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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Enemy Territory + Cube 2 = wOOt?

by ezombie on 01/19/2008 16:25, 258 messages, last message: 04/03/2008 21:39, 195372 views, last view: 09/29/2024 12:29

I made an actual thread for this, since we are still yacking about it. To bring the others up to speed:

"Some of us weirdos have been kicking around the thought of making a community edition of Enemy Territory (the FIRST one). I suggested the Cube 2 engine might be a good base...

This would be a straight port of ETPro gameplay to a standalone open source game, using new 'HD' assets. Nothing too fancy, just better graphics and netcode are what we would be looking for."

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#13: ..

by Julius on 01/20/2008 15:27

Cube2 already has a strong scripting language :cubescript. Wouldn't make sense to implement lua into it.

About the general idea. It would be possible to create a game *like* ET with the cube2 engine, bu it would be a lot(!) of work and the die hard fans of ET would probably not like it since it would not 'feel' exactly the same.

But yeah go ahead and do it (yourself!).

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#14: ..

by ezombie on 01/20/2008 16:43

LOL - thanks for the vote of confidence. I like your healthy skepticism. I'm just casting around, doing some research on the idea right now.

And that begs a question. If one 'refactored' the player physics from one of the ET mods (let's say ETPro), could not one express them in the Cube 2 engine?

Or would it be easier to just mimic that part of it by gradually tweaking the existing code?

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#15: ..

by ezombie on 01/20/2008 19:32


I have a game physics student available. I will have him to look at the sources (Sauer & ET mods) and tell me what he thinks.

Looks like assets will be the biggest hurdle (aren't they always?). I'll put the word out and see what's out there.

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#16: Dynamic lights?

by ezombie on 01/20/2008 22:30

Quick question... does Sauer have simple dynamic lights? (glow is all we would need)

Also, any particles/smoke? I'm thinking about the flamethower, arty, and smoke canister.

If not, I suppose we could do without for awhile.

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#17: ..

by ezombie on 01/20/2008 22:39



<bad monkey, bad bad monkey!>

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#18: Map editor.

by jsfdlconorhjfd on 01/21/2008 00:16

I am %80 sure that he wants to use this engine because of the easy to use map editor.

In that case, you can make a map in sauerbraten, then export the geometry only to the OBJ format, which could be converted i suppose.

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#19: ..

by ezombie on 01/21/2008 00:57

Actually, my push for using Cube 2 is 10% easy map creation, and 10% easy asset creation (just imported some stuff from various sources as a test, then whipped up a few textures and played with the world and object bumpmapping). Model import in RTCW/ET starts at difficult then quickly worsens.

Then 60% is speed, speed, speed - then some more speed. Nothing with the same/better visual appeal runs as fast on older hardware. ET comes close, but no kickin' shaders or other advanced stuff. And it's still slower.

The last 20% would be clean code. ET SDK is a spaghetti. You get nightmares about it after awhile.

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#20: ..

by Temp user on 01/21/2008 16:37

I would suggest darkplaces as the engine, nexuiz uses it, and in the upcoming release 2.4 you will see that it looks REALY great, and the netcode is very good too (and gets better with every release).
So, darkplaces is based on quake 1, but with a huge list of new features, most important, it looks better that quake3 (and ioquake of course). Its open source, which is quite important i think, and well, its under active developement, which means, you will get all the time new features, and you can expand your game over the years as new features get available.

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#21: ..

by Julius on 01/21/2008 17:45

But if you use SB as a base I would actually use it's spinoff project Bloodfronteer instead as it already has a lot of features that arn't in SB, but would be needed for your project.

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#22: ..

by maddog39 on 01/21/2008 18:44

Wow, this is an extremely awsome idea. I am a die hard Wolf:ET fan/player, been playing since 2003. But I am also a fan of Cube2 / Sauerbraten and would LOVE more than ANYTHING to see a community/open source edition of ET. And you know what, maybe even improve on the game a little bit. Sounds like and awsome idea, I say we should all just run with it. I read ppl mentioning willing to use C++, keep in mind that WolfET is an older game and the game logic is in C not C++. Same goes for the quake engine as far as I know.

For anyone who wants it, I found the game logic source code on the WolfET resource site.


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#23: You can try...

by jsfdlconorhjfd on 01/21/2008 20:12

You can try to do this, I would like to see it.

It isn't impossible, but it is going to be some work.

It would spread the word about sauerbraten :D

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#24: ..

by ezombie on 01/21/2008 21:07

I'll fire up Nexuiz on our test rigs (one low, one medium, one high) and see how it runs.

* AMD Sempron 1800
* ATI Radeon 9200

* AMD Sempron 64 3000
* nVidia 6600

* Intel Core Duo E6600
* nVidia 8800GT

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#25: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/21/2008 21:42, refers to #20

Darkplaces is Q1? I always thought it was Q3. Q1 used 2D sprites, like the other early fps's, while Q2 used md2s like Cube used...

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#26: ..

by ezombie on 01/21/2008 22:27

It was based on Q1 - just like Q3 was based on Q2 which was based on Q1.

I ran the tests on the low spec machine (it's a ATI 9200LE, actually). Nexuiz runs faster on that. But to be fair, it looked like Quake at that quality level. Sauer ran at a steady 2-4fps, but it looked much better. Perhaps it can only be set so low?

Now to the mid spec machine. This is the one that really counts.

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#27: ..

by ezombie on 01/21/2008 23:15

Mid spec machine done. Ugh.

I had to lower Nexuiz to 'medium' quality and resolution (1027x768), then it ran at 30-50 FPS. Not very smooth at all, either.

At medium quality, it looked like Q2.

Well, no darkplaces then. This isn't worth doing unless it's a *upgrade* to ET quality/performance. And cutting out over half the current players due to hardware is not an option.

Any more suggestions?

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#28: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 01/21/2008 23:22, refers to #26

Huh, seeing the graphics & gameplay of Nexuiz made me think it was Q3...

How did Sauer run on the mid-range?

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#29: heh

by ATIRULE on 01/21/2008 23:33

I play the nexuiz svn with on high settings and real time lighting -rtworld
I get 45- 100 fps @ 1024x768 on a 2.8 P4 and 6200 agp 4x on most maps and smooth as hell
Dark Places is based off of Gl quake 1
all tho according to the dev's there is less the 1% of the original quake 1 code

It is a far better engine then quake 3 when you have the hardware for it and know how to set it up and have the right content to work with it

DP supports

Normal maps
off settmapping
FULL HRD and Real time lighting


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#30: Re: Performance

by ezombie on 01/21/2008 23:48, refers to #28

On the midrange machine (my personal rig) with Sauer, I can set almost everything to max, and play at 1280x1024 with a smooth 40-70 FPS.

Nexuiz must not like my machine, or the last release (I just downloaded it off the site) is much slower then SVN.

This is on Windows XP, BTW.

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#31: Re: Performance

by ezombie on 01/22/2008 00:11

My bad, I was running the SDL Nexuiz. I spent awhile fiddling with the various settings, managed to get 50-70FPS on 1024x768. Which compares to 90-120FPS in Cube 2 at that resolution.

Sauer has support for normal and displacement maps (and specular). I made/tested some myself on the map textures and the models.

Darkspace is nice, don't get me wrong. It's on the list. I have to do some more testing first and look through the code a bit.

I'm curious ATIRULE (nice name with you running a nVida card), what do you get in Sauer? And what do you get in ET with that setup? I would love some more datapoints.

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#32: ..

by MovingTarget on 01/22/2008 00:34

On my laptop, I get 90-150 FPS. Here's the specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 @ 2.20GHz
nVIDIA Quadro FX 360m

In a bit I'll go test WolfET and see what I get.

I'm really surprised at how well Sauer plays on my rig, especially as my card is geared toward CAD/CAM and video editing (what I do).

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