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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272528 views, last view: 09/30/2024 01:28

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#162: ..

by randomquestion on 04/06/2005 03:26

Just out of curiosity, why is there pretty much zip in the way of coopediting?

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#163: ..

by OCA| on 04/06/2005 04:55

I imagine netgame open coopediting wouldn't be particularly fruitful when you really think about it. All it takes is one idiot to come in and make the whole map solid and you've lost your work.

(Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)


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#164: Because coopedit

by Pxtl on 04/06/2005 19:30

Really isn't appropriate for pubs. Its fun to work with friends who have a good design in mind and split up the work - but not for playing with strangers - most players don't know how to use the editor, and most people you probably wouldn't want to work with anyways.

Still, it opens up fun possibilites, like team speedmapping.

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#165: ..

by elky10 on 04/06/2005 23:31

I understand. There ought to be some way so that people can coopedit without worrying about the one jerk.

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#166: amich.dyndns.org back up

by OCA| on 04/07/2005 01:35

amich.dyndns.org is back up and running!


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#167: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 04/07/2005 02:12, refers to #165

Password your server. I don't think anyone coopedits with strangers anyways. Besides, you could run coopedit on your local machine, 'cause it doesn't matter too much if your ping sucks.

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#168: ..

by elky10 on 04/07/2005 12:49

I just think it's sad that no one has coopedit sessions online. I personally enjoy coopediting with strangers. I like to be able to share knowledge and maybe learn something new, without having to download someone's map and analyzing it.

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#169: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 04/08/2005 10:41, refers to #168

I was once with 1 other player on a server and he proposed me some coopedit. I didn't knew mapping very well but i experimented a bit and watched him mapping in real-time.

I think that someone could setup a server and simply set it's description to 'coopedit server' so people know.

I'll put one online on my DSL this weekend, this connection is somewhat loaded and only 128k upload but for coopedit that won't be a problem.

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#170: Public CoopEdit server

by D.plomat on 04/08/2005 13:26

P233MMX 64MB DSL 2048/128 365/7/24


/me thinks it would even work on the 486 gateway at my other site ;)

Of course it can be used also for playing but there are other servers with better connection for this purpose.

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#171: Re: Because coopedit

by mumbo$jumbo on 04/09/2005 02:57, refers to #164

"team speedmapping" sounds like fun ;-)

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#172: Coop Editing

by pushplay on 04/10/2005 06:11

We could organize something in advance and then meet up in #cube. Someone should create a super-ruff layout before hand to work off of.

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#173: ..

by elky10 on 04/10/2005 14:02

I've been wondering for a while now, what is this #cube? Apparently it's IRC, but how do I connect? When I go to gamesnet.net, the Java applet is blank and the signup form is not found on the server.

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#174: Re: Coop Editing

by D.plomat on 04/10/2005 15:32, refers to #172

Sounds a good idea. You're talking about coopedit events like there was in the early Cube days, with the architecture theme plus adding a prepared layout to set the initial theme and map flow/general structure?

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#175: Re: ..

by makkE on 04/10/2005 16:57, refers to #173

You should consider getting an irc-client, elky.

Furthermore, #cube is now on

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#176: ..

by elky10 on 04/10/2005 22:28

Thanks, I was trying to go to gamesnet. I have Trillian, just never had a reason to use the IRC part before.

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#177: Anybody know a good multi-server IRC client?

by Pxtl on 04/11/2005 01:09

I already misbehave on EFNet, and my client (Miranda IM) is only single-server.

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#178: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/11/2005 10:20

Gaim works fine here...

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#179: Re: Anybody know a good multi-server IRC client?

by pushplay on 04/12/2005 02:21, refers to #177

Miranda's irc client would be a great little client if it had tabs and better multi-server support. In the mean time you can copy the dll for a second connection.

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#180: I can host a very FAST server

by exosyphen on 04/13/2005 11:48


I have a pretty much unused dedicated server (Windows 2003).
I love this project and would gladly host a server for you guys.

Specs :
Celeron 2400, 512Mb Ram, 10Mbps connection.

Very high uptime!

Please get in touch with me at :
robert at exosyphen dot com to get this started.

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#181: And it's up!

by exosyphen on 04/13/2005 17:35

It's here :

10Mbit dedicated line.
Let me know how it works!

I downloaded Cube to that server at over 300Kb/sec ... so it should be fast enough.


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