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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cude could easily beat Halo with a few mods and features

by REXWHITTEN on 11/13/2004 08:53, 45 messages, last message: 03/03/2005 03:10, 17493 views, last view: 06/27/2024 06:30



HALO 2 sucks.


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#19: ..

by tentus on 12/07/2004 04:22

I don't know if anyone else holds ths view, but a great deal of true entertainment stems not from passive absorption, but rather creation and developement. Hence games like halo 2, where the maximum of creation is piling bodies on top of each other and creating whimsical modes, fall sadly short of the concept of cube, much less it's actuallity. What I'm trying to say is, Cube possesses a flexability the no console game can hope to achieve, so an arguement like the one above is void.

Oh, and a note to r00bert: graphics are dependant on perception. Cube is beautiful through it's simplicity (at least to me). Look at it from the view Aard clearly states: minimalism, simplicity, purity.

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#20: alright sorry

by r00pert on 02/13/2005 02:36, refers to #19

alright cube graphics doesnt suck but ive seen better, but its okay, sorry

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#21: Re: alright sorry

by tentus on 02/13/2005 03:53, refers to #20

But will Halo/ UT2004/ Doom3 run on very low-end machines? I think not. Not only that, but you can't tweak the visuals as well as you can in cube.

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#22: ..

by makkE on 02/13/2005 03:58

for someone who can remember times when 3d-games ran on 320x200 and one could actually see the pixels.. cube is beautiful, and a creative challenge for every mapper,to make nice stuff in a simple environment.
Cube never intended to rival any other more advanced engines anyways.

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#23: Pixel graphics.....

by jean pierre on 02/13/2005 08:02

Pixel graphics on 3D are fun especially Anime 3D i luv 3D Anime graphics anime explosions but the downs about anime is Sex and porn shit!

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#24: Re: Pixel graphics.....

by tentus on 02/13/2005 14:50, refers to #23

Jean, periods, commas, question marks, and exclamation points are our friends, and should be included in everyday english fairly often. They really makes english work better if they're placed between ideas.

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#25: Even classic doom

by jean pierre on 02/18/2005 13:22

Even the old fps like wolfienstien is cooler then cubeengine.

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#26: Re: Even classic doom

by D.plomat on 02/18/2005 16:34, refers to #25

lol, maybe if your PC is a 386SX/16MHz... otherwise i wouldn't even think of comparing those two engines.

PS: if you want to experience the next generation of FPS gaming, i've a roaring 486DX2/66 16MB RAM 2MB VLB VGA that can even run Doom1 at highest settings.

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#27: Kidding you know.......

by jean pierre on 02/18/2005 17:11

I was kidding on that lol but yeah for the triggers i vote for wolfeinstein it has better triggers then cube but not more powerfull then F.E.A.R

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#28: So what?

by Anonymous Coward on 02/21/2005 02:28

And? Yes, CUBE could be better. Yes the guy has spelling issues. So what? Harassing this *one* person won't change a dang thing. But thanks for trying.

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#29: Re: So what?

by Jcdpc Mozilla_is_teh_cookie_monster on 02/21/2005 02:48, refers to #28

how much you wanna bet that the anonymous coward is the guy's dad or something?

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#30: ................................

by 3mber on 03/02/2005 00:41

beating halo? ARE YOU OUTTA YOURE DAMN MIND?!?!!?
halo was made by microsoft.
the leading software provider.
and ur saying that cube might beat halo. this is Microsoft were dealing with here and bungie AND gearsoft (or watevr) but seriously...halo moving is realistic, cubes isnt. u move to quick and its really hard to hit plp ESPECIALLY IN MULTIPLAYER
but still cube is kind of a fun game
although the lvls should be put into a campaign or something cuz u can just go to any lvl u want

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#31: okay okay...

by 3mber on 03/02/2005 00:47

fine MAYBE cube might be able to beat halo2 BUT it will be a LOOOOOOONGshot
u need map makers, better servers, new campaign lvls, tons of things. but cube is kind of a fun game (besides the speed thing...) cube might just have a chance. IF EVERYONE PITCHES IN AND MAKES AWESOME stuff for the game

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#32: okay okay...

by 3mber on 03/02/2005 00:47

fine MAYBE cube might be able to beat halo2 BUT it will be a LOOOOOOONGshot
u need map makers, better servers, new campaign lvls, tons of things. but cube is kind of a fun game (besides the speed thing...) cube might just have a chance. IF EVERYONE PITCHES IN AND MAKES AWESOME stuff for the game

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#33: okay okay...

by 3mber on 03/02/2005 00:47

fine MAYBE cube might be able to beat halo2 BUT it will be a LOOOOOOONGshot
u need map makers, better servers, new campaign lvls, tons of things. but cube is kind of a fun game (besides the speed thing...) cube might just have a chance. IF EVERYONE PITCHES IN AND MAKES AWESOME stuff for the game

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#34: ..

by Jcdpc Mozilla_is_teh_cookie_monster on 03/02/2005 01:10

wow. triple post.

Cube isnt TRYING to beat anything...and, really, how do you define "beat"? more players? more fun? what does "beat" mean?

and cube isnt fun "besides" the speed thing, its fun because of the speed thing.

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#35: Re: ................................

by tentus on 03/02/2005 02:36, refers to #30

first off, microsoft is a negative in regards to gaming. i hate the xbox with a burning passion. never in my life have i owned such a defectively anal system.

bungie has it's fair share of problems too. there are lots of more efficient, reliable companies out there *cough retro studios cough*

perhaps it's just me, but in halo you move ridiculously slow. few games inpose that serious a speed limitation on the player. If you can't hit people it means you're a bad shot, and need practice. goodness knows i do.

there is one campaign, and more on the way. check out the mods for other campaigns (Death illustrated is a good choice). I like being able to play anything at a glance. Not like you can't do that in Halo, once you play the game thru once, just with more menus.

we have lots of mappers (are you volunteering yourself?), our servers work fine, and there's no way you've played through all the SP levels.

Funny how diverse opinions of Cube are.

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#36: ~_~

by 3mber on 03/02/2005 02:45

hehe....whoops i think i pressed the submit button a few too many times /swt
okay okay its a fun game and all but should there be a kind of story to the game or somethin? is there one or am i just missing the entire point of this game -_o

oh and i just wanted to know what map maker prog. u used cuz i wanna voluteer
to make some maps. and yes u do have a point retro studios WOULD make a better game

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#37: Re: ~_~

by dcp on 03/02/2005 02:57, refers to #36

read the readme file for information about INGAME map making... because that's how you make maps, ingame. a feature you won't find in many other games...

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#38: ..

by makkE on 03/02/2005 02:58

ehm 3mber, thereĀ“s no "map maker prog", cube is edited in game (see readme.html)

Official Game Storyline "You kill stuff.The End" ;)

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