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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272595 views, last view: 09/30/2024 07:18

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#139: excuse this newbie question

by Petijumo on 12/05/2004 17:54

when I start server.bat, it tell's me that server cannot ping me... I think it's due to kerio personnal firewall, so I'd like to know which port and protocol I have to permit to be able to run a dedicated server on my comp?

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#140: ..

by A.T.O.M. on 12/06/2004 03:41

if KPF is suspected, there should be a rule titled "any other application" at the bottom of the "network security" module "applications" tab. make sure all communications are set to "? ask". then, under the "predefined" tab, make sure "loopback" is there. if not, add it, though i think it has to be there for KPF to even function.

just to troubleshoot the server though, disable your firewall temporarily.

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#141: Re: ..

by Petijumo on 12/06/2004 19:19, refers to #140

thanks! that works
yesterday I already put the "ask" option in kpf, but I forgot that pc cillin security level was set to high too...
when I select the medium one and tell kpf to ask me, that works
Thanks again !!!

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#142: ..

by Reiner on 01/04/2005 09:26

We have released an cuber server addon for the IPCop 1.4.x Firewall
You can configure this server complete with an web gui

Get it at www.ipcop-pro.de

Stay Cubed ;-)


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#143: How to change game port protocol???

by fakko89 on 02/18/2005 23:40

I tought it would have been very easy, but... actually I can't connect to any server

This is the message:

YOU (120)
SERVER (121)

How can I change this numbers

I've a windows XP without SP2
Please, hurry... I wanna play...

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#144: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 02/19/2005 00:23

Did you compile cube by yourself? Do you have the latest cube?

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#145: ..

by makkE on 02/19/2005 02:05

the usual downloading of the old version i think. Next release should be a .zip again, every 2nd win user doesn´t know (or try out) that .tar.gz is just an archive...

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#146: ..

by jean pierre on 02/19/2005 07:02

So 2004 is very uncompilable so if i use the 2003 it could be compiled right becouse 2004 is .tar.gz and the others are .zip so only the 2003 can be compiled am i right?

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#147: ..

by makkE on 02/19/2005 12:09

Jean pierre, we have asked you about a million times for proper punctuation.

I don´t really understand what you are trying to say. Compiling your own build will always lead to incompatibilities.
Maybe you are mistaking compiling with unzipping?
It´s got nothing to do compiling, just saying the 2004 .tar.gz format confuses windows users.

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#148: no, I haven\'t

by fakko_89 on 02/19/2005 15:53, refers to #147

I\'ve a 2003 version of CUBE, but I just used it for the first time yesterday. I haven\'t tried to modify the configuration file yet.

Can you help me or I have to find the wrong thing alone?


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#149: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 02/19/2005 16:40

Don't use 2003 but 2004....
Use WinZip/WinRAR to unpack the archived file if you're on windows.

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#150: Screw it...

by Pxtl on 02/19/2005 23:58

Go here:


A Cube installer for windows that's nice and easy - no unzipping necessary, and it makes nice shortcuts to all the config files. Just download that if you're worried about getting the new version of Cube and are scared at the .tar.gz file that the 2004 version comes in.

If you don't trust me, just get the 2004 version and something that can open a tar.gz file (winzip, winrar, and just about anything else can do it).

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#151: howd you make a game like this?

by 3mber on 03/01/2005 02:08

howd u make a game like this? was it free and which game creator did u use?

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#152: Re: howd you make a game like this?

by Aardappel_ on 03/01/2005 03:29, refers to #151

it's called "C++"... its the best game creator software I have found sofar.. supports all game genres, and is pretty fast. The UI is clumsy at times though.

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#153: ..

by >driAn<. on 03/01/2005 11:35


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#154: ..

by The Rift 101 on 03/03/2005 01:12

I want to make a server on my PC, but I'm behind a router and I need to know which port(s) to have routed to this PC.

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#155: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 03/03/2005 10:30, refers to #154


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#156: Trying

by r0bo wirdg on 03/06/2005 05:03

I'm trying to make a dedicated server here, im brazil, because there are too many lag in all the servers(over 250).

And i opened the doors which said im that tread, but masterserver still replying the same thing:

Server not registred: you did not reply to ping


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#157: Re: Trying

by r0bo wirdg on 03/06/2005 05:04, refers to #156

reply = respond

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#158: Permanent server

by OCA| on 03/08/2005 03:05

amich.dyndns.org is a permanent server I am hosting. It is located in Plano, Tx and running on a Comcast cable connection.

Is there any way to make the server list show amich.dyndns.org instead of that odd comcast address I have? I've been curious about that.


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