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Secondary Fire?

by D4RK$T4R on 05/08/2009 15:36, 62 messages, last message: 06/03/2009 07:17, 24639 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:57, closed on 06/03/2009 07:17

Most FPS games have a secondary fire function these days, and it'd probably spice SB up a bit if we had it too. Of course it's difficult trying to think of a secondary fire which still keeps the weapon balanced, but I've been trying to work a few idea through for a while.
If you have any ideas or like mine, post here.


Works in the same way as a normal pistol, but is silent and doesn't leave a particle trail - thus making it impossible to see where the fire is coming from.

Disadvantage: Only does 10 points of damage as opposed to the normal 25.



Fires twice in two seconds. Doing more damage in a shorter period of time.

Takes twice as long to reload.


<b>Machine Gun</b>

Fires a burst of 5 shots at once, with a break of one second in-between shots. Has a smaller spread area, giving greater accuracy and conserving ammunition.

Requires greater accuracy and timing.



When clicked, will snap to an enemy when the cross-hair is within 100px(?) of them, and will follow until aim is obstructed. Click again to disable auto-aim.

Does half of the damage of a manually aimed shot. Also makes disables head-shots.


<b>Grenade Launcher</b>

Instead of waiting for your grenade to detonate after firing, right-clicking will cause the grenade to explode when you decide - giving you greater control over causing damage to your target.

If you detonate the grenade before it's at a safe distance, you'll cause damage to yourself.


<b>Rocket Launcher</b>

When fired, the rocket will follow your cross-hair. This gives some extra control and accuracy.

You must be able to hold your cross-hair over your target until the rocket reaches it. A moving target will be difficult to track. You will also be vulnerable to attack while concentrating on your target.


There you go! I think that's all of the weapons. Hopefully they should be fairly easy to script, but I'm more of an ideas man than a practical one. I tried to be concious of how easy it should be to code.

I also thought that sticky grenades may be a cool idea. Perhaps with proximity detonation for setting traps. Though I can imagine people plastering a whole all with them.

Anyway, I'd like to hear what you all think, and if you have any better ideas, fire at will.


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#3: Message censored by administrator

by unstablemind on 05/08/2009 19:33

#4: Message censored by administrator

by Megagun_ on 05/08/2009 19:37, refers to #3

#5: Message censored by administrator

by unstablemind on 05/08/2009 19:40

#6: Message censored by administrator

by unstablemind on 05/08/2009 20:12

#7: Message censored by administrator

by D4RK$T4R on 05/08/2009 20:19

#8: ..

by JadeMatrix on 05/08/2009 20:48

OK, good ideas here.

The only problem is, Sauerbraten is not UT. The direction is towards simple, stylized (ha, eihrul!) gameplay. You could say the main inspiration is Q3, though I don't know if that's true.
However, what you can do, is suggest this for Blood Frontier. It seems those guys are looking towards slightly more realistic* and/or complex gameplay (*though you still play a health-regenerating monster ;).

A couple of comments on the ideas themselves:
• Rifle — that wouldn't be pixels, it'd have to be in world units (or _maybe degrees? depends if you want it to scale with distance). Plus, I'm pretty sure there're no headshots in Sauer.
• Grenade — in Sauer, grenades are already extremely powerful/flexible, with detonate on contact, otherwise timed.
• Pistol — silencer isn't much of an advantage. I'd suggest a faster rate of fire with a *much* larger spread, so you'd have to be closer.

9*1= I'm so glad I memorized my multiplication tables when I was young :D

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#9: Re: ..

by Quin on 05/08/2009 22:15, refers to #8

We already have our own plans for a secondary fire in Blood Frontier. The ideas here would unbalance any weapon system in my opinion; there needs to be clear advantages balanced with disadvantages for people to even bother to make use of them.

Homicidal (unstablemind): I swear, if you don't knock it off.. I won't ask again.

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#10: ..

by Julius on 05/08/2009 22:49

One fire mode should be sufficient for everybody :p

But some other cool use of the second mousebutton would be cool.

Maybe a jetpack, or a dodging system ala Savage2?

But actually leave it as it is... all people play is insta gib anyways :(

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#11: Message censored by administrator

by unstablemind on 05/08/2009 23:00

#12: Re: ..

by Quin on 05/09/2009 01:47, refers to #10

I bind MOUSE2 to toggle zooming in Sauer and BF. Never quite understood the mentality behind having it as jump.

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#13: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 05/09/2009 03:31, refers to #12

Same here. (I think I just copied my binding from the default G binding, no need for any real scripting on my part). I remember one kid having a rather neat script that would make mouse2 fire off a grenade or rocket depending on your inventory.

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#14: ..

by geartrooper2 on 05/09/2009 04:52

Its just personal preference. I prefer jump on mouse2 rather than using spacebar, because my spacebar is very loud.

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#15: Explosives

by fispaul on 05/09/2009 08:17

I think another cool feature would be explosives like on the campaign to be available in multiplayer, online maps

Simple, but fun

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#16: ..

by MisanthropX- on 05/09/2009 16:31

other grenades would be nice.. like default, smoke and blend (rofl i know we arent here in counter strike) and they have to be a real low effect cause you are able to spam grenades

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#17: Message censored by administrator

by Nixot on 05/09/2009 20:29

#18: Also,

by Nixot on 05/09/2009 20:31

"I'm more of an ideas man than a practical one."

So you want people to make your ideas for you?

You're obviously not aware of this page:


That is all.

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#19: Re: Also,

by D4RK$T4R on 05/09/2009 23:46, refers to #18

I'm very concious of that. I don't feel that I was demanding that somebody made my ideas into reality, it was more an attempt to start a discussion on whether secondary fire would be a good idea, and if anybody could think of improvements.

Unfortunately I don't have the skills to animate the weapons or code the properties, but if I could, I would.

In some ways it's better to have a proper discussion about it before doing anything rather than spend hours working on a project for it to fall flat on its face.

Do you have any valid opinions on the actual subject, please? Anything at all?

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#20: Crouching.

by D4RK$T4R on 05/09/2009 23:48

Ooh, and I was thinking how having crouching bound to the right mouse button would be handy. It would really help in battle instead of having to jump around like a moron to avoid getting nailed.

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#21: Re: Also,

by SheeEttin on 05/10/2009 03:52, refers to #19

You could learn how to do it.
Most projects around here start as working implementations, rather than concepts (see: Blood Frontier, MD5s in Cube 2, bots (I think), Sandbox, different crosshairs... I could go on).

In any case, secondary fire is somewhat counter to the simplistic Quake-style run-'n'-gun formula.

Crouching even more so.

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#22: Re: Explosives

by Goober on 05/10/2009 14:15, refers to #15

I agree. Doors, platforms and elevators too.

Honestly the most important feature currently missing from SB in my opinion is crouching. I know the reasoning that has been given as to why no one thinks crouching should be included - but even Quake has it - and it's very useful.

Games look alot more complete and polished if they have all features that are standard on games.

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