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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/19/2008 16:25, 258 messages, last message: 04/03/2008 21:39, 195236 views, last view: 09/29/2024 06:30

I made an actual thread for this, since we are still yacking about it. To bring the others up to speed:

"Some of us weirdos have been kicking around the thought of making a community edition of Enemy Territory (the FIRST one). I suggested the Cube 2 engine might be a good base...

This would be a straight port of ETPro gameplay to a standalone open source game, using new 'HD' assets. Nothing too fancy, just better graphics and netcode are what we would be looking for."

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#149: Instead of flamethrower

by ezombie on 02/05/2008 00:09

In ET, there is a long range 'Area Of Effect' heavy weapon (panzerfaust/RPG/rocket launcher), and a short range AOE (flamethrower). This subject came up in our forums, and I suggested this solution:


Until we get get a flamethrower effect in the engine (if ever), how about we use this as the short range 'area of effect' heavy weapon?


It's a fully automatic 12 gauge shotgun, 300 rounds per minute. Can fire pellets, or even a mini frag grenade. The engine has the normal grenade effects, we could just scale it down to 1/4 and shoot them (with no bounce) at 5 per second and explode them on contact, or even at a given max distance if they don't hit anything.

It would have the same tactical effect as a flamethrower, but much louder. You would hold the fire button and sweep an area, the small explosions would overlap creating an arc of damage just like a flamethrower.



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#150: Re: Instead of flamethrower

by MovingTarget on 02/05/2008 00:29, refers to #149


That is one h*** of a weapon!!
That would definitely be a nice alternative to a flamethrower. Possibly have both frag grenade pickups and shells?

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#151: Re: Instead of flamethrower

by tentus_ on 02/05/2008 00:39, refers to #149

A few years ago I made a mod of Cube1 entitled Cube Legends. One of the weapons (the chaingun) was modified to look and act more like a flamethrower (a flame wand, to be specific). All I had to really do to make a decent-looking effect was amp up the amount of smoke the chaingun created, and swap that smoke out for a simple fire image. The kickback and spray from the chaingun will ensure that the flame particles spread out similar to real fire, and when you have enough stacked up it can look fairly organic.

Just so you know. If I could do it using Cube1 I have no doubt that you can make a great looking effect in Cube2.

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#152: ..

by ezombie on 02/05/2008 02:19

Good tip. I just tested a 5 rps RL with no rocket models, no debris on explosion, and a max range of about 15 feet (the projectile explodes when it get that far even if it has not hit anything). The overlapping explosions looked sweet, very flame-like.

This worked quite nicely (once you lower the damage). The flamethrower would also have to 'burn' - as in damage would be taken if you ran into the flames while they are in the air - plus you 'burn' and take damage for a bit after you leave the flames.

This will be no small matter, and while we may still add a flamethrower later, I think we can go with the auto-incendiary-shotgun as a nice alternative.

It's really rather fun! And has a similar but slightly different tactical application (since it is completely earsplitting - I used the shotgun sound for the gun, add that to the explosion sound at 5 per sec - crap). You can use the racket to mask other sounds from teammates in the area. It is definitely a weapon of sheer intimidation and area denial.

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#153: ..

by ezombie on 02/05/2008 02:45

Video of the proposed weapon in action, will be using a USAS-12/SH29-R for the model:

Small format - 2MB

Large format - 6MB

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#154: Cube Size?

by sfhjdhsconorjkfhdsjk on 02/05/2008 03:19

Where in the source code did you change the size of the smallest cube?

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#155: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 02/05/2008 04:39, refers to #153

Nice, that looks like a very fun weapon. I'm unusually excited about seeing what you end up making.

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#156: ..

by ezombie on 02/05/2008 05:35

Re: Cube Size
It was mentioned in the map editing thread, and I believe it has been changed in the current Sauer CVS already.

I am using a 01/25/2007 checkout of the Sauer code as a base right now. Should I update?

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#157: ..

by ezombie on 02/05/2008 05:44

Better update then!

I was wondering if you were in the middle of something. Those dynamic lights seemed a bit harsh...

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#158: ..

by scasd on 02/05/2008 16:05

40mm, 250-300 rounds per minute:

revolver based model:

This one would be nice to see as long range weapon in addition to that shotgun ;)

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#159: ..

by scasd on 02/05/2008 17:29

100% silenced... http://www.coilgun.org/

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#160: ..

by sfhjdhsconorjkfhdsjk on 02/06/2008 00:16

100% Silenced, 3000 Rounds per microsecond, atomb bomb like explosive rounds, built in ipod dock. http://doesntexist.com/

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#161: big gun

by Captain_Ahab on 02/06/2008 00:16

how about this?
( too futuristic looking for my mind's eye, though



sabres and percussion caps
That would be a cool game

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#162: Re: big gun

by SheeEttin on 02/06/2008 03:51, refers to #161

Just scanned those, and it doesn't look like that'd be a viable weapon in real life.

In a video game, though, it'd be pretty neat.

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#163: re:big gun

by ezombie on 02/06/2008 04:06

It would make a rather effective club once you ran out of ammo... and I thought the USAS-12 was a bulky gun.

The M32 might make a nice heavy weapon choice. Two nades per second, with a limited range (stick some gravity on them buggers - just use the Sauer RL as a base). I can imagine that we would give it a seriously long reload time though. ;)

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#164: ..

by ezombie on 02/06/2008 04:34

I think this will make it into the game though:


But only as a scoped weapon. Hehehehe.

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#165: ..

by scasd on 02/06/2008 17:29



Man - it looks so unreal. This system is surface-to-air only so dont jump or fart :P

What about that 'tiny cubes' - Would it be possible to create destructable terrain for explosives ? The terrain is burned at the destructed area so in theory you would not have to recalculate the lightmap there...

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#166: ..

by ezombie on 02/06/2008 18:05

Well, we actually have no 3D programmers on staff. We are guys that work in boring things like banking services, printing companies, and online ecommerce.

This does give us gobs of DB and network experience. But destructable cubes are a bit out of our league at the moment.

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#167: ..

by scasd on 02/06/2008 22:28

Yea, but maybe dot 3 labs will take this idea further and tweak the light map code a bit so it will not be messed up everywhere when you modify some cubes. Currently using a part of the editing code will not work because of this issue. Otherwise it would be easy I think. You dont need light maps where rocket impacts occur - everything would be black and burned there.

As far as I can see everything is translated into vertex/texturecoord arrays etc. If you change something somewhere the corresponding parts get buggy. But I am not sure.

Just an idea...

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#168: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 02/07/2008 00:22, refers to #167

You still need lightmaps there, else they'd be fullbright or fulldark.

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