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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by Fiasst on 05/17/2004 19:26, 21 messages, last message: 05/20/2004 21:13, 3807 views, last view: 06/17/2024 07:47

ive looked at the screen shots and im not sure what game this is.
i googled game programmer because i map for Counter-strike and im searching for a programmer to talk to about a posible new mod. im not sure if i should be posting here, so if you dont allow recruitment for MOD's here then delete this but it makes searching for a team that much harder.

If your intreasted and know your way around Counter-strike editing and want to know more then please contact me at

FirstNforthfinger [A] yahoo.co.uk
FirstNforthfinger [A] hotmail.com

and ill tell you more about the mod.

reguards Fiasst..

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#1: ..

by arghvark on 05/17/2004 21:03

Why cant you just post more about it here? It is likely to get more response.

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#2: Re: ..

by jcdpc. on 05/17/2004 21:14, refers to #1

i dont really think this is a good place for such a post since most of us arent programmers, and if i had to guess i'd say they most of us dont like counterstrike...

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#3: Well...

by Pxtl on 05/17/2004 21:19

I don't like CS, but I can see its merits. Hopefully whatever platform we put together with Sauer will allow players to develop mods easily enough that a CS clone could happen.

Still, original poster is your typical toddler modder who exclaims "I like CS and have ideas! Now I need a coder so I can explain my 5-minute daydream to him so he can work 14-hour days for 5 months to make it for me for free!!" Sadly, Half-Life seems to attract these in droves. One more reason I prefer the UT platform mods.

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#4: ..

by arghvark on 05/17/2004 21:24

Hey, I program and I like CS too (only at LANs and with friends though)

/me constructs a flame proof house

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#5: ..

by Fiasst on 05/17/2004 22:09

easy 'pxtl' lets keep it friendly.
i assure you im not that sort of HL editor.

and the reason im posting here is there isnt any sites with MOD forums so its better to post everywhere than nowhere.

ill talk abit about the mod 'Nightrunner'

its a 3rd person multiPLR online, if your not familiar with 'Free Running' or 'Le-parkour' then its a sport where you pick a city, pick a start point and a finish point way across town. then race to get to the finish as fast as you can. Let nothing stop you, not police, not security, CCTV, cars, buildings nothing. its based on a couple of games - Tony hawk PS1 and GTA. theres a caree mode(single player) run online(32 ppl max servers to run with your clan) time trials mode and a practice town. tricks could be from all sports inc. free running such as back flips, fronts, 360's, grabs, grinds(if your player has soap shoes)and much more.
the game could run real soundtracks, have real cities, .dem movie trails in caree mode. theres alot more to get a programmer intreasted but ive said enought.

so please if you like the sound of this Shout me.

If your still not sure about the sport www.le-parkour.com

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#6: This isnt CS

by Waw on 05/17/2004 22:22

In case you didnt notice, this is not a CS forum. its for Cube. These requests would probably get a better response at a forum specializing in CS or at least half-life

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#7: ..

by Fiasst on 05/17/2004 22:24

they lock my threads because as soon as you mention MOD people always get too serious.

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#8: Re: ..

by Reagan77 on 05/17/2004 22:24, refers to #5

pxtl stfu.
Id be more than happy to help out Fiasst, ive been looking for a project for a long time.
I have my own team but more than likely theyll demand paying lol i can sort out the expences.
If you want this to be a success though i suggest you try to recruit a few more.
If people are bein stubborn or are just plain pricks then inform me.
if theyre any good ill know them.
Ill email you details.

happy hunting,

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#9: Sorry to come off sour but...

by Pxtl on 05/17/2004 23:13

I've just heard six billion of these requests on other forums. It gets very old very fast.

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#10: Nightrunner

by Fiasst on 05/17/2004 23:35

this isnt like the other requests im prepared to do more that my fair share to create a decent mod.

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#11: ..

by arghvark on 05/17/2004 23:40

I still dont understand what the mod wants to be like.

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#12: Really?

by Whiz_Kid121 on 05/18/2004 01:23

"...the reason im posting here is there isnt any sites with MOD forums so its better to post everywhere than nowhere."

Try the gamedev.net forums. They have specific forums dealing with mod-making and 'Help Wanted' - getting a team started.

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#13: Ummm,

by e:n:i:g:m:a on 05/18/2004 01:57

This is the CUBE forum, you might wanna head over to http://www.gamingforums.com and register there to talk about CS

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#14: ..

by arghvark on 05/18/2004 02:23

Or http://www.moddb.com

my other home.

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#15: Fiasst

by pushplay on 05/18/2004 05:37

There's nothing wrong with a reasonable request for interest.

It sounds like a decent project, but isn't winning simply a matter of memorizing the maps? Wouldn't players become extremely new-map-o-phobic?

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#16: Fiasst

by pushplay on 05/18/2004 05:37

There's nothing wrong with a reasonable request for interest.

It sounds like a decent project, but isn't winning simply a matter of memorizing the maps? Wouldn't players become extremely new-map-o-phobic?

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#17: ..

by Fiasst on 05/18/2004 10:45

thanks for all the site links ill try them all.

this sports like skating in a way, you can hit the same hand rail with a thousand diffrent tricks. if your into the sport and you walk around a city your questioning how fast you can get down those steps and how to get over that roof..ect so everything in maps is a obsticle its not a route like in CS maps example: de_dust were you go right or left. In these cities you can go over buildings, underground in some cases but weather its faster depends on your skill.

i can see why you think this could get repetative but im so bored with 'dust' i may bang my head on a wall. and pleople say "its a classic!"

you understand that im talking to everbody about the sorta things i'd talk to a team about so any further questions please e-mail me not post them here.

reguards Fiasst..

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#18: ..

by shahar2k on 05/18/2004 10:54

uhm, well this sounds interesting, but to pull off a parkour mod, you'd have to have one hell of an animation system, not sure half life engine will do (unless you're using something else)

for those who dont know, Parkour, Freestyle walking, Free running, whatever you might call it, is basically what you would imagine tony hawk would be without the skateboard, I have friends who practice this, and it could be quite interesting if done well.

this could actually apply itself well to Sauerbraten because it's an engine that is built on a set grid (grids) much like tony hawk's tile-based 3D engine.

hope you have some good luck with this, sounds like an interesting project

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#19: Re: ..

by KitchenKnif on 05/19/2004 23:34, refers to #2

Not exactly all of us
I Kinda like it...

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#20: ..

by Fiasst on 05/20/2004 13:13


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