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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272496 views, last view: 09/29/2024 23:25

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#192: Re: ..

by jean pierre on 05/31/2005 07:33, refers to #189

Dont taunt me Makke!

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#193: ..

by Hans on 05/31/2005 07:41

@Sparr: Yup.. Ive never seen so many players in one server.
And the overall-ping was so extreamly nice that I couldent exist to post the scoreboard :)

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#194: ..

by CC_machine on 06/03/2005 17:25

ive seen lots more people on one server i remember a particular occasion where we were doing instagib on map aard1 and there were 18 players i counted

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#195: Re: Can we stop changing network code pls?

by kernowyon on 06/11/2005 01:54, refers to #195

yep - I get it too - i guess its some bug. It can really be frustrating sometimes though!

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#196: Re: Can we stop changing network code pls?

by jean pierre on 06/11/2005 07:33, refers to #195

I got it too

Possibly becouse people using Network hack's

Programmers/coders could easily make a hack tough.

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#197: Sauerbraten Server

by ciscon_ on 06/20/2005 05:39

I'm trying to keep an upto date (to anonymous cvs) sauerbraten server up at sauerbraten.nicotinelounge.com just in case anybody ever wants somewhere to play/test.

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#198: Re: Sauerbraten Server

by Sauerbraten on 06/21/2005 05:25, refers to #197

I: how did u run this sevrer? walk us thru plz

II: what is the current server version cuz i got the most up2date client and its saying incompatable server version, server is using different protocol 201 where as im using 202.

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#199: ..

by makkE on 06/21/2005 21:07

Don´t be that sarcastic, Morgaine. Maybe you haven´t noticed, but there are quite a few people here whose native language isn´t necessairily english.
Even if so, not everyone´s english is of such sophisticated accuracy as yours is.

pbrisend: That mentioned server runs the current cvs-version. To get it, you´ll need to check out the cvs on


Click on the "CVS" link there to find out what cvs means and how to use it.(you will need to download a cvs-client)

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#200: ..

by makkE on 06/21/2005 21:32

Whoops, seems I must apologize.. sorry. But why not help that talking engine a little after that joke :D ?

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#201: sauerbraten server

by Hans on 06/24/2005 17:04

I'm also running a sauerbraten server on metis.openhost.nl, hope it works even good as the classic cube

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#202: ..

by Hans on 06/28/2005 11:42

OpenHost_100mbit goesdown, the server is going to be used for commercial front-ends.

Sorry for this sad news

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#203: sadwe

by asdt54n on 07/12/2005 05:00

[img src="javascript:alert('mr_cheese')"]

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#204: Permanent Sauer Server!

by mc on 07/31/2005 20:24

Team FFF runs a sauer server! 10people and pings under 60!!

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#205: ?

by mc on 08/01/2005 18:07

what "how" ?

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#206: ..

by clans on 08/02/2005 01:23

ic, well i guess we have to manually add the server address to play right?

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#207: Re: ..

by rootnis on 08/02/2005 02:29, refers to #206

if you manage to connect to some server, it is automatically added to servers.cfg. other way 1) you can edit above file adding line : addserver server_address_or_ip

or 2) in game execute command like this line

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#208: re:..

by mc on 08/02/2005 18:20

to connect to the server easily type /connect in the sauerbraten console

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#209: ..

by help on 08/02/2005 18:24

ok i connected but i had to do it manually
by typing


because the server list wasnt in the multiplayer options

and im getting a duplicate of myself that does whatever i do... tho i think this is looking in 3rd person perhaps cuz i can shot myself.

i thought i had the latest sauer but the glitches are still there

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#210: Re: ..

by rootnis on 08/03/2005 03:58, refers to #209

to see servers menu, if it is not in menu, just execute command "servermenu" :)

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#211: console

by drizz on 08/07/2005 19:14

How do you access the console in Sauerbraten

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