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Alice Mc Gee Graphic engine superior: light&beautiful ?

by zatalaroch on 12/02/2007 14:49, 45 messages, last message: 12/07/2007 04:52, 21809 views, last view: 06/18/2024 05:34

I always thought that \"Alice Mc Gee Graphic engine \" gave wonderful atmosphere, sounds, and graphics.
The game is impressively light and beautiful. It runs smoothly on any computer with giving complex maps, buildings, objects.

Would Sauerbraten be possibly as beautiful ?

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#1: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 12/02/2007 18:18, refers to #1

That game is 7+ years old, I would hope it runs great on todays pc. I wouldn't start comparing a q3 engine game to sauerbraten, but the rendering features of sauerbraten exceed the q3 engine in many ways.

Alice was cool, and very pretty for it's time...but anything you see in that game can be done in sauerbraten, AND much more.

The hardware required to run Alice won't even render much of sauerbratens rendering features.

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#2: ..

by w 400% on 12/02/2007 21:19

dont start a war of game engines. That is a war no one will ever win.

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#3: ..

by WTM on 12/02/2007 22:04

kurtis: Actually, you lied :P. You see elevators in that game, where are those in sauerbraten?

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#4: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 12/02/2007 22:09, refers to #3


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#5: ..

by James007 on 12/03/2007 04:47

i have been playing Cube and Sauerbraten for years and i still dont even know what CVS is and if it works on mac or not. (Someones answer- OMG, LOOK ON TEH WEB SITE NOOB!!!1!111)

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#6: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/03/2007 05:09, refers to #5

CVS stand for Concurrent Versions System. Now you know what it is :D
If you get a CVS client (google that) you can download the CVS version of Sauer. Look on the Sourceforge CVS guide thingy for more.

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#7: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/03/2007 05:46, refers to #6

Said guide thingy is here: http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=102911

Dunno what you need for Macs, but I think you start off with Xcode...

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#8: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 12/03/2007 09:42, refers to #7

Yes, simly follow the instructions on the sourceforge-website, then from your cvs code, open /src/xcode/sauerbraten.xcodeproj in Xcode and compile by hitting the 'Compile' button.

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#9: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 12/03/2007 09:43, refers to #8

Oh, and you must download and install the SDL library from here:

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#10: ..

by zheddo on 12/03/2007 14:47

"open /src/xcode/sauerbraten.xcodeproj in Xcode" that part I dont quiet understand. I do not get an option for compiling, and when i googled it it described a 900 MB! tool to download... Is Xcode already part of the Mac OS X system (as there are present xcode directories, and xcode files) or will I have to download the 900 MB tool in order to "compile" the sauerbraten.xcodeproj?

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#11: Re: ..

by absinth_grr on 12/03/2007 15:19, refers to #10

Xcode is on the Mac OS X install DVD, it is an optional install. the 900 MB download is if you need an more recent version.

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#12: ..

by Julius on 12/03/2007 15:57

wow, compiling sure is annoying to set up on consumer OSes (Windows and Mac).
Glad I am on Linux were it works almost out of the box :p

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#13: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/03/2007 16:17, refers to #12

Actually, on Windows XP (if you don't use the M$ compilers) it is quite painless. All I had to do is install code::blocks with mingw (one single package) and open the mingw project file, and it compiled flawlessly!

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#14: CVS update on Mac

by JadeMatrix on 12/03/2007 16:21

Here we go again (accidentally cleared my original post)...

Open Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app

Paste " cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@sauerbraten.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/sauerbraten login" without quotes


It will ask you for a password; ignore, and enter/return again

Paste " cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@sauerbraten.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/sauerbraten co -P sauerbraten" without quotes


The CVS sauerbraten folder will download automatically into your home folder.

To compile, try following my newbie instructions in the "Most Wanted Feature" thread, #3853.

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#15: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 12/03/2007 16:24, refers to #13

Yeah, same here... Only snag I hit was when I installed MingW to C:\Program Files\MingW, and C::B was expecting it in C:\MingW... Took quite a while to find the option to change that.

If I ever write code in Windows, I'll be using Code::Blocks.

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#16: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 12/03/2007 16:27, refers to #12

You can easily only install gcc on OS X without the whole Xcode IDE and compile about the same way on OS X as you compile on Linux. ;-)

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#17: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/03/2007 16:50, refers to #15

Heh, that's exactly what I thought when I tried it. I instantly banned dev-c++ from my computer. I have three compilers I'm using with c::b; MinGW, MSVC++ 2003 and 2005 express editions. I also tried M$'s IDE's, but those pretty much sucked in my opinion. So take my word for it (I'm actually coding in Windows :-))!

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#18: ..

by zheddo on 12/03/2007 16:59

"cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@sauerbraten.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/sauerbraten login" gives me the answer "-bash: cvs: command not found"

suggestions? :)

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#19: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 12/03/2007 17:30, refers to #18

Install cvs? :) Actually, I know nothing about the Mac platform, so don't listen to me. That suggestion was just a logical deduction :D

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#20: ..

by absinth_grr on 12/03/2007 17:55

cvs comes with the developer tools, aka Xcode

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