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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272782 views, last view: 09/30/2024 15:29

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#175: Re: ..

by makkE on 04/10/2005 16:57, refers to #173

You should consider getting an irc-client, elky.

Furthermore, #cube is now on

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#176: ..

by elky10 on 04/10/2005 22:28

Thanks, I was trying to go to gamesnet. I have Trillian, just never had a reason to use the IRC part before.

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#177: Anybody know a good multi-server IRC client?

by Pxtl on 04/11/2005 01:09

I already misbehave on EFNet, and my client (Miranda IM) is only single-server.

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#178: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/11/2005 10:20

Gaim works fine here...

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#179: Re: Anybody know a good multi-server IRC client?

by pushplay on 04/12/2005 02:21, refers to #177

Miranda's irc client would be a great little client if it had tabs and better multi-server support. In the mean time you can copy the dll for a second connection.

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#180: I can host a very FAST server

by exosyphen on 04/13/2005 11:48


I have a pretty much unused dedicated server (Windows 2003).
I love this project and would gladly host a server for you guys.

Specs :
Celeron 2400, 512Mb Ram, 10Mbps connection.

Very high uptime!

Please get in touch with me at :
robert at exosyphen dot com to get this started.

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#181: And it's up!

by exosyphen on 04/13/2005 17:35

It's here :

10Mbit dedicated line.
Let me know how it works!

I downloaded Cube to that server at over 300Kb/sec ... so it should be fast enough.


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#182: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/13/2005 18:11

Nice :-)
Although sometimes I see more servers than players ;)

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#183: Re: ..

by tentus on 04/16/2005 05:29, refers to #182

too true, unfortuneately. i wish we could organize some competitions or soemthing, to get more people *informed* online simultaneously, because the informed player tends to be both better and more mature. just an observation, but i think it's true enough.

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#184: New server

by Hans on 05/10/2005 12:49

New Cube server running:
Descripting: OpenHost_100Mbit

Celeron 550mhz
2x256 (133mhz=SDRAM)
100MBit Connection
Debian 2.6 Kernel (Sarge)

Located in the Amsterdam.

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#185: ..

by makkE on 05/10/2005 15:40

Been on it, very good ping for me (60) from Normandie. Thanx :)

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#186: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 05/11/2005 13:43, refers to #185

I've to test this one too :)

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#187: ..

by Hans on 05/30/2005 19:25

Ingame screenshot:

Taken at OpenHost_100Mbit

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#188: Re: ..

by jean pierre on 05/30/2005 20:21, refers to #187

So.....Why did you uploaded this screenshot?

Is it just for showing us that you became the near last person and want us to twach you or to show us there's a cheater around?

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#189: ..

by makkE on 05/30/2005 22:52

@hans: Nice :)

@Jean Pierre, there is a button probably called "reload" or similar in your browser. When you find some post weird here, you might click on that button.
Magically it will show you the posts previous to the post that was marked "1 new message" This can help a lot to understand what is going on (if one has the brains for it), especially in a less frequented thread like this.
Isn't that a great feature? It saves you a lot of time and you'll have more time to whine, complain and to misinform and insult people on other threads ! ;)

@everyone else: Sorry, I could not resist..

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#190: ..

by >driAn<. on 05/30/2005 23:21


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#191: ..

by Sparr on 05/31/2005 02:39

im gonna guess Hans posted that screenshot to brag about his server. 10 people with <100 ping, very very nice.

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#192: Re: ..

by jean pierre on 05/31/2005 07:33, refers to #189

Dont taunt me Makke!

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#193: ..

by Hans on 05/31/2005 07:41

@Sparr: Yup.. Ive never seen so many players in one server.
And the overall-ping was so extreamly nice that I couldent exist to post the scoreboard :)

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#194: ..

by CC_machine on 06/03/2005 17:25

ive seen lots more people on one server i remember a particular occasion where we were doing instagib on map aard1 and there were 18 players i counted

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