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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

how do i get conected to my local host

by carbs on 05/26/2004 21:56, 1 messages, last message: 05/26/2004 22:04, 1251 views, last view: 05/24/2024 10:46

i get this mesage that said did not conect to server what do i do? and how do i make a new room to go to? how do i get my friends to join?

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#1: please be more explicit

by D.plomat on 05/26/2004 22:04

> i get this mesage that said did not conect to server what do i do?

What did you do to have this message?
net config, behind firewall?

> and how do i make a new room to go to?

You're speaking of a map? a private internet server? a LAN server? a physical room? :p

> how do i get my friends to join?

Start cube_server.bat, then:

if you're on the same network(LAN), tell them to type T then /connect the_ip_of_your_server

if you want them to join via internet, be sure that the machine running the cube_server.bat has a public IP address (or a port forwarding if you're behind a router/NAT)

then give them the public IP of this machine so they can type T then /connect the_ip

Or better, open a no-ip account http://www.no-ip.com , install the updater daemon/service and tell them to T /connect your_server.no-ip.com

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