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SVN help for Mac OS X

by macintoshking on 04/29/2009 22:46, 32 messages, last message: 05/09/2009 08:51, 5307 views, last view: 06/16/2024 11:22

Help! I really want to get the SVN of Sauerbraten. I already downloaded and installed the application Subversion and have download the data. Unfortunately I don't see the launcher for Mac OS X (which is the operating system that I am using), and when I try to comply it in Xcode, it fails.

Is there another application that I need to get to help me with this?


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#13: Thanks

by macintoshking on 04/30/2009 03:31

That worked perfectly

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#14: Than again...

by macintoshking on 04/30/2009 04:07

Well, the launcher and the application itself complied successfully, but now, when I open the launcher, it says that It can't find the files, so I should open it manually and when I try to do that, it does nothing.

Anyway, guess I will have to wait for the next version to come out:-)

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#15: ..

by abs1nth on 04/30/2009 13:01

>imho dumping these frameworks in svn is bloat.

• the needed windows DLLs are also in svn, so why shouldn't the mac frameworks be?
(hell even the .exe is stored in svn!)
• we sometimes need very specific versions of these frameworks which aren't easy to come by (i specifically remember the gamma fade bug)
• of course people should (learn to) follow instructions - but if i want to build a project from SVN and gotta have to spend a few days building the dependencies i always am turned off (there are enough open source games where building for mac is like this). of course things aren't as bad here but i like things being self contained and working out of the box.

anyway if you don't like the change, just revert it ;-)

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#16: Re: Than again...

by abs1nth on 04/30/2009 13:09, refers to #14

> it says that It can't find the files

it doesn't because the files aren't there.

• don't use the launcher and place the data (or a symlink) next to sauerbraten or
• build with the Release-Deployment Target which will produce a full .dmg file

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#17: I'll try again

by macintoshking on 04/30/2009 21:25, refers to #15

Please keep in mind (especially you abs1nth) that even though I read the directions, it doesn't really mean much to me, especially when I'm not a developer (yet)

I will indeed try to build it with the build type as Release-Deployment Target.

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#18: That didn't work

by macintoshking on 04/30/2009 21:44

Unfortunately, now it gives me another error when I build it as a Release-Deployment file.

Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1

Under the text description, it reads:


I could give you the entire log that the entire process relates to, but it's mighty long.

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#19: Re: That didn't work

by SheeEttin on 05/01/2009 00:19, refers to #18

Or just the relevant part at the end.

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#20: mac fixes

by lobsterman1 on 05/07/2009 10:53


the xCode project and the installation pages/beginner's guide need a bit of love to allow macOSX-ies to navigate the initial speed bumps. here is a short blow by blow ...

- application - instructions for downloading the .dmg using the Install guide works like a charm. safari automatically extracts the content and the Sauerbraten application starts without a hitch

- xCode project - double clicking the sauerbraten.xcodeproj starts a xCode 2.4 compatible project in my version 3.1.2 and compiles without errors.

- issue 1. running the created app fails with a missing library error

dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/SDL_image.framework/Versions/A/SDL_image
Referenced from: /Users/Huber/Documents/C-Java/JAVADataCentral/Games/sauerbraten/sourcecode/xcode/build/Debug/sauerbraten.app/Contents/MacOS/sauerbraten
Reason: image not found

this fails because the xCode projects reads the SDL_* lib headers but does not merge the libs that are included as part of the distribution into the final product. with help from the readme a separate install of the SDL, SDL_image, and SDL-mixer frameworks into Library/Frameworks makes this issue go away. SOLUTION ... imho, the solution would be to modify the xCode project so it recognizes, and merges the provided libs that are part of the distribution rather than requiring separate installs.

issue 2. running the app starts to dim the screen as it starts the app but then fails with the following log

init: sdl
init: net
init: game
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT OpenGL Engine (NVIDIA Corporation)
Driver: 2.0 NVIDIA-1.5.36
WARNING: Using Apple GLSL depth bug workaround. (use "/apple_glsldepth_bug 0" to disable if unnecessary
WARNING: Using Leopard ARB_position_invariant bug workaround. (use "/apple_ff_bug 0" to disable if unnecessary)
Rendering using the OpenGL GLSL shader path.
could not load texture data/notexture.png
could not find core textures

i have seen some references to fixing this by modifying "sauerbraten.sh" but this file does not exist in the mac distribution. SOLUTION ... ?

any comments and fixes greatly appreciated ...

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#21: Re: mac fixes

by baby~rabbit on 05/07/2009 12:24, refers to #20

Please build a release deployment build - anything else is more for the benefit of the project developers. That said, once the release is a distant memory (in a few weeks) then I'll tidy up the tricks I use to make fast debug builds and check them in.

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#22: Re: mac fixes

by abs1nth on 05/07/2009 12:33, refers to #20

>could not find core textures

i've already posted the explanation and solution to this "problem" earlier in this thread

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#23: Re: mac fixes

by lobsterman1 on 05/07/2009 17:44, refers to #22

thanks baby-rabbit and absinth, here is an update on progress. i'd like to help with making the xCode project one that works out of the box. i have started to add some mac info to the wiki ...

- i have compiled the project as release deployment build, this made little difference to issue 1 described above. the project still does not use the SDL_* framework libs included with the SVN but requires separate installs into the /Library/Frameworks folder. when these are missing /bin/sh fails with exit 1 during the section that installs all frameworks into app bundle. when the frameworks are manually moved there, this booboo goes away. it would be insanely great if the need for the separate install would be made unnecessary.

- sorry absinth i did not find any post of yours earlier in the thread that fixes issue 2. i found a post from MovingTarget in another thread
>"When it says "can't find core textures" it means you're either running the .exe from the
>bin/ folder, or you're running it and/or have it in a different folder. You must always have
>it in the bin/ folder but run it from it's parent directory."
i have no clue what that explanation means but i gather it has something to do with the location where the compiled app ends up relative to the needed resources and files. compiling creates the app and launcher in the "Release-Deployment" folder within "build" within the "xcode" project folder. the app is only 4.9MB compared to the 405.5MB for the downloaded version - so it obviously still looking for the rest and can't find them. am i getting warmer?

thanks, ciao,

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#24: Re: mac fixes

by lobsterman1 on 05/07/2009 17:51, refers to #23

sorry absinth,

i just found your earlier response

>place the data (or a symlink) next to sauerbraten ...

where do i find the data? there is no folder with that name in the download. and there is no file "notexture.png" that would give me a hint on where to look. i know there is a very simple disconnect ... thanks,

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#25: Re: mac fixes

by lobsterman1 on 05/07/2009 19:28, refers to #24

i think i am making progress ... but is it good progress?

i looked into the sauerbraten app that came with the download and i discovered a folder in it called "gamedata", containing folder "data" containing the missing files such as "notexture.png" and a folder "packages" - are these the folders i need to package with the sauerbraten app? how do i indicate that in the xCode app that it bundles it with the app? please tell me this is cool ...

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#26: Re: mac fixes

by baby~rabbit on 05/08/2009 00:38, refers to #23

Updating wiki - linked off this forum??

If you don't know the answers about how to build and use the mac version then I'd rather you left it to someone who did... xD

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#27: Re: mac fixes

by baby~rabbit on 05/08/2009 00:57, refers to #25

The easiest way to set the directories and run in debug mode is as follows:

The settings are self explanatory if you have read the docs.

Note: Checking MY settings into svn is pointless...

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#28: Re: mac fixes

by lobsterman1 on 05/08/2009 11:27, refers to #27

sure thing. it looked like a fun project to get into and contribute but you are more than welcome to keep this sandbox to yourself.

clearly the xCode project as downloaded does not compile without a number of badly explained changes. there is no mac community because everybody gets turned off by the same 2 issues described above. you can keep the mac project obscure and use it as your entrance examination but eventually you'll find that building a community is needed to bring the mac part up to par with the other distributions.

i am having little difficulty and a lot of fun looking through the code to see how a fps goes about its business - the xCode IDE is the hard part. As a generally rule, when i am allowed to gain a boatload of cool info, i feel compelled to contribute something back to where i got it from - but on this occasion - nah, i am fine.

have a good live, signing off ...

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#29: Message censored by administrator

by baby~rabbit on 05/08/2009 13:00, refers to #28

#30: Re: mac fixes

by Quin on 05/08/2009 19:41, refers to #28

I suggest that you spend some time learning how your build system works rather than blaming the developers here for something that is out of their control. If xCode is hard to use, it is Apple's fault.

Unfortunately it appears most Mac users aren't very technically proficient, which means there are even fewer people in the pool who are capable of being developers. Those we do have are very valuable and it'd be appreciated if you didn't respond which such negative comments. You're only making sure that those developers won't help other people in the future for the fear of getting burned like you did to them here.


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#31: ..

by abs1nth on 05/08/2009 22:11

>dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/SDL_image.framework/Versions/A/SDL_image

that should be fixed in trunk now (r1737)

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#32: Re: mac fixes

by baby~rabbit on 05/09/2009 08:51, refers to #28

The only thing differentiating the mac version from linux/windows versions is that we supply an additional launcher program that makes the game feel more mac 'native'... but for development you can ignore that - instead you can just run sauerbraten from the terminal in exactly the same way as per linux, with exactly the same command line arguments.

In terms of compiling I would hope that xcode is familiar to mac users, likewise I hope that errors about missing frameworks are easily recognised and rectified. I assume linux users are in the same situation - whoops missing SDL library, I better add that.

Thus it is not the intention to create a "entrance examination", instead there is the assumption that people know how to use the tools (xcode), and have read some of the docs and/or searched this forum if they experience hick-ups.

Finally in response to this thread, abs1nth and myself provided answers, screenshots, and tweaked svn - we are making an effort for our mac users!

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