that fits the actio

by MitaMAN in the cave on 09/05/2005 14:16, refers to #11

an excellent idea (dynamic / crossfade)! serious sam / painkiller has something similar, fast n' furious during fights, and calm n' subdued when battles are over searching for pickups. I wish that would have been available when I made mpsp4/mpsp5 instead of only triggered music.

BTW, _fanatic, I love most all your tunes, I have a large collection of them on my HD I listen to while doing computer stuff. keep up the great work!


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#13: ..

by kracho! on 09/05/2005 14:38

Yeah fanatic I do really like your music and even have the cube soundtrack in my playlist.
Give us some great tracks :D

BTW the game "Outcast" creates a great dynamic music experience, although it's far from metal/rock. I love this game :)

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#14: Re: ..we can even think of dynamic music that fits the actio

by _Fanatic on 09/05/2005 18:35, refers to #12

Thanks MitaMan and kracho! (and everyone else)! :)

BTW, I just released a new album on my homepage, 8 tracks of metal with vocals. It was for a drum competition I did, where fans of my site wrote a 4+ minute drum track as a song (just the drums), then they sent me the kit, and I wrote the music for them without any input from the drum kit author. Turned out pretty good.

So if you want some more metal, grab the new album "Complexities".


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#15: rock

by spentron on 09/05/2005 19:17

Rock is pretty common for multiplayer games I thought, much more so than for singleplayer. With games that use MOD formats (e.g. UT) it tends to keep going off towards synthy and techno stuff though, more a reflection of the musician though, which is also what led them towards that way of making music also however.

In Unreal, MODs were used to aid the dynamic but only so one track could have several sections. There's no real need for it all being one track although it aids organization.

I dislike the way Serious Sam always cues you in on enemy presence. It's OK but not good enough to emulate. But then maybe I'm odd how I sometimes like the softest music against brutal gaming and harsh (Quake-y) environments.

Anyway, Fanatic, really enjoy your music, coincidentally I just opened your site previous to seeing this, aimed at putting together a compilation CD to blast wherever and turn more people on to it.

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#16: Re: rock

by _Fanatic on 09/05/2005 19:23, refers to #15

I've thought about selling a cheap CDs of all the MP3s on my site. It's not the fastest download, and gets bogged down with only a few downloads at the same time. I have a total of 178 tracks weighing in at 471 MB. Selling CDs sucks though - I used to do that with Fragging Fanatical and Delicate Balance.

I do have an account with CD Baby that I haven't used though...

Anyway. :)

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#17: Re: rock

by tentus on 09/06/2005 00:36, refers to #17

UT also uses oggs , about 4 1/2 CDs worth of music, which i listen to in my car :/ at least, the 2004 DVD version does. I've only been playing UT for about 3 years.

i need something better to do with my time.

On subject- if a system were made to have the music vary depending on the situation, then a system for customization would be a must. Mappers would really benefit from being able to customize what the fight music is, instead of being confined to the default.

Aard, if we make ambient sounds, would you allow for DCP's sound entity idea? i'm afraid i can't code well enough to do that myself, but i'd be willing to be someone could do it very consisely (Wasda, this would be a great way to redeem your standing).

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#18: Re: rock

by tentus on 09/06/2005 01:34, refers to #18

ja, it was a typo... i make a lot of those, usually i'm working on something else too when i'm perusing the cube forums.

what i meant about redemption was making amends for the whole "i wrote it" scene earlier (was it this week?). i personally don't care who writes it so long as it gets written. same for my models, i don't really care if i get credited or not for making them, so long as someone somewhere gets a use from them. i just think that writing some code or making something without asking for credit is one of the signs of personal quality, and so when someone complains about not getting credit my opinion of them sinks correspondingly.

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#19: Re: rock

by tentus on 09/06/2005 01:37, refers to #18

i said nothing of the kind Morgaine, don't misquote me again. what little respect i have left for you is diminishing fast. i don't think anyone should suck up, ever, but i do think humbleness is an undervalued trait. Aard's done a lot for us, respect him for it.

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#20: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/06/2005 02:23

What if there was a playlist type of file to describe all the tracks available?

For example, an array:

musicArray[0] = new Array('dir/file.mp3',typeId)

The typeId could be several items:

1 - general song
2 - fight song
3 - low health song
4 - victory song (after winning a battle)
5 - near victory song
6 - near defeat song


Then you could define the order of the songs in a master list (like a general order to play songs in if nothing is happening). etc.

Just some ideas...

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#21: Re: ..

by pushplay on 09/06/2005 03:46, refers to #20

Woudln't you be spending 90% of your time listening to the fight song?

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#22: ..

by _Fanatic on 09/06/2005 04:58

Probably. :)

Depends on the map I guess, but Cube/Sauer is typically a DM type game. I don't know how people actually play either (more as SP or MP). I assume the allure would be online multiplayer.

So scratch that. :)

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