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I cant start Cube

by niklas on 06/08/2003 11:15, 61 messages, last message: 11/18/2005 01:34, 30584 views, last view: 06/25/2024 21:55

when I run Cube with the cube_unix script my screen become black for a second and then nothing happen.. can someone help me?

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#2: ..

by pushplay on 06/08/2003 22:17

What OS? What video card? Did you update the drivers?

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#3: ..

by fulltimepc on 06/16/2003 21:16

hi! I get the following error when running cube_unix, WARNING: cannot use overbright ligthing using old ligthing model, and them cube show only 256 color where is the problem? I have mandrake 8.2 running en HP vectra 400

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#4: Re: ..

by pushplay on 06/17/2003 00:37, refers to #3

You don't need to post your question 3 times. It's annoying.

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#5: Im having problems starting cube!!

by IvanNYC on 06/27/2003 18:41

Hi, just downloaded cube...
I have an Win2K SP2(I think ;) ), P3 750, 384mb RAM, NVGeF256 32DDR....
anyhow, while starting up the last log line outputed to the win console used for the log is
init: video: mode

after which I force end the task...
then I get a error message that the program is being debuged...
at that point on the win console there is additional output with the last line being:
init: sound
what could this be?

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#6: ..

by Pathegreat on 06/27/2003 20:26

um mabe it could be a, fucked up file transfer you had when downloading it, mabe try and ree download it

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#7: Re: ..

by Piglet on 06/27/2003 22:13, refers to #6

A poor download of a zip file rarely leads to poor unziped content. It will usually make it impossible to unzip instead (thats the 'problem' with compression).

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#8: enet

by IvanNYC on 06/27/2003 23:43

yeah, I know its not a bad download.
looking at the source I can see that the problem is in the initsound() func. while the initialization is going on... that’s all before the mainloop begins.
but, no messages are reported in case of incompatibility... instead the engine just stops reacting... does anyone have any idea on how to fix this...
btw. I have one more question. I just looked at the source for a couple of minutes and it seems to me that the enet section of cube is built separately and represents the server. Am I right? I’m assuming this because there are two win32.c files in both the enet directory and main cube source directory, and even though I never had the need to use makefiles I can sort of read at and notice that there are two bins that are compiled.I also might be very wrong :).
Also today I read somewhere that the enet portion was done by some Carnegie guy, and was really praised by the cube author. Now Im not sure about this because I was just so excited that I "discovered" Cube today ;)and so I was basically just rushing through all the texts on it that I could find not remebering half of it;).
I must admit that network low-level functioning is the weakest point of my computer knowledge, so, could someone tell me if there are any features of this networking lib that make enet exciting... cause if there are it might be the reason for me to finally sit down for a couple of weeks and really understand network functioning...
thank you, I hope someone finds the time to answer my questions.
ah, also, 'oyoaha's' link to his sources and dsw files is not workin, just to mention it...

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#9: Piglet:

by pushplay on 06/28/2003 03:43, refers to #7

Actually, that's more of an advantage.

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#10: Ivan:

by pushplay on 06/28/2003 03:46

From what I understand from the code, it's optimized for passing around small values (which is most of the time). Also, and I don't know if this is a feature of enet or the code structure of Cube, it's easy as hell to add new message types with any number of parameters you like.

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#11: Re: Ivan:

by Aardappel on 06/30/2003 16:40, refers to #10

the messages (addmsg() etc) are part of cube's client-server code, not enet. Enet includes all code that starts with, um, enet_.

Eihrul has done a great job with enet. It is a small library that does exactly what you want, especially given there are hardly any alternatives.

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#12: Re: enet

by Thalion on 06/30/2003 23:25, refers to #8

Judging by what I've seen so far, the primary purpose of ENet is to be easily portable between platforms. You can use BSD sockets on any *NIX-like system, of course, but M$ screwed as always, and made their API similar, but incompatible. So either you have to use some kind of wrapper, or fill your code with #ifdef's.

As for the Makefile - it's for Linux. Windows version doesn't have a separate binary for the dedicated server, you just use a command-line switch (RTFM).

Your problem might be with drivers. Are you sure you have the latest ones installed and all?

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#13: your computer may suck

by yarrgh on 07/10/2003 19:44


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#14: Error message

by Corny on 07/12/2003 06:11

When i launch cube it wont use the lighting like menchend earlier, it also says it can not open the file newchar.png i ahve the file but it insisted on making crap about it.... Whats the problem?

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#15: Re: Error message

by Thalion on 07/12/2003 07:38, refers to #14

Do NOT run cube.exe in bin directory, run cube.bat!

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#16: a requirment....

by jean pierre on 08/20/2003 08:24

some 3D games require geforce to run like winmaze so buy 1 if u dont have 1 and geforce is the ultimate graphic card 3D games will run fast then before so it cost too much to play this game u must require a geforce

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#17: Re: a requirment....

by pushplay on 08/20/2003 09:50, refers to #16

You remind me of some body...

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#18: Cube execution error on Linux RH 9.0

by sklassen on 08/27/2003 18:11

# ./cube_unix
./bin_unix/linux_client: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any ideas how to fix this?

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#19: Re: Cube execution error on Linux RH 9.0

by pushplay on 08/27/2003 21:24, refers to #18

You need SDL and it looks like you don't have it.


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#20: HELP!

by nemesiss on 08/31/2003 04:38

I just discoverd this program today. I was shocked to see that their are actual 3d game engines out there without me knowing. To think I am finding this as soon as school starts.I spent most of the summer working with rm2k and got bored of it.

but anyway..I have the same problem as the original poster. I downloaded the file of of one of the mirror things and I can't get it to open! the readme file says to open the bat but it makes a black screen pop up for a split second and then disapears!! I tried following your instructions but its really confusing and im a newbie. so could anyone send me a very easy step by step file on whats wrong and how to open etc.. as I said I don't have much time since schools starting so I don't wanna spend 20hours figuring out how to open it!! is there another download source asides from the main page that might work? im redownloading it but I have no idea whats the problem or how to open so if someone could explain or even better mail me I would be soooo thankfull.

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#21: Re: HELP!

by pushplay on 08/31/2003 07:14, refers to #20

Open a command prompt from that folder and then run the bat. You'll be able to read what the error message is.

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