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Sauerbraten in a dll

by PlateWolf on 07/24/2006 01:50, 45 messages, last message: 03/24/2008 16:27, 15845 views, last view: 09/29/2024 00:33

Hi, I want to access Sauerbraten externally, did anyone managed to compile it in a dll ?
(Like SDL for example).

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#2: ..

by PlateWolf on 07/25/2006 02:24

I meant Sauerbraten the engine, not the game.
They share the name, right ?

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#3: ..

by djRobbieF on 07/25/2006 02:28

I wouldn't personally even try compiling as DLL. That, to me, seems to be a "Windows" format, and Sauerbraten (the game, the engine) is really great for multi-platform gaming.

It is GPL open source (the engine, not the game), so you can really compile it any way you like, I reckon. But the idea I believe, is to compile the engine into your own game, if that's what you're attempting; but I really don't see why you'd want to set it up in a dynamic link library when you can do so much more without the extra work.

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#4: ..

by PlateWolfAwayFromHome on 07/26/2006 00:03

I want to compile it in a dll couse I don't want to program my game in C / C++. I just said dll cause is the first thing that came into my mind, but I guess any option that allows me to access the engine externally would be ok.

Thanx for your answer.

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#5: Re: ..

by pushplay on 07/26/2006 02:25, refers to #4

The engine/game seperation isn't at that stage yet.

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#6: ..

by PlateWolf on 07/29/2006 01:02

Too bad, it's a great engine.
I hope it became usefull to us in the future.

Thanx for your time.

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#7: Engine

by Drakzz on 07/30/2006 12:25

Hm, what?
Some people surely do not know what shared libraries are.
djRobbieF: On Windows you have .DLL libraries. On UNIX you have .so libraries.

I think it would be a great idea to convert Sauerbraten engine into a DLL, really.

I might attempt that.

This would be a great thing becuase there would be no need to recompile all the Sauerbraten if one bug exists somewhere.

Another thing is that game makers could easily adopt the sauer engine to their games and this would be something like RAD (Rapid application development) - create the game without the actual internals, which the engine does.

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#8: It doesn\'t take that long.

by Todd5-0 on 07/30/2006 16:47

Compiling sauerbraten takes about 10 seconds on my computer.

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#9: ..

by PlateWolf on 07/31/2006 01:31

You can take a look at http://www.genesis3d.com/ to see what I'm talking about.
It may not make sense to do this for C/C++ programmers, but for companies that want to use other languajes it's a very important feature when it comes to evaluate engines.
In fact, in our case, it's a must.

Drakkz, please let me know how your efforts go. I've taken a couple of hours to do it but my C/C++ skills are not the best around.

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#10: What about Cross-Platform?

by Greywhind on 07/31/2006 01:44

If you just make a DLL, you will not be staying true to the spirit of Sauer, which is cross-platform. I would suggest making a Linux (.so) and Mac (framework) version too.

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#11: Guys

by pushplay on 07/31/2006 06:49, refers to #10

It's the same damn code to compile to so and dll.

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#12: ..

by djRobbieF on 07/31/2006 15:50

Personally, I like having Sauer in source... I can see how a DLL (or .so) would be nice for an end-user... but not for the development community.

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#13: ...

by stevo32 on 08/07/2006 07:16

Ok, first, for clarification. DLLs are windowses type of shared library. They're .so on linux and i don't know what they are on OS X. The point being, is that they're all the same damn code.

djRobbieF: Obviously it'll still come as source code, this'll just make it easier for people who aren't working in C/C++.

So, when people say the want it in a DLL, they want it as a shared library. It does make things easier, it really does. I think it'd be a great idea, just maybe one that'll get integrated later in development.


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#14: Re: ...

by bigsofty on 03/17/2008 16:51, refers to #13

So is it possible? I found a few threads on this but none conclusive.

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#15: Re: ..

by shadow....school on 03/17/2008 17:02, refers to #3

Sauer is NOT GPL, it is ZLIB. Open source and GPL are not synonymous...

As for the question, I don't see why you couldn't, but that's something you'd have to do on your own.

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#16: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/17/2008 18:59

Theoretically, it should be possible, but you'd have to go the way of definition files to export all the functions. And you probably wouldn't want to export some internal functions either.

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#17: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/17/2008 19:07, refers to #16

OK, just tried it. It seems that I got it to work, since the executable size got split in half, and it works fine.

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#18: ..

by HashBox3 on 03/17/2008 22:03

stevo32: They\'re .dylib on OSX I think.

And I agree that it would be awesome. Quite a few engines are used this way, Raydium comes to mind.

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#19: Re: ..

by bigsofty on 03/17/2008 22:34, refers to #17

Wow well done! Any chance we could see the result too please?

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#20: Yeah

by fdshjkfhsdkconorhfsdjk on 03/18/2008 00:52

If we got a Sauerbraten version into a DLL, SO, and DyLib, then I am sure some people would like to use it :)

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#21: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/18/2008 02:56, refers to #19

It's really easy to do for yourself (if you use CodeBlocks+MinGW, that is).
I'm going to challenge you to find out how to do it! It's quite simple. But if I get enough pressure I may just upload it and stick something on the wiki ;)

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