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Help Making A New Masterserver...

by DennisJm on 04/02/2005 02:12, 21 messages, last message: 04/22/2005 22:44, 2070 views, last view: 06/25/2024 21:07

Ok, I get an 'Internal Server Error' (Error 500) everytime I attempt to get my MasterServer up... I have installed the script from this post: http://www.cubeengine.com/forum.php4?action=display_thread&thread_id=370 ... But for some reason it will not work... I have done exactly what it says and no go... Anyone?

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#2: New Error:

by DennisJm on 04/02/2005 19:25

Now, atleast I get a 'Status Page' but this is what it says:

Software error:

Magic number checking on storable file failed at blib/lib/Storable.pm (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Storable/_retrieve.al) line 328, at masterserver line 212

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (webmaster@site4u.us.to), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

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#3: oh yeah...

by DennisJm on 04/02/2005 19:35

oh yeah, the site address is:


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#4: tried changing to:

by DennisJm on 04/02/2005 19:47

I tried changing to:

http://site4u.us.to/cube/masterserver.cgi and NO go..

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#5: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/02/2005 22:35

You have to reset it first I think, change the script so that it will do that in the main function and 'run' the script(go to the link). Then change it back and see if it works...

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#6: Re: ..

by DennisJm on 04/03/2005 00:06, refers to #5

how do I reset it??

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#7: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/03/2005 10:46

Okay try this:

In the end of the file there is a MAIN: section, than at the first line add &master_reset();
Re-run the script(go to the link) and remove that line. Than go to the link again and see if it works.

BTW: Make sure the permissions are set right, since the script has to make 2 files.

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#8: ok

by DennisJm on 04/04/2005 02:28

ok, Permission-wise, every time I change the folder to '777', it gives me the Internal Server Error..

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#9: Getting Status Page...

by DennisJm on 04/04/2005 02:45

The only time I can even access the 'Status Page' is when I have my folder and masterserver script set to '755' CHMOD... changing their permissions just gives me the internal server error...

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#10: FIXED!!

by DennisJm on 04/04/2005 02:51

Ok, I manually created the log files, and reset server... IT WORKS! THANKS MAN!!

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#11: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/04/2005 14:03

Sweet :-)
Weird that it only worked when the permissions where set to 755, for me only 777 works :)

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#12: wait.. lol..

by DennisJm on 04/05/2005 03:22

Wait lol... Now I have one more... It says
C:\RageD-Engine>bin\Server.exe -d
init: sdl
init: net
dedicated server started, waiting for clients...
Ctrl-C to exit

looking up ragedstudios.clearphp.com...
sending request to ragedstudios.clearphp.com...
masterserver reply:

<h1>Software error:</h1>
<pre>Send to socket: Operation not permitted at masterserver line 111.</pre>
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (<a href="mailto:webmaster@ragedstud
ios.clearphp.com">webmaster@ragedstudios.clearphp.com</a>), giving this error me
and the time and date of the error.


Now when I try to connect through the prompt...

http://ragedstudios.clearphp.com/cgi-bin/servers/masterserver gives me status page, but I cannot connect servers! :/

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#13: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/05/2005 10:19

Change the permissions of those 2 files? I don't think I had this problem...

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#14: ok..

by DennisJm on 04/05/2005 22:38

Ok, anytime I change permissions on the folder, the script, it screws EVERYTHING up, and gives me an internal server error... I will try some other things, but if you can help me further, please do!

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#15: ...

by DennisJm on 04/05/2005 23:04

Ok, it cannot Ping Me... All other Cube Servers can..

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#16: oh..

by DennisJm on 04/05/2005 23:57

oh, I tried commenting line # 111 out, but that was in the 'pinging' lines... I need to find out why I do not get permissions on it! :/


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#17: Line 111:

by DennisJm on 04/05/2005 23:59

Line 111 is

$sock->send($buf) or die "Send to socket: $!";

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#18: still waiting...

by DennisJm on 04/20/2005 00:27

I do not know if you thought my problem was fixed or not, so I am just going to inform you that it is not lol... Maybe, you could just post your actual 'masterserver.cgi' file and take out your passwords so I can see where my error is...


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#19: AHA!!

by DennisJm on 04/20/2005 02:29


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#20: ..

by Rick-Ubuntu on 04/20/2005 13:59

heh lol, what did you do? :-)

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#21: The reset..

by DennisJm on 04/22/2005 22:44

Helped me get the 'Reset' var... ;) Thanks..

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