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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272644 views, last view: 09/30/2024 09:31

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#119: Re: linux_server

by ph0ok on 05/01/2004 15:27, refers to #118

maybe because of -mlocalhost ?
is there another way to disable the master-server thing?

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#120: Re: linux_server

by ph0ok on 05/01/2004 15:43, refers to #119

-milkshake is the same

dedicated server started, waiting for clients...
Ctrl-C to exit

looking up ...
sending request to ...
masterserver reply:

<TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE>
<H1>Bad Request</H1>
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<P>
Invalid URI in request GET ilkshakeregister.do?action=add HTTP/1.0<P>
<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.27 Server at xxx.xxx.net Port 80</ADDRESS>

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#121: Protocaul 118?

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 05/02/2004 04:31

Hey, just wondering which cube version/mod uses protocaul 118.

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#122: CTF servs?

by Whiz_Kid121 on 05/04/2004 01:14

Are there actually any ctf or quad servs out there right now? Because whenever I try to connect to any of the servs:

1. CTF can't connect to any of the servers.

2. Quad connects but not the right protocol.


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#123: server

by ciscon on 05/16/2004 12:25

thought i'd make my server public being that the master is down:

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#124: Australian Dedicated Server

by Billox on 05/29/2004 07:07


I have setup a dedicated server on a fast DSL connection in Melbourne, Australia

The server is accessable via

www.billox.com or cube.billox.com

It should also show up as by far the lowest pinging server for Australians and New Zealanders, providing they are in Australia or New Zealand :)



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#125: ..

by staffy02 on 05/30/2004 06:06

yay! an Australian server. :)

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#126: fags

by ugly-fucking-cock-sucking-game on 06/03/2004 06:35

this has to be the most fucked up piece of shit so called "Game" ever invented... what a fucking waste of time and code... Cube? wtf kind of name is that ...

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#127: Re: fags

by staffy02 on 06/03/2004 10:03, refers to #126

the name doesn't even make the game good or bad. you should try something before you abuse it.

btw thanks for your ip address. play nice or your computer gets it. ;)

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#128: Re: fags

by D.plomat on 06/03/2004 17:19, refers to #127

lol, that's maybe a sign that Cube community grows enough to get known even in the bronx and some favelas, according to his elite using of Shakespeare language and the highest cultural references pointed out by his nick

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#129: Re: fags

by jcdpc-at-school on 06/03/2004 19:31, refers to #126

you cant just say something sucks. you have to give a reason... and staffy, you left your IP too :) and so did all of us...
Mr ugly-fucking-cock-sucking-game, what about it sucks, that it has good graphics, the multiplayer, the 20 meg size, the close community, the well-built levels, the awesome mapmodels, or the fact that its free?

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#130: New Server

by Blue Laguna on 06/07/2004 18:26

After making some speed adjustments, i'm now declaring server1.bluelaguna.net a permanent server. Also, how would i change the description on linux? If you can change it for me make it "Bluelaguna[.net] Server"

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#131: ..

by krach on 06/08/2004 14:22


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by HexFex on 09/04/2004 19:21


our Clan is running a Cube Server, sometimes with a password for Clanwars.

> /connect www.team-zenith.com


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#133: Cube LAN server?

by Snake_165 on 10/07/2004 12:30

hi! Can cube run a LAN server???
if yes, how??

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#134: Re: Cube LAN server?

by D.plomat on 10/07/2004 18:44, refers to #133

Yes, RTFM.


Win: server.bat

Linux: bin_unix/linux_server -mblah


/connect servername_or_ip

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#135: ..

by staffy2000 on 11/22/2004 07:52

there are not very many permanent servers these days.

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#136: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 11/22/2004 14:06, refers to #135

Just checked, looks like the number have decreased, only 8-9 now :(

8-9 is still enough room for now, but let's hope some will be added later, in case all of them don't have a good ping from various locations...

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#137: Servers

by D.plomat on 11/22/2004 20:27

funny, now more are back, but essentially unreachable ones... would it be that there has been some filter on unreachable ones?

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#138: Serverloader

by Reiner on 11/24/2004 20:57

I search the serverloader.tar.gz file

The link in this forum is death

Can someone send me the file ?

Or an other linux cubeserver start script?



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