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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Cube Icons

by Darthvim on 05/20/2002 12:12, 27 messages, last message: 06/25/2005 06:10, 3800 views, last view: 06/17/2024 06:47

hi, i have made 2 cube icons , because it looked bad the one of the .bat file

here they're:

<img src="http://darthvim.covers.de/downloads/cube.ico">

<img src="http://darthvim.covers.de/downloads/cube2.ico">

i hope you like them :)

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#1: ..

by Darthvim on 05/20/2002 12:13

ok here they are !!!



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#2: ..

by Darthvim on 05/20/2002 12:13

please tell me ! :)

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#3: cube icons

by Goetzenzar on 05/20/2002 15:18

i like em :)

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#4: ..

by Darthvim on 05/20/2002 15:42

you must click right and then on save as.
the cube.ico must be in the same folder like the cube .bat

(normally it works automatically, there will be a shortcut with this icon )

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#5: Re: ..

by Bascule on 05/20/2002 16:29, refers to #4

Nice icons.... :)

I didn't understand what you meant about a shortcut? Do you mean that the Cube engine automatically uses an icon file if available or that Windows will do that?

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#6: ..

by Darthvim on 05/20/2002 17:44

yes, windows will do that normally

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#7: ..

by pushplay on 05/21/2002 02:43

Those look great. Mind if I pack it in with my general Cube config stuff?

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#8: ..

by Darthvim on 05/21/2002 11:42

they are free everyone can use them

and if you use them please metion me in your config or readme
thanks :)

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#9: ..

by ]NRWT[Deadman on 05/21/2002 15:48

Nice .ico Files!

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#10: Re: ..

by Al_Capone on 05/21/2002 23:05, refers to #9

There's no connection, are they still up ?

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#11: ..

by Darthvim on 05/22/2002 10:27

yes, but the server is for one or two days down for yesterday

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#12: ..

by Darthvim on 05/23/2002 20:58

the website is up now you can have a look on the icons again :)

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#13: server problems again?

by underworldfan on 05/26/2002 06:20

i can not connect to your site or get the icons :(

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#14: Re: server problems again?

by pushplay on 05/26/2002 11:24, refers to #13

I took the large icon and shoved it into my big sack of config modifications.


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#15: ..

by Darthvim on 06/17/2002 18:09

:) thank you

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#17: new ico

by DeFrag on 06/30/2002 02:20


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#18: ..

by Darthvim on 07/22/2002 14:07

looks nice too :)

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#19: Re: ..

by Al_Capone on 07/23/2002 06:10, refers to #18

Um, where are they ?

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#20: Sauer Icon

by tentus on 06/23/2005 19:26

I've been considering making a Sauerbraten icon for a while now, and i'd say that using these as a basis would not only make Sauer feel more continuous from Cube, but also make my job easier :)

My idea is to have three cubes lined up to make a rough S, by having a large slanted on in the center and then two deformed cubes up top and down bottom to complete the S. Simple, easily distinguishable. However, what colors should i use? I want to keep the black outline (of course), but i'd rather not use the blue; right now, as a temporary color, i'm using an orange which seems to work ok. What colors fit Sauer best, in the general opinion?

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#21: ..

by tentus on 06/23/2005 20:48


got some rough drafts done. Inside the zip is a simple, orange version of Darthvim's big icon, and then a basic (ok, pathetic) S-shape made of three deformed cubes. also in the zip are bitmaps if you want to mess with what i've done :)

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