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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Permanent Servers

by eihrul on 02/03/2002 00:50, 472 messages, last message: 03/21/2008 13:36, 272601 views, last view: 09/30/2024 07:21

Anyone wanting to announce a permanent Cube server should place such announcements in this thread. Of course, the main servers at this point are grunt.splatterworld.de and dark.asamnet.de

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#103: ok....

by IceBlade775 on 04/14/2004 01:56

It was working, and I was playing a game w/ some people, things were going fine, but in the middle of the second(I think) game I (and I think everyone on) was disconnected, and I can't log back on, will see what I can do about this.

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#104: hmm

by IceBlade775 on 04/14/2004 02:00

How I got it to work in the first place was by giving the linux_server a .cgi extension, and then going to this url in my browser, [this is what I think happened] which I think may have executed the program? because I went to it in the browser again and then it began working again....hmmm, or maybe I just need to use one of these php scripts to restart the server program if it crashes??

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#105: hmmm hmmm

by IceBlade775 on 04/14/2004 02:12

Ok, it seems to work fine now, I think it just crashed or something, and I think I saw some php scripts here to restart it...

As for bandwidth, I may manage, it depends how often people use it I guess, I don't see Cube being too heavily used, so I think it'll be ok, if not, this server will just be offline at the end of everymonth xD

Anyways, after I get a job I may pay for more bandwidth....

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#106: PS

by IceBlade on 04/14/2004 02:33

Sorry for all the multiple posts, just wanted to add, my server is also referred to as:


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#107: Re: hmm

by D.plomat on 04/14/2004 09:23, refers to #104

probably by launching it as a cgi, the httpd process calling it is waiting for it to return, which indeed a server doesn't, so it is probably killed after some timeout.

If you have access to httpd.conf you can raise the timeout, but if you had shell access to this server it'd been easier to just start it as a standalone server instead of a CGI ;)

About using PHP, PHP also have it's own timeout so this won't probably help, and worst, you must find a way to have the server permanently running, not being restarted.

Eventually the only thing you can do is having another machine(like an ordinary PC on a DSL) on which you have full access which uses wget or similar in a script that periodically calls the CGI URL. Then a good thing would be to find a way to kill the already running server and time this exactly to the duration of one round so ppl aren't disconnected in the middle... however, that still wouldn't suit for arena and still ppl would get disconnected after each round...

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#108: Ok

by IceBlase@school on 04/14/2004 13:47

I dn't believe I have shell access, although I'm kind of new to this sort of thing, I only know that it has support for php and perl, and I have ftp access. [Nothing has been mentioned about having or lacking telnet.] I tried figuring out otherways to get the server to run it, I changed it to linux_server.exe and the server's file manager recognized it as a binary, however I don't know how to start it, could I by any chance use a crontab command that would start it?
If so, what exactly would it be, becauase I don't really understand what syntax those commands have to be in. Meanwhile, I can try the other things, I think I can at least raise the timeout. When it times out, would it be taken off the Master list? Because it still seems to be on there now, which would be weird unless maybe somone else started it by going to the url....

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#109: The simplest solution is with shell access

by D.plomat on 04/14/2004 14:53

You should try




if you can log in, you just have to

cd /where/you/have/cube/server

then it will be running as long as your ssh/telnet console is open. Eventually you can try
start-stop-daemon --background /path/to/linux_server
i don't know if this works, i'll try to make an rc script to
/etc/init.d/cube start|stop|restart

You can also try to put the start-stop-daemon in a CGI shell script that you call from your machine, but then you've to be sure that this script won't launch a linux_server process if one is already running to avoid opening a vulnerability on the server.

About changing extension to exe, this only makes windows think it's a window binary, this doesn't change anything for a Linux/Unix box.

About a cron entry on the server, same thing as for the CGI, you've got to call not the server itself, but a script that first check that it isn't already running... but if you can setup cron entries and scripts on the server, it's probably that you already have shell access ;)

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#110: well

by IceBlade775 on 04/14/2004 20:55

I don't know, as for ssh, this is in the faq:

"Do you provide SSH?
SSH is too risky to provide. Lots of abusers take advantage of it. Soon we will be offering it as an upgrade."

I can set up scripts by uploading them and using the file manager or ftp to change the permissions, and I can set cron entries with a control panel type thing they have, but I'll try anyways...

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#111: ok

by IceBlade775 on 04/14/2004 21:16

Ok, I can't connect to 23 so I just tried 80 and it connected in hyperterminal, but I guess that just means it's connecting to apache. Are there any other commonly used ports for telnet?

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#112: Re: ok

by D.plomat on 04/15/2004 14:27, refers to #111

Yes, you're connecting to Apache... the only thing you can do is typing something like GET <some_page_on_the_server> and receive the page ;)

No, it can be any port if the server admin wants, but there is no other 'common' port.

...Looks like you haven't got shell access... maybe you should wait until they provide ssh.

What access do you have on this server? (probably only FTP to upload your pages content, this is rather common for a web-only host. if so, the only thing you can do is setting up a CGI script that uses start-stop-daemon to launch Cube server in the background, but i doubt they'd allow that...)

or do they really provide a way to modify conf files and crontab ???

If you had a link to the FAQ, i'd better know.

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#113: Ok

by IceBlade on 04/15/2004 21:57

"Yes, you're connecting to Apache... the only thing you can do is typing something like GET <some_page_on_the_server> and receive the page ;)"

Yeah thats what I though....lol

"No, it can be any port if the server admin wants, but there is no other 'common' port....Looks like you haven't got shell access... maybe you should wait until they provide ssh."
Probably don't.....maybe I should wait....I don't know.....

"What access do you have on this server? (probably only FTP to upload your pages content, this is rather common for a web-only host. if so, the only thing you can do is setting up a CGI script that uses start-stop-daemon to launch Cube server in the background, but i doubt they'd allow that...)"

I have ftp yes, and their control panel things...

"or do they really provide a way to modify conf files and crontab ???"
They have a crontab thing on the control panel, where you can enter crontab entries, conf files, well I don't know much about that, but you can password protect directories and I can look at and modify .htaclu and .htcl and stuff....

"If you had a link to the FAQ, i'd better know."

I'm not sure wether you have to be logged in to look at it, but the faq is at http://serv2.50free.com/members/tickets/?menu=1

if not, the next best thing is probably this

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#114: Re: Ok

by D.plomat on 04/15/2004 23:38, refers to #113

Very strange they allow crontab access to the crontab... you should try to add Cube server in it to test how much time it stays without being killed...

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#115: ..

by IceBlade775 on 04/16/2004 00:59

Ok, to run that would I just put /zzz/zzz/linux_Server ?

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#116: Re: ..

by D.plomat on 04/16/2004 11:26, refers to #115

You'd better create an executable script like call_cube_server.cgi that contains

killall linux_server.cgi

To avoid it being launched 2 times. This simple one to test if it works, then you can refine it like not killing the server before, but only launching if it isn't already running.

note: this script file must be in unix format so if you create on a windows PC to upload it, you should create it not with notepad but with some editor like textpad or similar on which you can specify to create a unix file.

About the file, i don't know how you can set it executable, maybe their server "auto chmod's" files in *.cgi ?

at least, as it worked in a cgi file, at this point it was for sure having the execute permission set, so if you still have it at the same place with cgi extension, you should try to call this one first.

Then in your crontab you add:
0 0 * * * /path/to/call_cube_server.cgi

to have it started everyday at midnight.
(put this if you want to test it at a specific time, let's say 12:30 :
30 12 * * * /path/to/call_cube_server.cgi
note: those times are on the server's timezone so you should check that before, or simpler, making it first start every 15 minutes for testing it first:
0,15,30,45 * * * * /path/to/call_cube_server.cgi

eventually if you have a problem with the caller script you can try to put directly /path/to/linux_server.cgi but then be sure to set it only once at a specific time, like
30 12 16 04 * /path/to/linux_server.cgi
for starting it the 16th of april at 12:30.
Also with this method you'll have to change this entry each time it is stopped for some reason (maintenance/upgrade of the server?) and as you don't have shell access, you can't stop it unless uploading a specific script with killall so try first the caller script solution.

/me still find it strange they don't give shell access, but allow uploading executables and scripts and crontab access...

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#117: ..

by IceBlade775 on 04/16/2004 21:14

Ok, I'll try that,

and in regards to this:

"About the file, i don't know how you can set it executable, maybe their server "auto chmod's" files in *.cgi ?"
I change the permissions with ftp or the file manager

"/me still find it strange they don't give shell access, but allow uploading executables and scripts and crontab access..."


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#118: linux_server

by ph0ok on 05/01/2004 15:25

my linux server outputs strange stuff:

sending request to ...
masterserver reply:

<TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE>
<H1>Bad Request</H1>
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<P>
Invalid URI in request GET localhostregister.do?action=add HTTP/1.0<P>
<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.27 Server at xxx.xxx.net Port 80</ADDRESS>

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#119: Re: linux_server

by ph0ok on 05/01/2004 15:27, refers to #118

maybe because of -mlocalhost ?
is there another way to disable the master-server thing?

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#120: Re: linux_server

by ph0ok on 05/01/2004 15:43, refers to #119

-milkshake is the same

dedicated server started, waiting for clients...
Ctrl-C to exit

looking up ...
sending request to ...
masterserver reply:

<TITLE>400 Bad Request</TITLE>
<H1>Bad Request</H1>
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<P>
Invalid URI in request GET ilkshakeregister.do?action=add HTTP/1.0<P>
<ADDRESS>Apache/1.3.27 Server at xxx.xxx.net Port 80</ADDRESS>

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#121: Protocaul 118?

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 05/02/2004 04:31

Hey, just wondering which cube version/mod uses protocaul 118.

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#122: CTF servs?

by Whiz_Kid121 on 05/04/2004 01:14

Are there actually any ctf or quad servs out there right now? Because whenever I try to connect to any of the servs:

1. CTF can't connect to any of the servers.

2. Quad connects but not the right protocol.


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